Jana Teuber

Carlos will show you relentlessly and explain what Parents do wrong can in dealing with your children and what this often has consequences for the children in adulthood. With this book, you win a fascinating impression of how emotions control thoughts and vice versa. A biography, written partly based on memories, partly in the now and here, which takes the reader, ties and man thus wins a clue, where upon thinking starts and stops again. Read more from Michael Steinhardt to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In addition, this work by Carlos is alarming. It tells of a mixture of education and lies, their own experiences, and he tells how alarmingly fast mental diseases arise. For example, he reported the emotionally unstable personality disorder (borderline, narcissism), which he himself suffers from. You will learn how helpless and powerless it is often these things over.

In the contemporary psychology says it often, that the parents would have to first be treated in the strict sense, and not the children. But this is a serious undertaking and by generation gaps slowed down. Carlos will show you which way your child preventive could go if diagnoses and process his own diagnoses are similar. This book is angry, full of disappointment, hurt looking for help, excited by restlessness, fatigue, and yet cheerful and with confidence, anxiously driven, in love with himself and the women, he writes curious and amused on hot nights with full of passion and much more. By his loneliness to yourself honestly and authentically tells ungeschont the experience alive on its way through the Valley shows tears and how hard it is in such a situation is to differentiate between day-dreaming, to meet changing and hard to understand sense of outbreaks, as well as the clarity needed decisions the of a man, to see what messages will provide us with Carlos. Jana Teuber (author) meet yourself”for more information about the charismatic people and author see: Agency -. Jorg Himmrich Booking, management, promotion – Managing Director: Jorg Himmrich – P.o. box 1250 – 32278 Kirchlengern – phone: 05223 940 26 69 / Web:

The Onrica

41). In the human axle, the espiritualidade of the poetical one arises the way of the overcoming between the opposites paradise and hell, giving to the man the condition to reach its espiritualidade, which satisfies it the state of rise when reaching the present height biggest in artistic when if ' ' it polarizes the sensible of height to easily receive, moral the valuations and prometicas&#039 social; ' (P. 42). In the source of ' ' The water and sonhos' ' it is possible to understand the movement of the bark in air as the onrico flight of the man in air. This authorizes the agreement of that ' ' man is packed to the happiness, also submitted to a happiness without limite' ' (P. 43).

With this, the imagtico process tracing for the bark and air alleges to the man who the sublimidade of the artistic one is present in its dream, in its flight. Therefore, ' ' poetical images created by the poet must add a movement to them to understand it for them action potica' ' (P. 46). In this sequncia, the sonhador is capable to live a great experience for the slightness of air and the agility of the wing, being allowed that this sees ' ' the great illuminations of the nocturnal life and if raise until full luz' ' (P. 49). For result of this illumination, the reader of the artistic one sees that the fullness of the light leads to the espiritualidade with that God shows the overcoming of the suffering of the darknesses for the largeness of the light spiritual. In these notes brief, the subliming of the flight dream is reached by the dinamicidade of its imagination, therefore ' ' if it will understand that, in the imagination human being, the flight is a transcendncia of grandeza' ' (P. 64). The artistic one in the poetical one of the Imbricado wings in the flight dream, the poetizao for the wings exceeds the onrica source and accents the devaneio for the expansion of the artistic visualization.


This work, at this first moment, will search a parallel it enters the conceptualization of the parody and the workmanship of Mrio de Andrade, ' ' Macunama' ' in the attempt to delineate it and it delimits it, so that, in the next chapters, if it can apprehend as the same one if of and because of the writer to have chosen, after what the new relation between the author and the reader, restored will be approached by means of this ' ' figure of linguagem' '. The parody is confused with the being in the Macunama personage in the same way that Nietzsche, second (FERRAZ 2002, P. 103); ' ' Delineates a curious caricature of the European in the end of century XIX and ties to this characterization the release of the laugh and of the parody that this historical moment, led for its you finish consequences would provide' ' but it runs away from the question how much to the caricature for possessing in itself the irony that it exceeds to the proper text in which if firm to exist, such confusion if of the one for the concern of Nietzsche in investing the personage of aristofnica risibilidade that brings in itself the myth of the creation from ridicule, that in the case of the parody in Macunama is not applied for not being reducionista and yes dynamic in its pragmatic profile. The vestiges of this idea, according to which, the creation if of the one for intermediary of the contrast aesthetic enters accepted as normal and the abnormal person whom, to if collating, the divine forces liberate, can be found between the Greeks of the archaic society that the existence believed the origin of all as something related to an access of uncontrollable laugh, as for example; of Demter, the goddess of the agriculture, provoked for the vision of the parts you summon of Iambo that if undressed ahead of it in order makes to take it the Kykeon, 10 I eliminate regenerator capable to return to it joy to it, which, loses since that its Persfone son is led for Ades, the god of the hell.


The writer and poet Vaz Luis of Cames nothing more made that to transcribe the thematic directors who constitua with priority code of a social group (the Portuguese). was in this group that if dislocated the myth constituent, therefore so that the workmanship is considered literary, in the direction of being cultured or great symbolic reach, this needs to be recognized as such for the social group that if appropriated of the consagradora definition. Rank this, conclue that each society chooses its rites and together with them its myths. As much, that I not only eat in the Lusadas the mitificao of contents, sorts, workmanships and authors practical are consecrated in elapsing of the history, therefore we have historical examples of texts that, changedding itself into representative workmanships of its time, is cultuados until the present, for its literary qualities. However, leaving of the estimated one that for Cames, in the same way that the myth became more than a coletnea on deuses, starting to consolidate of a form to think and conscience, the study of subjects, it can be abided less by contents and more to the literary processes.

Rank that, if the idea persists, if also transmuda it to each new text produced for its gide. Over all, the text produces universes mythical, nominating and becoming real the imaginary cambiante of the societies, making to operate it recombinations in the original contents for it used modifying the way to think the existing one. Thus being, if it forgets it myth as synonymous nonsense and fantasiosas and improbable lies or narratives attributed deuses, starting to enxergar it as importance key in the conception of what he is infinite.

Thirty Years

But he has one lady to its wait in the conference room. – One lady? Without marking? Because she will be that this does not please me nothing? I go to see what it is transferred. Bernardine it was a young of thirty and four years, eye esverdeado, hair equally chestnut, always short chestnut and with a smile capable to fascinate any woman! She was president of the company of its family since whom its father if remodels and had obtained to save it of the bankruptcy. It observed rapariga it waited that it. It must have one eighteen years and, very probably, still it had to walk in the school. – Good day, my name is Bernardine Gracious. They had said me that he was to my wait.

– Good day! Salty Catherine! Its father said me to come to speak obtains. What he seems he has an available place in the department of design. Catherine with a smile in the lips said. Bernardo smiled! That girl alone could be to play? – Yes, I have! But the Catherine does not find that she would have first to finish the studies? – Oh? Yes? Clearly? The reason has all. To come back toward the college with thirty years is the dream of any woman. It said, smiling. – Thirty years? It asked to Bernardo estupefacto. It must be to play with certain me? – It wants that it shows my identification to it? It is not with this face? already I am accustomed. It answered when seeing the face of astonishment of it. – I ask for immense excuse but you seem new really very? thirty years? My God? he must find me ridicule! – As already it said to it, already I am accustomed! Many had been the situations where I had to show my identification.