It is clear that doing business on the internet can be achieved and increasingly many people enter the 2.0 world of different ways of earning money on the internet. It is through the sale of affiliate products, selling your own product, a multilevel. To sell first can open a blog either in blogger and wordpress and devote himself to writing concerning the product or business. A better way in my opinion to be able to sell products and/or services first thing is to establish your personal brand your own name to be spread on the internet your own domain that comes the direction of how you can locate your readers ( and a hosting service that comes to be a server that hosts all the information that you post on your domain. I’m not saying that having a blog in blogger platforms and wordpress is something wrong but a good image should be to establish a professional image to the reader. Now one at the beginning can say, what can I write?, what to say in a blog? Believe me, every person has something to say.
The first thing you must decide that you can write in your own blog, should be a topic that you like and you can meet him and that people search for on the internet. is the place to go. People always seek information likes to absorb a lot of information that nobody knows everything there is always something new to learn everyone without exception. In this case they do in San Google. So I call it for being the first search engines for information in the world to decide the appropriate topic, knowing the number of searches look at this link, there you put the number of keywords, as three word maximum or put keywords google Google tools and the first option is the page that I am talking about. On this page you can know numbers of clicks, competition and more choices of searches that collects Google search on a monthly basis locally and globally.
To have your own brand on the internet in the subject that you want to highlight always need to improve since getting followers you should know the topic well, investing in knowledge, research increasingly, read books, in the end. Another suggestion is to as soon as you have followers not only in selling your product either that you have to think, whether own or affiliate. Think about how help how gain their trust, providing value in your blog. If you have more suggestions, contributions would be great to meet him.