I guess every girl wants to marry. The white dress, veil, the groom, like a prince, relatives, uttering greetings in verse! All this is reminiscent of a fairy tale with a happy ending! I want to sing and dance, and all tell us about their comprehensive luck! And in this wonderful day when the flowers and poems for the wedding flow like water, young, not thinking about what they will have a full cup to drink together to the bottom. Someone there will be wine as sweet as honey and someone bitter and astringent, as a field wormwood. Various roads will have to go for young couples to realize how important marriage in the personality of each of them. Only a very few brides and grooms are serious instructions mature in experience aunts and uncles, who are trying to teach them mutual respect in the congratulations for a wedding in verse.
Of course, relatives, wishing us good and only good, but people are so arranged that the mistakes of others they do not learn. But perhaps the best. It makes no sense to live someone else's life, guided by the inscriptions in the postcards with the poems for the wedding. Much better to live and feel and suffer and cry over the lesions and enjoy a small but incredibly important conquests! In the end, it is life. Our life.
Good or bad, udavshayasya, or not … All of this – an invaluable experience, which may differ from presented to congratulations for a wedding in verse. It will affect our character, intruding into relationships with others, to manage actions in complex situations. All this, of course, will be. That's why all the young want the wedding day wish a positive life experience which would be as bright and kind, like greetings in verse, presented at their wedding! Let all of life will be full of love, respect and affection for each other, like presented in wedding poems. And after many years of brides and grooms today again with happy together reread congratulations for a wedding in verse!