The Onrica

41). In the human axle, the espiritualidade of the poetical one arises the way of the overcoming between the opposites paradise and hell, giving to the man the condition to reach its espiritualidade, which satisfies it the state of rise when reaching the present height biggest in artistic when if ' ' it polarizes the sensible of height to easily receive, moral the valuations and prometicas&#039 social; ' (P. 42). In the source of ' ' The water and sonhos' ' it is possible to understand the movement of the bark in air as the onrico flight of the man in air. This authorizes the agreement of that ' ' man is packed to the happiness, also submitted to a happiness without limite' ' (P. 43).

With this, the imagtico process tracing for the bark and air alleges to the man who the sublimidade of the artistic one is present in its dream, in its flight. Therefore, ' ' poetical images created by the poet must add a movement to them to understand it for them action potica' ' (P. 46). In this sequncia, the sonhador is capable to live a great experience for the slightness of air and the agility of the wing, being allowed that this sees ' ' the great illuminations of the nocturnal life and if raise until full luz' ' (P. 49). For result of this illumination, the reader of the artistic one sees that the fullness of the light leads to the espiritualidade with that God shows the overcoming of the suffering of the darknesses for the largeness of the light spiritual. In these notes brief, the subliming of the flight dream is reached by the dinamicidade of its imagination, therefore ' ' if it will understand that, in the imagination human being, the flight is a transcendncia of grandeza' ' (P. 64). The artistic one in the poetical one of the Imbricado wings in the flight dream, the poetizao for the wings exceeds the onrica source and accents the devaneio for the expansion of the artistic visualization.