Beatriz Gervasoni

I am your fan, urban Chronicles Ay, I’m dying!, exclaimed my friend, in a joy that it took me a few seconds to notice me of what was happening. In fractions of seconds, he saw face to face, his idol. Front and a span to his highly praised and weighted, Fito Paez. While she was petrified and mute admiration, that Yes, with a smile from ear to ear, took you the face with both hands and gave him a kiss, asking him, Oh, no you die and he walked away laughing. When his 22 years, half of them of fan, could react, he swore to not wash your face for a reasonable time, to save that Kiss, as much as possible. Although it would already be indelible in the depths of his heart.

No matter that he does not know, that she knows his songs, singing them, spell them, relishing them, enjoys them memory. No matter that he unaware that she, has as header song the from: she was 11, the 16 and sealed his love, tips of foot and with a kiss in the bathroom. If she, I, and everyone we know it, the We know. As we also know that in that second, his idol, made it happy, like never before, and more than ever. She, the fan in question, never went to a recital. So that just by far, with the prudence of the distance, so admired.

He gave her a kiss, which she respect had not snatched in the maelstrom of any show with all rowdy by the contagious fervour of good and heartfelt songs. He made him delicious present of a few words and a smile, spontaneous, that emerged so suddenly in the midst of the hustle and bustle and hurry daily swings. We had conversation about the delights of married her life and some of its consequences, and both trying to reconcile an agenda whose times seemed improbably skimpy to comply with everything, when the impossible to imagine, miracle came to pass. In the midst of the crowd a Mr Rodolfo. Fito Paez, human flesh and blood he dedicated so exclusive and precious some seconds of your time. Thank you Mr. Fito Paez. If happiness is the sum of the succession of happy moments, know that it has given one to someone anonymously but that he has admired it from always. And thank you, because there is nothing nicer to discover consistency between what we are and the path chosen as artist who looms in the songs and their creations.


It is said that the ingredients of Pilfood direct work to stimulate the activity of the cells in the hair follicle and promoting the growth of new hair. Improve hair strength and volume through the capillary structure repair and improvement of the surface of the cuticle. Pro-Anagex is claimed to combat the fragility and capillary weakness and strengthen and thicken hair. Does it work? Demand for manufacturers in in vitro assays were used to assess the effect of Pro-Anagex had in her hair. In an artificial environment, they say that an increase of new hair against hair loss was observed. There is no indication that has been examined and tested that have the same effect on human use practice. The details of the trial relate specifically to direct Pro-Anagex and Pilfood are unknown. ..

At this time there is no way of knowing the extent of the study and the results have significant value, or if necessary. Lupinus albus main component of the Pro-Anagex, key ingredient in Pilfood DirectThe brand Pro-compuesto Anagex soy formula has not been independently tested and confirmed to have no effect on the stabilization of hair loss. Pro-Anagex is derived from a pulse cultivated in the Mediterranean region known as Lupinus albus, or Lupine white. According to Pilfood manufacturers and marketers, is an active compound rich in amino acids, vitamins and nutrients, and has powerful effects on stopping the hair loss and stimulating growth. But not of vitamins, minerals or amino acids never found have a significant effect on hair loss. Product information about direct Pilfood hair treatment loss against supports that it should be used as an adjunct to oral treatments and / or antibacterial products, hair loss products. I.e., as well as treatments for the loss clinically tested and certified hair. There are no studies that strongly demonstrate direct Pilfood It is an effective treatment for hair loss.