To reflect on the production of pedagogical material with the use of the TIC sends in them to think about the technological evolution and the globalization that today was become popular in the use of these tools in the classroom, as support for the construction of the knowledge and support of education learning. When we use the TIC in pedagogical practical ours, these transform our lessons making possible a bigger interatividade with the pupils, that goes beyond the classroom. Therefore in the current days they are component of the learning environment that stimulate in the process teach-learning. Today, it is urgent to knock down paradigm, of the one not to work with the directed eyes it traditional education and to leave of sees intelligence as inherent to the mind human being, therefore, without any necessity of being learned to be conditional to the old molds of work. In my opinion, this work with production of pedagogical material of learning mediated for computer in them takes the deep reflection on practical ours, courage and same audacity to search the new. In this source we propitiate to our pupil the construction of the learning of significant form perceiving the new tools that the technology presents in them in order to consolidate a learning of quality and innovator.
The pupils today have easiness in the use of the technologies. The alone computer did not measure learning, therefore we need to condition our pupil to look at this tool with vision of knowledge production. For this the professor must use this resource of adjusted form, similar to promote motivation, to favor the development of capacity and comment, to awake the interest of educating approaching it of the reality and bringing visualization and concretion of the worked contents. Therefore we know that many, still are become attached very to the chalk and the black picture, from fear of the new technologies, leaving to launch higher flights.