The Importance

(OF Where apud, MATURANA, p 346, 2002). Importance of the perceptions and the structure of the nervous system so that it has a symbiosis and the body if it integrates in it, where by means of this construction of verbal and corporal language is verified it the learning better is apprehended. Such individual learning with interaction also with the other, to search an education, that the alunato can acquire with the corporal movements and understanding its body and its relation with the other, improving its visual, space perceptions, the respect the individualities and the space of the other, in an education and re-education, socializadora and supplier of one better quality of life, for understanding to be the man a being biopsicossocial. It is of primordial importance that the educator has this ampler focus in corporeidade and motivates in its aprendentes becoming a reflection on its prxis educative, improving not only its relations of interactions partners between pupil-pupils and professors? pupils, but that games and tricks have a dimension of bigger amplido, also being able the ensinante to stimulate in aprendente one better performance in excessively you discipline, that is, taking itself he disciplines it for its work of corporeidade and vice he turns. It is evidenced that the movements psicomotores of the children more are accented, when exercise through games and tricks also its learnings, the constructions and cognitions are extended for certain, in the taking of decisions, the productions of arts and in you discipline them to all, for understanding that the psychic movements follow the movements of the body. Educators who use themselves of this motivation of the importance of corporeidade, will get resulted excellent with its alunato, a pedagogical work with this dimension will help in the interdisciplinaridades, factor that awakes the constructions of learnings. He observes yourself that, therefore as in any modality of learning, it is necessary that the ensinante, knows its proper one body, exactly has a vision of corporeidade of itself so that this vision in its can work aprendente.