Validity indicates the extent to which test their purpose. Validity can be inferred only by comparing test results with some criterion, with some evaluation located outside it, which is usually called an "external criterion". Viewing the relationship between validity and reliability. Test with low reliability may not have high validity. So important is the choice of external criterion. Kriteriydolzhen be: a) reliable (in the same sense of the term, as well as for the test), and b) "clean", ie in the estimates of the tests we should talk only about the sign, which is detected in the test, such as static coordination of movements, not in the development of motor function in general, and c) complete, ie, An external evaluation should include a proper full circle all that knowledge, which is detected by the test.
Consequently, when Test preparation is necessary to show the maximum attention to the subject being studied and best reflect the content of the tests. Tests have not occupied a prominent place in defectology studies, Specifically, in logoritmicheskom study of persons with speech pathology, and it would be premature to somehow limit the scope of their application. In our view the tests helpful in the study will be building the motor, mental functions, in particular, attention, personality characteristics, as well as to ascertain the effectiveness of different methods. For example, a plan to determine the effectiveness of different methods may be as follows: take two groups of persons with one or the same speech violation – one control and one – experimental. Both groups performed the tests, clarifying the status of their motor areas. Then one group is using the new method, and with another group of classes are usually carried out. After correction of the course will once again be a test and the results of both groups are compared. Processing of the materials will allow the group to compare quantitatively and find out what specific sections of the methodology there are marked differences between the groups.
You can use the tests and solutions for the relatively limited logoritmicheskih tasks, such as clarifying the state of the overall motor skills, motor skills, or any hands and fingers, or facial movements. Finally, the tests can be used to analyze the individual characteristics of the motor learning and speech material. For example, some individuals with speech pathology revealed a gap acquisition of motor skills or skills that are generated from a correctional goal. It is useful to test. Analyzing the performance of the tested individual jobs, speech therapist and logoritmist determine possible causes undigested. As a result, a plan is individual work, which is based on the real situation prevailing in each case. Quantitative account by means of tests allows the researcher to compare motor capacity of persons suffering from various speech disorders, to identify possible links between common disorders and speech motor skills, to determine the residual motor pool, to identify ways logoritmicheskoy correction. Application of statistical methods for handling quantitative data increases the objectivity of research results. Mathematical and statistical methods are based primarily on the rankings of the facts, ie, location in order to increase (or decrease) of any property, determine their relative importance. For example, static or dynamic assessment of motor coordination, ability to ritmizirovaniyu, state of auditory attention.