
The Asturian one assures that always it is motivated to win. It sees difficult the championship, so one concentrates in power to be second. Vettel, the best one in the second training of Monza and Alonso, fifth. Spanish Fernando Alonso (Ferrari), double champion of world of Formula One, explained east Friday in Monza, where the Great Prize of Italy is disputed, that, if it cannot return to be it this season, will try " to be runner-up of the world of Formula One ". " I am competitive and I do not like to lose. Do not like to finish I a Great Prize and not to gain it.

And unfortunately, this year many Sundays finish this way: seeing the others celebrate in podio and you go away with bad flavor of mouth. You say: ' the following one I am going to try it &#039 again;. The motivation is always ah" , Alonso explained. " It has been a year in which first (the German Sebastian Vettel) one has escaped much, but (its Australian companion in Red Bull Mark) Webber is cerquita (in the classification of the championship). And the last year, in spite of to have been one it displeases world-wide, I was runner-up of mundo" , Alonso remembered. " Therefore this year, if I cannot be champion of the world, I am going to fight for being runner-up of the world of Formula One. The motivation always is there, always I want to do it bien" , the double Asturian world-wide champion declared, who commented the development of the first day of free training. " It has been Friday like all, in which we tried to prove the new pieces that we have brought to this Great Prize, in which we tried to understand what pneumatic we are going to use and in what moment; and how much they are going to last soon in carrera" , he explained. Source of the news: Alonso: " If I cannot be champion, I am going to try to be runner-up of mundo"

Professional Formation

It is directed to students of Professional Formation. It will take place from the 3 to the 10 of September in Calafell (Tarragona). The students will be able to learn the bases of the creation of companies and will have the opportunity to see fomented their enterprising spirit. The Ministry of Education has started up the Campings of Summer for Enterprising Young people, with the aim of fomenting the enterprising character between the Spanish students of Professional Formation, within the framework of the program Deepens created by the department of Gabilondo Angel. Thus, these courses will take place from the 3 to the 10 of September in Calafell (Tarragona) and will go to students, as much of basic education as postobligatory, that they emphasize by his capacity, interest and motivation to learn, offering to them alternative that allows to develop their capacities totally them and favors their personal, interpersonal, social and professional development. Creation of companies In this way, the best students will have the possibility of attending from any point of Spain and to learn the bases of the creation of companies, as well as the opportunity to see fomented its creative capacity and its enterprising spirit. One of the requirements fundamental to choose to a place and to participate in the project is that the young people have to have good qualifications, besides a great implication in the studies. In this sense, the coordinator of the camping, Oscar Sanchez, indicates to the importance that the students " they have desire to learn, as well as the motivation and desire to improve and to evolve personalmente". Source of the news: Education sends a summer camping to foment the enterprising character

Villarreal Bayern

The Spanish equipment loses in house in its debut in Champions League (0-2). Kroos and Rafinha both did so many of the party in the Madrigal. Rest of results of Champions League Groups Calendar. The Villarreal lost 0-2 in the first day of Liga de Campeones before the Bayern Munich, in a party in which the German equipment was far beyond the set of Castellon de la Plana, that was overflowed by a rival who had inaccessible a technical and physical level for the premises. Without practically no fissure in its game, the Bayern dominated of principle to aim a Villarreal that put everything of its part but that was not sufficient before a rival who did not let breathe to the equipment of the Madrigal with a prodigious physicist and an uncontrollable rapidity.

The Villarreal with an idea different from the habitual one left to which usually unfolds in its field and against its homing to have the ball, in this occasion the of Castellon de la Plana ones decided to wait for their rival and to look for the speed each recovery of ball. Nevertheless, the Bayern was very hard from pitido initial and created serious problems in dnsa to Villarreal, that could not contain the offensive volume of the Bavarian set, that soon inaugurated the marker through Toni Kroos, to the seven minutes. It was Ribery, an authentic torment in the first time for the premises, the one that after a play in which dnsas of the Villarreal took to two the ball centered and Kroos marked by the left of Diego Lopez from near the point of penalti. The equipment tried of Castellon de la Plana it with the actions of its attackers, the Brazilian Nilmar Honorato and the Italian Giuseppe Rossi, although they did not have luck in a first time in which the Bayern was superior with a Ribery was very intratable with its overflowings by its band.