
If you already know the reply, he will not have that to manipulate reply he will have considerably bigger admiration in the eyes of the interviewer. 3-) He prevents the error most common. ' ' My bigger weakness is that I am very perfeccionista and have a raised standard more of what I wait of outros.' ' Uh huh. Frankly this annoys the interviewer. It also shows, very clearly, that you live in negation of itself exactly.

Perhaps Ok, you are a perfeccionista and that she can be a very valid weakness. He elaborates of different form. ' ' I to the times lose time in the analysis of my work, that delay can me in others tarefas.' ' This really means the same thing, but it is a honest weakness. Instead of saying, ' ' The people if feel intimidated by me because I am a leader forte' ' she tries ' ' When I am in a leadership paper, to the times I came across myself as being arrogante.' ' Changing its reply to make it to seem as its main weakness he is that being perfect always he will fail. The interviewer really goes to recognize what you are making and you will not be deceiving nobody (except, perhaps, you yourselves). 4-) Either and clearly concise. Not to exaggerate the things. He does not roll.

Not to happen again itself. He does not explain very. If somebody to ask to it on the time, this is not to ask for to explain the internal functioning to it of an atomic clock. The interviewer is looking something very specific and if you to concentrate itself very in the initial part of the reply it goes to lose the chance of really shining in the second part of the reply. 5-) Immediately to follow with good notice. Ok, you already identified its weakness clearly, you it affirmed of concise form and it showed good knowledge of its personal problems.

Professional Choice

The professional choice, or decision for one determined career, goes very beyond a simple financial accomplishment. Therefore demand a series of reflections regarding the intention (profession/career). A deep personal analysis and of market is necessary. She is necessary to establish relation between the abilities that if it possesss with that they are demanded and that it composes the profile of the desired profession, so that there if can carry through a more conscientious choice, aiming at accomplishment and growth, personal how much in such a way professional. Perhaps one of biggest the difficulty is atrelada to the consuming caused for the necessity of a fast decision and without much information for such. this, justifies as many cases of abandonment of university courses, or same, of diplomas that are forgotten in the innumerable drawers spread for there, what it elapses of the innumerable ones graduated that they opt total to other people’s occupations to that its graduation confers to it. So that if it can modify this picture, becoming the most significant process of the choice possible, a search is necessary, on the part of the pupil-candidates the university courses, the biggest number of possible information in relation to the profession/desired course. If it cannot choose a career as who chooses a part of clothes, either even so much more complex, is a choice that demand seriousness and comprometimento, since it all places in game a future, staff and professional.

We do not have to forget that, a frustrate professional can mean an inadequate professional to the craft, offering to the inefficient and incoherent society, services with the necessity of the same one. One another question that must be elucidated is of that, the financial accomplishment must be consequncia of a successful career, as well as of the personal accomplishment. Thus, a successful person, as much in the personal area how much in the professional, she will also have success in the financial area. Another factor that must be seen with much caution, in the hour of the choice of a career, is the question of the modismo, since what market has in the presented one, is a variety of transformations suffered in innumerable professional areas, occurring transformations several, as well as, the sprouting of new occupations, what if it must the constant changes caused for the scene of the globalization of world-wide market. It stops assisting in them in this so crucial process and complex, we count on innumerable instruments and tools, between them, are ' ' tests vocacionais' ' , ' ' entrevistas' ' with psychologists and ' ' orientaes' ' with pedagogos. What it will become the desgastante process less torturador and.

Professional Performance

Currently one of the habits most frequent is the alcohol consumption. It is a question of extreme importance, therefore its consequences can affect the work environment, beyond the family and the society. This is being part of the social life, in such a way that it is normal, or even though ' ' saudvel' ' , of the whisky or point of view by that, after work, they go it bar to take a beer. In the truth, the alcohol consumption is a habit very generalized and is difficult to change this concept; therefore, the question is the following one: Which is the relation between the alcohol consumption and the professional performance? which the consequences of the alcohol consumption that can affect the work environment? In recent times, some researchers had started to discover surprising facts on the effect of the alcohol. According to story of one has equipped of researchers, commanded for the Dr. Melvin H.

Knisely, professor of anatomy of the School of Medicine of the University of the Carolina of the South, in Charleston: ' ' Each time that one person takes one few alcoholic beverage sips? despite they are beers or liquors with social purpose? it is affecting its cerebral cells, causing the premature death of many neurons. The brain of this person is affected forever. ' ' This is a preliminary conclusion of an important study that was lead by the related researchers: ' ' It has many years if wise person who the brain of the drinkers suffered the effect from the alcohol, but the majority of the doctors faced this as one of the last effect after some years of great consumption, as much how much the liver, kidneys were reached and corao.' ' What the Dr. Knisely is now demonstrating is that such damages to the brain are not mere effect terminals, but occurs gradually since the moment where the first cells are destroyed by first drinques, and that such effect go if adding throughout the time.

Professional Logistics

Coexisting in a corporative world of brusque and unexpected changes and others as much also duly planned and organized, and to each day with the increase of the competitiveness and the technology of the knowledge. We perceive that the organizations come searching a logistic professional of each situated time in this world with the changeable constants that if has presented. Thus we will look for to analyze which abilities that the organizations potencializam in the formation of a manager of logistic, guided for an ethical behavior and transparent to the light of it analyzes of writings of some authors without, however to want to deplete such subject, therefore the decurrent structural changes of this continue transformation, did not allow in them to carry through such task.

The area of logistic left mere of being managemental and started to have much involved technique (FOLLMANN-2011), leaving of this begins each time more the companies has invested in area of logistic that it has been a sector that has despertado the necessity of professionals who have innovative characteristics and a bold profile for the performance of the function. Companies have created manage and direction specifies to take care of of the area of logistic that it left of being an internal function if expanding for the suppliment management. One of studious the characteristics more defended by of the area and the capacity of leadership that the manager of logistic needs to develop, how much to this (NICHOLSON, 2001) he declares ‘ ‘ a great difference exists between what the scholars say regarding leadership and what the people see happening its volta’ ‘ for that is necessary to the leader ethical and extremely respectful a behavior, with that they are its return, with the organization which it belongs and mainly with the inherent responsibilities its position.