MadridTel Training

Aranda training group is a company dedicated to training for over 18 years, their proven experience has led them to focus mainly on four large pillars that make up its teaching objective today. Specialties Aranda training oppositions courses professional languages computing Au nthat efficiency, rigor and quality have been from the beginning present in the formative work of Aranda formation, is in this last year when these three values have become a real obsession of his entire team. The best and most up-to-date texts of preparation, with the inclusion of multimedia in most of them, are a great tool that helps all our students from the beginning, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and connecting them with new technologies in teaching materials. This type of training allows all kinds of students with more or less time can tailor your course to their own needs, customizing the hours of study and facilitating compatibility with the rest of their activities. The combination of group with individual tutoring classes translates into the high percentages of approved that students of oppositions have, and extraordinary preparation that students of Aranda training courses professionals demonstrate (No. 1 of the last call of FIFA agent during one of our student got it). This preparation is certified in the growing number of companies seeking Aranda training students to perform the practices and to be part of your job board.

But what the Aranda group training is most proud, what really makes the difference with any other training center is its teaching staff. Aranda training only allowed preparers workers with higher qualifications and extensive experience in academic preparation. The term preparation INTEGRAL acquires real meaning in Aranda training centres, and is getting its students have no more limitations on their future than their own preferences.