
The term of your relationship is not two weeks, but something goes wrong. And one of the partners believe that love begins to leave, and that you’d better leave, preferably permanently. Here, certainly not panic, everything is quite natural, if it’s really love, not partner head, it’s simple as ABC. As we know, love it activity of the body, and if in the midst of relationship when you only get to know each other, discover a partner for something new, something other than the very love in your relationship there is passion and interest of the unknown, then after a while you already know each other inside out, too, is a passion, because sexual relations are stable, there is something new, the fact that so attracted before.

And this is called crisis (1, 3, 5, 10) years of relationship (please underline). Here too, if not run away in search of adventure adventurous, you can congratulate you with pride – it’s real love that just simply moves to a new level of relations. Kind of transition age relationships as a teenager 13 years, and capricious changes in mood every hour. This change of habitat, there also may include birth, or marriage. In this situation, as well as in the previous There is nothing wrong, just you have to get used to the new role, wife, mother, or someone else, and live happily ever after. But special attention is paid to the crisis because of the child’s birth may be such that the young Mom might happen post-natal depression, and there will only one patient and a young dad who loves her husband.

In such a situation, you should turn to a psychologist, that did not cause all this have serious consequences, and this is not only divorce but also possible suicidal outcome. And once again, in the end, all I can say that you should not be afraid of crisis, it’s okay, it’s the same kind of manifestation of love, and if you want to overcome it, it’s good. Worse when such a crisis is not at all, that’s when really it is worth considering whether you love or just a partnership. And if you are completely satisfied with second, then, of course, do not worry. But then you probably would not have studied this article. Love one another and overcome all difficulties together, as Freud has called the crisis in relations, “the moment of truth.”

Modesty Is A Virtue

If a girl appears in front of his porch with different guys, or the bulk of her friends, the opposite sex and she, again, not in a hurry to get married, then its status will be much worse, the previous victim. It is imprinted in the memory of others, as a girl of easy virtue, a bad egg and dissolved. And even when she did hear a waltz by Mendelssohn, to her husband, anyway, will reach the outskirts various rumors unpleasant content of his stormy youth betrothed. And here is another example, if a girl, in the second year at college, falls in love with his classmate and, get a small, cute tummy, decides to leave college and accept a marriage proposal from her father her child. Or, indeed, decided to devote herself to family, and not continue after the birth of your baby chew on the granite of science, the understanding of others, it becomes a 'home broody', in content of the husband. And most of all the same friends and relatives will think that it is not faithful to her pious, and she – minded simplicity. Or, if a girl has got a small, cute belly, but no one offered her hand and heart and to the delivery room, she continued to aggressively absorb knowledge a student, that even after a successful career and become a great man, it all remains a single mother. And if she still meet love and legitimize their relationship, something offensive 'he took her to the child' will be a long time, the first phrase in all of the gossip concerning her person. And suddenly the girl being married, fall in love with another man, her honor the most black labels, which only you can imagine. If it's lawful husband, will be at least a little positive, then all the local townsfolk erected it to the rank of a hero, and it would make a despicable traitor, not even a decent little finger, a decent man.

Douglas McGregor

The theory of the contigncia appeared as one of the solutions for the problem of if defining the nature human being. In this theory everything depends everything is relative, for each company has a way of if to manage, everything depends on the situation, the administrative attributions will have in accordance with to be taken the moment, different types of organization depend on different types of authority and being able and that this becomes the type of development that its members start to have. To understand as the organizations they function, is necessary to understand as the people in these organizations function, with this intention had appeared three main and different sets of hypotheses, through experiences in the companies where the scholars in the subject had inside observed the behavior of the people of the organization: 1 – Rational-economic hypotheses: These hypotheses are based on the philosophy of the hedonism where they tell that the people act to take care of to the maximum to its personal interests. Douglas McGregor created, in 1960, two theories that had been known with Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X makes generalizations and simplificaes exaggerated on the nature human being and Theory Y has a more idealistic vision. rational-economic hypotheses had classified the human beings in two groups: the mass infuriates reliable motivated for the money and the reliable, moral worthy elite, more motivated, who must organize and direct the mass. That is, the first group is the employees and second group the standards. 2 – Social hypotheses: In these hypotheses two classic studies show, for the first time, the importance of the social reasons in the organizacional life..

Make New Friends

For me, to make new friends is to gain a new brother, poistodos knows that it has friends more fond than brothers, is with you in all osmomentos. To make a new friend is to gain a new shoulder to cry to be will be necessary, and it will oentender different of the other people. To have new friends is always good, poisconhecemos different sorts, other cultures and a magical source. To them to vezesconhecer a new friend serves for a study, therefore millions of people have amigosem another country and this makes with that the people trip and learns new things to semsair of house. But for I myself I ask. How it is to make new friends? To make friends is in my blood, therefore to gain a friend is everything, a way luzao heart the dreams that we dream, can make things with somebody to its lado to be always folloied followed step by step of the life with that it loves ete helps to search an exit, the solution and reply for each question that the vidanos makes.

Sigmund Freud

For our anguish and final destruction of the idea to be the species chosen for the perfection, Sigmund Freud discovers in its studies, that we are not gentlemen nor of we ourselves, who we are conducted by our feelings and more primitive thoughts, and that we do not have no control on these feelings and thoughts, remaining to learn us to coexist the same ones. We consider evolved beings, capable to live in society, constructors of civilizations, but we need external norms we ourselves so that she is possible the convivncia with our fellow creature. We teach our children to know and to dominate the forces of the nature, but we do not teach them to know and to dominate itself same. The man knows each time more the world where he lives, but not it world that is. The children know each time more the immense space and the small atom, but they do not know the construction of intelligence and the functioning of its proper mind.

This lack of educational internalization makes with that they lose the best chance to develop the functions deepest of intelligence: the capacity to think and to reflect on itself same; the capacity to analyze its behaviors; the capacity to perceive its limits; the autocrtica capacity and to give more mature answers for its frustrations sufferings; the capacity to understand the construction of the relations human beings and to learn if to place in the place of the other. We are the only beings in the planet that take so rich interior lives, that they are not the exterior events that more matter for us. Instead of this, it is the way as we interpret these events that go to determine as we think regarding we ourselves, and as we will act in the future. Chapter 1. A antropolgica vision the man is a natural being that does not have conscience of itself while to be in itself.

The Directions

Not that such instruments are not technologically of truth or do not exist a strategy of being able there. However its great concern with game of strategies of being able had deviated its attention for a point less global than specific. 1.4.2 The BIPOLARITY OF the REPRESENTATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Inside of the Foucaultiano project social sciences appear as strategical centers of being able, where to be able and to know if they dinamizam and they maximize. But will not be this an exhaustion relation? It will be that to know and to be able they did not meet in an exhaustion situation? – ' ' In its specific phase, original, to be able and to know many times with violence had been opposed (as, moreover, the sex and the power). If today they are confused, would not be in the base of a gradual exhaustion of its principle of reality, of its distinctive characters, its proper energy? (…) For backwards of this apparent estase of the power and knowing that it seems to hang and to appear for all part, it would only have in the deep one metstases of the power, cancerous proliferations of a structure since then driven crazy and disorganized e, if the power generalizes and can today be detected in all the levels (the power? molecular), if it becomes a cancer in the direction of that its cells proliferate in all the directions without more obeying good and old ' ' code gentico' ' of the politician, it is that proper it was reached by the cancer and is in full decomposition. Or still, that it was acometido of hiper-reality and that in full crisis of simulation (cancerous proliferation of the only signs of the power) only obtains this generalized propagation and this saturation. Its sonamblica operationalization. Therefore, she is necessary to always make and in all the part the appositive one of the simulation, to take avesso of the signs, that, with certainty, taken of front and good-faith, always lead them to the reality and the evidence of poder.' ' BAUDRILLARD, J., 19,59-60 At a first moment appears the eminent necessity of the definition of ' ' outro' '.