The Professional

The duties of the Director include: selection of the performers artistic, person-leading implementation of the scheduled substance (as opposed to camera, which is a private resort) monitoring post production directed by a video production directly include: Director and the script. A video production can be divided according to the stages of development and financing, pre-production, shooting, editing and evaluation. The specified modes on the example of a feature film or TV movie production resembles the following present: A video project may have very different beginnings. At the beginning, the idea can be an editor, producer, scriptwriters or Director. It can PC games, novels and comics are adapted or one original idea. Editors, producers and directors can get offered a project to different phases, but also the author of a film can be its own considerations, implement if necessary with the help of another artist. The expose, which includes eight pages at a 90 Minuter about to explain the story to short and consistent with figures and temporal classification is at the early stage of development. Next level is the treatment (Handlungstext without dialogue) and at the end, the finished screenplay is (Handlungstext with dialog and EV.) Directions, camera position, etc.).

Already this phase requires some effort, the coordination of many and some contractual and financial preparations and inputs for the development of the screenplay in the professional field. Running in parallel to the creative development of the organizationally economic film financing. After securing the funding and placing an order at a video production to the realization of the film before production begins: there will be locations wanted the film team assembled equipment rented, hired actor, dollies and contracts drawn up. The actual filming for a video production will take place according to a schedule, which does not necessarily reflect the final order of the scenes in the film, but is determined by the logistics of the production. In post production, the then completed film is out of the picture and sound material. It includes among others the film editing and Visual effects for video production.

In parallel usually starts the commercialization of the resulting videos. Finally, there is the evaluation of a video production. Comes to what time the video in the cinemas or in television or released on DVD, including also depends the competitors, who are currently on the market. So can thematically very similar videos or films steal each other customers and be avoided. But also imitations of success concepts occur.