Professor Erdogan

Joost Lagendijk, former MEP and Professor at Sabanci University in Istanbul, said he always considered the theory of the secret agenda Islamist AKP as a fallacy, as it has now been demonstrated and that the great capital of this match has been great and undisputed economic prosperity in Turkey which has benefited a wide sector of the population under Erdogan. The j of the Electoral Institute Konda, Tarhan Erdem, also dismissed the Islamist hypothesis as a real danger. Erdem matches Langendijk in which the best for a healthy development of democracy in Turkey is that Erdogan fails to an overwhelming majority of 367 or more than 550 seats in the Parliament to avoid actually converting his presidential dream French thanks to a new Constitution, which would not need to convene a rrendum. But it also seems that in that case they can sleep quiet who, moreover, see with concern the growing authoritarian traits, or even totalitarian, Erdogan, with such concentration of power in his hands, since surveys those granted in the best of cases 345 seats, insufficient to all lights to become a neootomano Napoleon. Also he accuses the j of the Turkish Government of having increased his nationalist rhetoric, an indication more of its authoritarian potential that dragging to the new legislature, but it is, according to Erdem, more than anything a mere and fleeting electoral strategy. This stratagem, of dubious electoral performance, may have cost Erdogan not only sympathy, but also the votes of many Kurds who in 2007 gave it his support and promised that in recent times more rights and the search for a solution to the bloody conflict that has claimed more than 45,000 dead in a war undeclared since 1984..


They need not be sick. They work even if you think otherwise. Even though you feel sad or tired. They are still working and giving. They are living intelligence but your mind believes other THINGS. A conscious soul is a soul well integrated, and therefore, will know that the disease is not such and the physical body be effectively.

Energeticos-corporales imbalances come from a MENTAL imbalance. If the psyche is ill you must treat it well Educate, guide it, disciplining her, pamper her, take care of, observe it, respect it, love it. The reptilians are experts in environmental bacterologia, pollution of electromagnetic waves, body energy bacterologia, contamination of omega and alpha waves and experts in invasive organic microbiology and contaminants. They are experts in human microbiology and know all the weaknesses of the human body, especially the MENTAL body. They’re great researchers from the mind of third density. Scientists are surprising and impressive. We could learn a lot from them in many aspects but we fear and it is not possible to overcome all the wonderful pitfalls and obstacles that we have created all mankind with that fear.

Without that unconscious fear, we could convert us in the best students, and at the same time, their best teachers. Because ultimately, that’s what they want. Therefore they live. So we challenged them to them, not vice versa. Pharmacology is an absolute invention of the kassamanstrah. How good scientists have studied over the centuries our physical and human evolution and have figured out a million amazing things about us. The invention of virus in thousands of laboratories in the world is because they no longer find solutions to the massive control of the planet. If there are more and more viruses and diseases it is because they have lost complete control of the human soul. They know that despite creating a million new body invasive bacteria, the human collective mind has climbed the stair that feared and the human immune system is one of the toughest among all dimensional beings of the Galaxy because of its great light and spiritual strength. The human being has been tested in thousands of years all kinds of slavery and has emerged winner from any external threat. The human body itself is a gift blessed by the merger of various breeds beautiful and compassionate and also overly scientific (reptilian). All beings hundreds of nearby galaxies and some of distant galaxies are approaching this beautiful planet to be witnesses of a galactic dawn never seen before. And mankind is doing it by himself and only but the most magical of all this, is that you’re not alone. And it was never the whole Galaxy is literally amazed, amazed at the miraculous ability of humans to expand and enlighten yourself. In a few words and sounds hard, very few people trust our evolution; We were just an experiment, one of many. Do and you know what happened?. I’ve realized it alone, alone as humanity. And although still chaos lasts in our physical eye retinas already we have succeeded. External chaos is the latest sign of a civilization advanced and beautifully lighted. There is no possible invention in the world of orthodox medicine that can avoid human awakening. It is undeniable and unstoppable. It is as someone said once: is like a tsunami of immeasurable light is going to swallow all the apparent darkness and going to transmute so that we ourselves will be the surprised.

Line People

Imagine how well it would be when you learn smart ways to earn money online additional. It is very easy to earn money online when you know how to do it. Imagine you get up from bed at the hour you want only to work a couple of hours a day (good if you could call work) and make more money in a week than what most of the people in a month, a year or even five years. It is very exciting to know that with the growth of the Internet came incredible for anyone opportunities to earn money online. Most of the people can not do because nobody has told them how to do it. After reading this article you will be able to exit and start earning money you always dreamed.

I would like to say about data entry. Data entry allows people to start making money almost instantly. You do not need to spend, and it is so easy to do even a child can learn and do so. Many people are using the data entry to make a living online. I personally know some people who made more than one hundred thousand dollars a month thanks to data entry. It is very exciting to know that data entry is about.

There are thousands of companies online that pay for writing ads about their products and were paid up to 75% Commission per sale they get from advertising. So if a product is $100 you get $75 just for writing an advertisement for them. There is no limit on how many ads they can write and each ads will take you about 10 minutes to write it. I am sure that intelligent people like you would like to see that it is so profitable.

Beatriz Gervasoni

I am your fan, urban Chronicles Ay, I’m dying!, exclaimed my friend, in a joy that it took me a few seconds to notice me of what was happening. In fractions of seconds, he saw face to face, his idol. Front and a span to his highly praised and weighted, Fito Paez. While she was petrified and mute admiration, that Yes, with a smile from ear to ear, took you the face with both hands and gave him a kiss, asking him, Oh, no you die and he walked away laughing. When his 22 years, half of them of fan, could react, he swore to not wash your face for a reasonable time, to save that Kiss, as much as possible. Although it would already be indelible in the depths of his heart.

No matter that he does not know, that she knows his songs, singing them, spell them, relishing them, enjoys them memory. No matter that he unaware that she, has as header song the from: she was 11, the 16 and sealed his love, tips of foot and with a kiss in the bathroom. If she, I, and everyone we know it, the We know. As we also know that in that second, his idol, made it happy, like never before, and more than ever. She, the fan in question, never went to a recital. So that just by far, with the prudence of the distance, so admired.

He gave her a kiss, which she respect had not snatched in the maelstrom of any show with all rowdy by the contagious fervour of good and heartfelt songs. He made him delicious present of a few words and a smile, spontaneous, that emerged so suddenly in the midst of the hustle and bustle and hurry daily swings. We had conversation about the delights of married her life and some of its consequences, and both trying to reconcile an agenda whose times seemed improbably skimpy to comply with everything, when the impossible to imagine, miracle came to pass. In the midst of the crowd a Mr Rodolfo. Fito Paez, human flesh and blood he dedicated so exclusive and precious some seconds of your time. Thank you Mr. Fito Paez. If happiness is the sum of the succession of happy moments, know that it has given one to someone anonymously but that he has admired it from always. And thank you, because there is nothing nicer to discover consistency between what we are and the path chosen as artist who looms in the songs and their creations.

The Train

The same word God is a symbol. Sooner or later someone has to teach us what is meant by God, what is the meaning of that term. In addition to the above, put emphasis on that the chance at life that is has bequeathed us, we are constantly interrelacionandonos with signs and signals, we can make use of them to make decisions, identify us with Tarif forming not conocimaos in this step for this dimension, facts that generated us lots of information about your personality, thinking, ideologies, beliefs. Must not be neglected, that every day in our live, we must be alert, awake, in such a way that for aclrararnos, questions, events, based on our beliefs, be awake, attentive, we ask collaboration of signs and signals for us testify what we really should do and is not of no surprise that they are manifest and collaborate with the corrcta decision. The bad thing is that we never ask for this type of help to our I top that through signs and signals within the spiritual dimension is manifested, you so that to be awake, attentive, we read the signal and act appropriately. We suggest not to neglect what the journal live manifest in signs and signals that collaborate with our growth and be assertive in decisions that should be taken into account and we favor. On one occasion, among many that I have experienced, travelling from Brindisi to Rome (Italy) to train and before an indecision, a concern which required assertive response, I concentrate in such a way that I asked that take it correctly a signal, originated for example: an emergency without gravity stop, a backlog that exploited me if that happen, not to do iteverything otherwise, if this would not happen effectively before arriving in Rome, the train had to make one not provided, that told me that the decision of It should do it and I did not, having interpreted the signal helped me a lot. In life we must this attentive to the signs, symbols, signs and be identified with what it represents and shape how we handle it, we can help us much in our growth. Original author and source of the article.

Solar Panel

Name: 1st. Mini-Curso: how to build your own solar panel at home. Its purpose offer the participants a special understanding of the possibilities to defeat the aforementioned restrictions. Read more here: Richard Edelman. At least understand that there are alternative energies and we can and we must take advantage of them with our own hands. This Mini course we are recalling the philosophy of a system of solar panels from the basics of solar energy, reviewing what are the energy sources electric and which resources and components to implement one in our homes, in the field or on the beach, where the Sun’s rays visit us with your higher power. We will learn to calculate the quantity and quality of the solar panels from their understanding of solar cells, wiring, installation, maintenance to power without having to be so neither loads nor electronic electrician with only having the natural impulse to take action. Now the times are changing, somo us players.

Thus, we will be cleaning up to the planet and saving lots of money for the benefit of the family. Let us remember then together once again that to build our own Solar Panel in our House should remember the following clear concepts: solar energy the Sun is natural, non-polluting and inexhaustible energy source. Maybe, in the near future, free us from dependence on oil and other resources less secure (termico-nucleares power stations and hydroelectric plants or natural gas). The weak point of this technology is the low sunlight during the winter. The Sun and wind are not always available to the energy need of the moment but new currents there is that with the binomial molten salts and solar power would be achieved in long hours of absence of the star King. Then, hopeful solutions for the use of renewable energies are discussed without having to harm our nature. The spectrum of solar radiation is certain that the theoretical data are in many sources of consulted but it is worth always keep in mind that the radiation emitted by the Sun does not have the same intensity at any wavelength, nor the same energy in their different positions and seasons of the year.

United States Fund

Sarmiento criticizes the 1853 Constitution because it says that it is a bad copy of the United States Constitution. Alberdi said and the difference between the United States Constitution and the Argentina, named the preamble, which establishes that penalizes those who are representatives of the people and at the end says for us and for our posterity, and Argentina Constitution says…For us, our posterity and to all the people that want to inhabit the Argentine soil. In the Constitution of United States Fund codes are common to all provinces. In 1859, and after the battle of Pavon, Buenos Aires and the Confederation is reunificarian and for this purpose was the reform of 1860. On November 8, 1852 a constituent General Congress is formed, members were 12 provinces and had 24 representatives, missing San Juan, who arrived later and representatives of Buenos Aires that were not submitted. Fair Jose de Urquiza decides that the 20 of November to begin the session with the absence of Buenos Aires.

Creates an editor of the Constitution Commission and meets in April of 1853, which established consecrate form Representativa, Republican and Federal. First part: declarations, rights and guarantees (were required to put into operation the representative and federal way), the constituents thought that foreigners would give technological elements. They give the freedom of conscience and worship, basic human dignity, and a way to attract foreigners, equality before the law, the abolition of slavery, due process of law, inviolability of home, property, correspondence and private papers, abolition of death for political reasons, free navigation of the rivers, ban the people govern directly (Art. 22). Second part: organizes the powers in a tripartite manner, Executive power: (unipersonal, only one person), the Vice President is the President of the Chamber of Senators and defines the voting in case of a tie, it’s substitute natural for the President to leave no acephaly.

Visualization And Concentration

All envision, although we are not aware of this. Mental images jump consciousness during most of the day. If we are at work, we imagine that we are on vacation; If we’re on vacation, we envision how it will return to the Office. Viewing, though it may be a term of fashion, is actually one activity everyday that we all do, to greater or lesser extent, almost always unconsciously and without direction. It has been suggested in several studies that the attention of the average person during the day is less than 5 seconds for each theme that is presented in your mind.

Get the test. Look at your thoughts. When you realize, you will see that you are jumping from one idea to another without much consistency, without stopping you in each one, and how the mind works with images, you are technically visualizing different scenes every 5 seconds. The new currents of thought, from New Age to quantum physics suggests that reality is created from thought. Surely you’ve seen the tapes the Secret and What the Bleep?. If our mind jumps from thought in picture in picture thinking every five seconds, what reality do you think that you are creating? Is it a reality of serenity, peace and stability, or a chaotic changes reality, low stability and low achievement of goals? It is very important that your practice of viewing logres discipline of concentration.

Regular meditation teaches us to keep attention on an object or event, such as breathing or a body part, as in the Vipassana tradition; or in chants and mantras designed to concentrate, in the Tibetan tradition. Normally requested in meditation that you observe and Miss all your thoughts. Display focused on some specific result changes in behaviour, achievement of goals, reach your goals to focus point is precisely that: the image that you want to achieve, without letting other thoughts to distract you. To run your visualization, mind You must match your unconscious, which has no control over what he thinks. It is important that the dozens of images that come to your mind when you visualize, and redirijas towards the goal image filters. It is your task to concentrate on viewing throughout the day, taking at least five minutes to focus on one thing, theme or image, at least one couple of times a day. The domain of the mind is not a simple task, but can be achieved, and visualization is a great help to achieve focus the mind. So, choose a theme to start working, for example, visualize you happy, plen @, hits @, for five minutes in the mornings and evenings, you focus only on that, let the thoughts pass and returns your concentration to your target image. Quickly develop the ability to concentrate on a single idea, and that not only will attract the goals that you to visualize, but it will give rest to my mind, that without these exercises, is like a horse out of control.


It is said that the ingredients of Pilfood direct work to stimulate the activity of the cells in the hair follicle and promoting the growth of new hair. Improve hair strength and volume through the capillary structure repair and improvement of the surface of the cuticle. Pro-Anagex is claimed to combat the fragility and capillary weakness and strengthen and thicken hair. Does it work? Demand for manufacturers in in vitro assays were used to assess the effect of Pro-Anagex had in her hair. In an artificial environment, they say that an increase of new hair against hair loss was observed. There is no indication that has been examined and tested that have the same effect on human use practice. The details of the trial relate specifically to direct Pro-Anagex and Pilfood are unknown. ..

At this time there is no way of knowing the extent of the study and the results have significant value, or if necessary. Lupinus albus main component of the Pro-Anagex, key ingredient in Pilfood DirectThe brand Pro-compuesto Anagex soy formula has not been independently tested and confirmed to have no effect on the stabilization of hair loss. Pro-Anagex is derived from a pulse cultivated in the Mediterranean region known as Lupinus albus, or Lupine white. According to Pilfood manufacturers and marketers, is an active compound rich in amino acids, vitamins and nutrients, and has powerful effects on stopping the hair loss and stimulating growth. But not of vitamins, minerals or amino acids never found have a significant effect on hair loss. Product information about direct Pilfood hair treatment loss against supports that it should be used as an adjunct to oral treatments and / or antibacterial products, hair loss products. I.e., as well as treatments for the loss clinically tested and certified hair. There are no studies that strongly demonstrate direct Pilfood It is an effective treatment for hair loss.