Thomas Knieling VDAB

The nursing profession must be open to all, that are suitable! The Association of German elderly and for the disabled e.V. (VDAB) advocated the retention of the ten-year education as a condition of access to the nursing education and for the diversity of the education system. To increase the intended modification of the minimum training conditions of a ten-year general education, twelve years of school or an equivalent successfully completed exam is not goal-oriented from the perspective of the VDAB and would drastically increase the skill shortage. In the face of the shortage needs the care industry of any young person who has primarily social skills in addition to the intellectual assets, such as motivation, empathy, and the ability to collect through interaction with people of experience and knowledge. Education ideological hurdles, such as the requirement for a twelve-year education are counterproductive and not help anyone”, notes Thomas Knieling, Federal Manager of the VDAB, because social skills is not dependent on the level of education.” In the current version, the directive excludes a variety of suitable young people with middle school no comprehensible reason by the specialist nurses. The statement by Federal Minister Dr. Rosler, who oppose the proposal of the European Commission in relation to the conditions for access, strengthened the position of the VDAB.

To do this, Rosler: the care economy is highly efficient. With its proposal, the Commission will exacerbate the skills shortage in Germany, instead of fighting it. The quality of training of nursing staff in Germany needs to fear no comparison and speaks for itself. The Commission would have done well to allow competition of systems, rather than operate egalitarianism at any price.” That the German dual education system in the nursing profession has proved, shows the wide appeal of German nurses from abroad. Also the German education varied has been proven with more than 22 undergraduate Care courses: dual courses, where it is connected to the berufsfachschulische acquisition of the occupation permit with the acquisition of higher expertise, as well as primary qualifying courses.

Generally, the VDAB supports requests the Commission to optimise the care specialist training. The qualification of maintenance personnel can be extended however modular on the basis of the existing structures.”explains Thomas Knieling.

Strike In Municipal Day-care Should Not Be To The Steady State

CDU faction appeals to negotiation of collective bargaining the strikes initiated by Verdi in the municipal day-care may not be worn out on the backs of parents and children in Wuppertal. The CDU Bundestag Group appeals to the two unions as quickly as possible to return to the negotiating table and negotiate a compromise that all sides can live with. We call in particular on the Wuppertal Verdi Chairman Dietmar Bell, who enters the SPD well as OB candidate to preserve sound judgment and to keep the public welfare in mind”, so the comment of Wuppertal CDU Group Chairman Bernhard Simon to the ongoing strikes in the childcare facilities. We can need to well understand the anger and the anger of the parents, again and again their plans about the pile of throw the now and look from one day to the next, how and where they can place their children. These replacement solutions, which must inevitably use it, parents cost extra money. That the teachers and Educators in the day-care centres perform a valuable service to the community and be paid for it properly and must enjoy adequate health protection, is out of the question for us.

That the services trade union Verdi and the education Trade Union GEW on week-long strikes be, may be Yes. The concerned parents with children are not anyway,”Simon says. Even if the policy would of course not actively intervene in the dispute, so Simon, it was important to express its solidarity with the affected families. We must preach the reconciliation of family and working life not only in speeches. I hope that the social discussion may develop such pressure, that both sides follow the path of reason.”

NPO Gift

Here is philanthropy in accordance with the business sector as a social investment”understood; the investments you want to show a social profit and worthwhile (Frumkin 2003) so to speak: NPOs to be maintained to a certain size and a higher level of capitalization, to increase their organizational performance. There are great opportunities for the NPOs, to build resources and competencies, but many favor that still cut a check and run “concept: A financial transaction without conditions because conditional appears as the best form of support.” Criticism of the critics of the new Philanthrokapitalismus Michael Edwards (2008) therefore considers the penetration of the civil society with economic principles due to theoretical considerations with great concern. Rather, the civil society should change business than vice versa. According to Edwards, this new form perpetuates the Philanthropy global social inequalities and threatens the basis of democracy, as the nonprofit sector now will switch from solidarity on individual competition as a principle of order. A conversion of the NPO sector? To hold the gift to the field of konditionalisierten giving is that there are strong trends in American Philanthropy, to undergo the NPOs on the part of the donors of a greater control and conditionally to make dependent on funds from compliance with clearly defined requirements. A gift without expectation of reciprocity does not exist here, much rather have the tendency to a barter transaction of ala do ut of the. What is however currently empirically observed, is a shaping of the philanthropic action model through economic investment considerations.

Efficient spending of money, investment in the social well stand in the foreground. These versions summary it can be said that American foundations of the concept of non-conditional giving back down, so the logic of the gift, where the recipient definition sovereignty has about possible responses. It builds rather immediate expectations of reciprocity of the gift.