Secretary General

It was the one who settled down the subject of the universal rights like a priority of the foreign policy of the United States, consequently encouraged anywhere in the world to the defenders of those rights. Carter tried to isolate the international human rights of the tangles of the policy of East and the West in the Cold War and of the North-South debates on economic subjects between the industrialized countries and not industrialized. This gave new impetus and major legitimacy to the organizations of human rights in all the planet is due to have present in relation to the reach of the human rights, antecedents because it was in the middle of decade of 1970 when the subject of the human rights was gotten up completely to the multilateral and bilateral foreign policy. The European United States and several countries began to include the practices of human rights between their requirements to grant outer aid. If you would like to know more about Linux, then click here. Later, the Final Act of Helsinki of 1975 explicitly introduced the human rights in the main agenda of the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War arrived at its aim at the end of the decade of 1980, and the Soviet flag was struck of the Kremlin the 25 of December of 1991.

The CSCE, that until then was dedicated to organize meetings and conferences, assumed a more important role: to administer the historical change that was taking place in Europe. It changed his name by the one of Organization for the Security and the Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and today is the greater organization of regional security in the world, with 56 countries of Europe, Asia Central and North America like members. Linux gathered all the information. The Declaration of Copenhagen and the Principles of Paris of the OSCE they have had enormous influence like parameters to even measure the performance in the matter of human rights and the file of the democratic states. Years 70 were also the decade in which they arose like a political force international notable nongovernmental organizations (ONG) worried about the human rights Those groups, besides defending to the victims of abuses against the human rights, have influenced in remarkable form in the national and international policies in that heading. The smaller doubt, as does not fit it is indicated, that with the course of the time, to an instruments set of and developed mechanism have been developed to assure priority the human rights and to do against the violations of the human rights wherever they happen. That not to forget what the Secretary General of the United Nations for year 2.000 said: " At the most their own rights know the towns and respect the rights of the others, greater probability will have of than they live peacefully together. Many writers such as Michael Steinhardt offer more in-depth analysis. Only if we instructed to people about the human rights we will be able to aspire to avoid the violation of those rights and, in this way, to aspire also to avoid conflictos". original Author and source of the article.

Internal Front

It arrives at the margins of the Coco river with several dozens of companions, but their contradictions with Noel Guerrero Santiago (that just a short time later deserts and abondona for always the revolutionary fight) and the necessity to fortify the Internal Front avoid their participation in the guerrilla rural and it travels in December to Matagalpa. One comments, that in 1963 leaves again towards Honduras in January and in February it returns to Nicaragua. Against its will and in spite of the efforts that make stay presents/displays during 1963 within the guerilla forces, because of their differences and criticisms to the methods of work imposed by Noel Guerrero, it must remain outside the combative zone doing works organizational and directing the formation of the Internal Front, the training schools, the armed operations, that in that time (of February to August) the Urban Resistance executed. Between November and December it studies the Nicaraguan guerrilla movement and the revolutionary fights of other towns. Very interesting it is the antecedent, that in 1964, that after entering the country to fortify the structures of the Internal Front, in May moves to Managua. The 20 of June Lopez is caught in the district San Luis with Thrown Victor. The 8 of June eseribe the pamphlet From the jail I accuse Ia dictatorship. On the following day it declares in the court they condemn and it to six months of prison.

The 21 of September writes " This is verdad" , test in which refutes an official notice of the government. In the jail it visits a from Leon girl, Maria Haydee Tern, whom for the first time knows. The 6 of enerode 1966 are deportee to Guatemala in a small plane. " Of that way – day wrote later is expelled to me by third time of Nicaragua, the dear Mother country. If, expelled three times in my young life from my Nicaragua.


What initially it happens is probable that it is chemistry. What happens after it varies, nevertheless, generally follows east landlord. When the woman discovers that she is married, she will leave in clear that she does not have relations with married men. That is the signal that the man enters the conquest way. He to possibly persecute it during years because him it likes the hunting.

It is going to continue denying her advances, as long as she it cantolerate or she catches until it in a while weak and vulnerable. If it has a good relation in her life, areshe possibilities can last to him more, but it is unmarried, married, or unfortunate e, that is possibly going to succumb. Why? Because the man is so charming, the is wonderful, he is a shining horseman of armor, is a hero, who is this wonderful dedicated man of family, who is wonderful with her children and kind to her wife. So the woman wonders itself what is doing? It continues saying that and the more she does not say that no, most aggressive and charming and kind who receives. This it is the last masculine challenge, to gain to a woman who is saying not although he knows that it really feels attracted by him. A married man is going to work more duro than any man available to make a woman falls in love with him. He will be more charming, affectionate, kind and wonderful that a woman can imagine that any man can be. Then, what happens next she is this woman who finally surrenders to her feelings by this man, asks to him that he leaves to his wife by her. The answer of him is almost inevitable who one of both, but I am married and me neverleave my wife or yes, I am going to leave wife, but still not (that is not ready, my children are very small, who can " t to allow itself, nevertheless, my mother will not approve etc Initially), the woman is going to respond with wrath.

President Gordon Hinckley

International analyst To the 97 years of age died the Prophet of mormones. No contemporary leader of a creed or nation has had such longevity. Hinckley was mentor of Romney, one of both suction leading to North American bureaucracy. Bush, who it decorated to him with the greater civil medal from the USA to the year that Hinckley endorsed its invasion to Iraq, homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his wisdom and friendship to him. Hinckley dedicated or constructed of the 125 temples mormones of the world. With him mormones is today more outside the USA than in that country. Also they are the fourth greater religious organization of this power and one of which it supports and more it influences the Divided governor Republican. It tended bridges towards the evangelical ones and today hers is the native church of the USA that grows more in the world (Time considered that for century aims they could have 280 million of mormones).

When swearing that the first Americans and Polynesians were lost tribes of Israel they have pierced in sectors of those populations who therefore approach the most preservative wings of Washington. Gordon Hinckley (23/06/1910 27/01/2008) death of prophet mormn and his legacy Sunday 27, mormones, while still they savored the fact that Mitt Romney became the first coreligionist his in being heading the interns of one of the great North American parties, found out that his President Gordon Hinckley had passed away. George W. Bush homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his friendship and wisdom to him. Hinckley was one of those who it transformed to the mormonismo in one of the religions that more influence to Washington and which grows proportionally more in the world. Its legacy deserves to be studied. Hinckley, that died gracious to the 97 years of age, was the oldest leader of any creed or country.

Professional Beauty

To be in form like life style Some ideas to have one more a life balanced and full of well-being and beauty! There is nothing like the routines really to have a plan of action for cuidarte, so to finish with the month, I am going to tell to you what would be a plan of weekly action, to carry out little by little and to be radiating of beauty always and without effort. We will divide the routines in two parts: Taken care of of the body Taken care of of the face Taken care of of the body If you take care of the skin of your body every day, will see that when arrives the summer and the moment for shining skin, you will feel very comfortable with same you. These are the weekly routines of beauty: Exfoliation once or twice per week. With exfoliation a smooth one. corporal, daily Hydration. After the shower.

Hydration of hands and feet, daily, better morning and night. daily specific Treatments with reafirmante or anticelultica cream, according to the case. Manicure and pedicura in house once to the week. Professional treatment whenever it is possible: Exfoliation and hydration twice to the year. tratante Massage (lymphatic, reafirmante, anti celultico): if it is necessary, once a month or a pair of months before the spring. Taken care of of the face Nor that to say it has, if you take care of the face now, you will better have a skin now and in the future. If you are of that you lie down without removing makeup or you never find time for aplicarte a mask, proponte to begin to change your routines. These are the weekly routines of beauty: Cleaning tomorrow and night.

Hydration and protection mornings. Hydration nights. special Hydration in contour of eyes tomorrow and night. Exfoliation once to the smooth exfoliation week with a specific one for your skin. Mask of treatment (hidratante, of luminosity, regenerator ) following your needs. Professional treatment whenever it is possible: face Cleaning every three months or following your type of skin. Visita the dermatologist annually and whenever to your it indicates it doctor.

Mental Education

Perhaps ours they are correct or better, but that does not have importance. Our objective is to win. And if to win, for one, it is to be promoted and increases of pay, to gain credibility and to obtain the confidence of " those of arriba" , we will have that to obey rules that we did not do. It is possible to be chosen between winning or demonstrating that we are in the certain thing, but rarely we will be able to make both things at the same time. Finally, it tmese in account, that to try to change the rules in other people’s territory is a game that we cannot to win; we try whenever it there will be a price that to pay. That price can be anger, frustration, depression or something worse. It can cost to us time, money, credibility and until use. Naturally, even playing in other people’s territory we can to choose.

We can gather ours ball and to return to house. If not us it likes the head, we can to resign or to request a transfer. If the negative part of a relation weighs more than the positive one, we can to cut that relation. If we do not like you limit them of speed, we can stop leading by those routes or not travel more in car. The fact is that, even in other people’s territory, the decision is ours. We can to choose between having left we or to go to us. *Fuente: School of Mental Education Original author and source of the article.

Popular Power Design

An association that reunites to a group of parents and representatives of students of the organization carabobeo made a call to the people who have some relative studying, that seriously analyzes the proposal of curricular summary, because on it depends the future on pasHay that indicates, that the factories are " " a loss of time and lack of respect towards the professionals of educacin" " then, according to it assured, " " the group of facilitators in charge to distribute the new curricular design does not count on the tools nor the necessary formation for hacerlo" ". The union leader of the teaching arageo considered that the socialist educative proposal, that it tries to introduce through curricular design, was rejected by the majority of the Venezuelan population the 2 of December of the 2007, when not being approved the project of constitutional reform, thus considers itself illegal to the new curricular design, whose foundations stay against the effective Constitution of the Bolivariana Republic of Venezuela, as well as, of the Statutory law of Education and its Regulation of the Educational Profession In spite of everything, the holder of the office Ministry of the Popular Power for Educacin (MPPE) Adam Chvez, older brother of president Chvez, indicates, that it advances in the preparation of the educational ones for the implementation of the Curriculum of Sistema Educativo Bolivariano (CSEB). , it assured that for the end of next July 300 thousand educators will be enabled to develop the new contents in scholastic year 2008-09. From their announcement, in September of 2007, the sectors academic, trade union, magisterial and the private education have rejected their execution. The reasons: &quot violates the Constitution in the 102; " a democratic and plural education respect to all the currents of pensamiento" " , and the Statutory law of Education, when creating a new educative system and areas of knowledge that are not contemplated and therefore he is illegal.


Everything in the coarse universe is order. When God I create all the things it did, them and it put in sequence. From the galaxies, planets, stars, etc. and all the others it is in the indicated place and nothing moves of place without the will of Him. When the town of God (Israel) marched towards engaged earth (Canan), it says the book to it of exodus in the Bible, that was an organization in such a way that tribes and each tribe with their standard and its leader grouped themselves in the desert by. All the nations have an organization in the type of government that they have. Everything enters within an order.

That way it must have an order or organization within each family. The father, the mother, the children, and each fulfills a roll, responsibilities and rights. The familiar life must be organized in the tasks and tasks, but that difficult are when we did not have an example or model to follow; whatever is taken place to learn to be organized. We know that the father is the supplier, the protector, the one that the family supports in everything, mainly to the wife, in understanding, consideration, affection, aid in domestic tasks. We must recognize that the woman plays a very important role within the house and is the one that more tasks she has and therefore the one that works more. For one it tries I am going to mention the following thing: it washes to frets 3 times per day, sweeps, lava it tends, it irons and gancha the clothes, it makes eat, clean the windows, and sometimes the car, advises, takes and brings the children to the school, aid you tare to do them, makes the purchases of the foods, etc. etc. Then etc.

and more etc. as parents we must assign, to advise time and time again to our children on the order of its properties, like the place where they must put his knapsacks. We must order to our children the hour to them to make its tasks, it is not when they want, nor when have time, in this sense we must be strict and not to clear the finger of the line. Fodder that also we must mention the respect and obedience to them of the rules of the school and the hall classes. One is due to teach to them to put its clothes from early age, to fasten its shoes, to comb themselves, to wash its mouth, in such a way that when the teachers arrive at the school are not battling with these things that correspond to the family parents. We speak of rules in house to have an order and an organization and if therefore we make our children will be and reflect our well-taken care of attention and. Putting in sequence and teaching this to our children cost, we had because it to learn in own meat. But when in us the order becomes a habit, then we will march in autopilot. Finally we will harvest what we seeded in our children and will teach it and so on children to their. That to these mistresses serve words to help you to which.

Fiscal Policy

Of this form, Silvia tied with Mabel, her employee for all service, both said that they were friendly, however, when one talked about the other, in the social circles that they frequented, the used eptetos, let glimpse the displeasure with great difficulty content, it is that to speak bad of an employee and to complain than it does, it is considered natural between the landlords, like also, to say that a landlord, is a thoughtless one and operating, it is a logical reaction of those who tasks in dependency relation develop. Now, to think in forming a guild Silvia, to the association that groups to the retailers, nor to speak, that it is also part of the marginality, to the equal of Mabel, she it demands its rights, but he is not able to resort to the union defends that it and represents So much as the other, use its reasons, they complain and they protest of the system, they feel like part of the society, they are part of the informal economy, its income are integrated to the great volume that move the markets, are like small docks of containment that bring about the constant drain of the resources anticipated by the fiscal policy of the turn governments, the short cuts that have taken provides to them in the mediate thing, but there are without it premeditaded, without they have the intention to cause it, are part of the great mortgage that conditions to them the future. It is that life histories you decipher as them in this article, are aspects of a same social framework, a demonstration of which unmannerliness and under-development, are brother twins, daughters of the improvisation of the governor, who, dictates the norms with a hand, and the flock with the elbow of the indifference to the social reality that it surrounds to them. Hugo W..

Technical Analysis

The Estocstico is an Oscillator that compares the present price of a currency with the prices of the same currency in a certain period If we are in the presence of a bullish tendency, the prices of closing of a currency obvious tend to be near the maximum values of that currency. To the inverse one, when the tendency is bear, the prices of closing tend to be near the minimum prices of that currency. These oscillating identify a pair of lines, %K and %D, being last %D, the one that indicates the probable signals of purchase or sale. Generally almost all the TRADING platforms of the different Broker houses have this indicator, that it is reflected in the graphs of each pair of currencies. There is a datum point for each line, settling down a species of channel in which both move. The part superior of the channel shows value 70 and the inferior shows value 30 The advantage of these estocsticos is the one identification " divergencia" with respect to the series of prices of a pair of currencies.

When the line %D it locates over 70 and it forms &quot every time; maximum more bajos" whereas the prices form " minimums more and more altos" , one takes place what one is denominated " divergence bajista" . When the line %D is placed below 30 and forms &quot every time; minimums more altos" , whereas the prices form " maximums more and more bajos" , one takes place what one is called " divergence alcista". The sale or purchase signals can be produced when the line of %K cuts to the line of %D. These signals significant if they take place in the maximums or the minimums of the estocstico, always will only be transferred line 70 (upwards) or of the 30 (downwards). The best results can be obtained in the weekly graphs. It is recommended to use these oscillating like complements of other indicators, since the signals that can give must be confirmed and not to take themselves from isolated way. More information in Original author and source of the article.