Joined Provinces

The preparativeses militaresde Catherine had scared Conde, that left for hostility, when trying aprisionaro king and besieging Paris. Having failed, the diffidence between queen eos Huguenotes grew. However, probably porcausa of disagreements with admiral Coligny, who had influence on the King, Catarinade Mdicis suddenly abandoned the conciliation attempts and, through deCarlos IX, it initiated a program to impel the protestants, of all the meiospossveis. This program was executed when of the Night of They are Bartolomeu, em1972. This night was conhecidapor to be the day of the marriage of Enrique of Navarrese with Daisy of Valois, son of Catherine de Mdicis.

Good part of its guests was of Remodelled eforam massacreed. In the carnage, at least thirty a thousand Protestants they had died, and the future king Enrique IV, it had that to abjure. They had insisted the Huguenotesno defensive character of its resistance, affirming the extreme vileness of governode Catherine. They had supported the rumor of that the Night of &#039 Is Bartolomeu; ' it are umaconspirao carefully planned, executed with deliberate intention to deexterminar the protestants franceses' ' (SKINNER, 1996. p 577). Thus, being the lesser partidoreformado one that the catholic, and having lost its main duranteos leaders conflicts, was obliged if to organize in a more solid way.

Oprncipe de Conde was nominated ' ' general and protective governor of the Churches reformadasde Frana' '. Collecting tributes of cities and villages, they used the money to paramanter an army of almost permanent form in the Joined Provinces (regiescontroladas for Huguenotes) of the South of France. In these areas, occult protestant, being forbidden the cultured catholic was authorized where she had maioriahuguenote. In 1581, in the assembly de1581, Enrique of Navarrese was proclaimed ' ' Protetor' ' of all Remodelled the deFrana and, in times of peace, these if they had accustomed to place a sovereign ambassador juntodo.

Yates Human

It is in this profit that Yates presents its paradoxical thesis, deeply inquietante, of that without the magos very probably it would not have the scientists. The function of mago of the Renaissance was to have transformed ' ' vontade' ' ; it was worthy and important that the man operated, as the religion. Probably redescoberta of the Air-tight one and the magic promoted a new direction to the will human being; Trismegisto it can have played on the mind human being an important and distinguishing paper in the formation of the human destination, as well as of the formed bases of a new science that if would consolidate later. It is clearly that it had forts pleas to the hermetismo. Against the magic, the contraposition if gave for the opinions catholics and protestants. Of that they had disapproved the magical teachings we can elencar three important figures. Giovanni Francesco Pico disapproves with vigor the talismans of Ficino and the magic of its uncle.

The protestant Johann Weir considered the practical superstitious catholics and desired a religion entirely exempts of the magic. The Jesuit Martn Del River condemned the use of talismans, although that she admitted some forms of natural magic. Another resistance to the magic was based by the critical humanists. For Yates, the antipatia humanist for the studies of mathematics and metaphysics became, in century XVI and XVII, a hatred for the past and a fear for its magic; it appears, thus, a terror for the magic, the ignorance and for not understanding of such studies. The example of Erasmo de Roterd illustrates this resistance. Erasmo was a humanist who valued the classic erudio, the good return and retaken one Latin to the Christian sources. This thinker did not use air-tight books and doubted the Chaldean oracles, giving to understand that he did not have great consideration for the air-tight cabala and teachings.

Porto Velho

but yes, the search of the values of identities of a people who does not have proper register, therefore proper history also omitted them and the proper ones if they had omitted preserving its future generations that one day would return to this eldorado will be that finally it had a finishing or it is only the start of more secular Saga that retraces since the times of salomo and its noble wood booty, gold for its palace, gifts for its women this yes is the true martyrdom of the end of the times the war of particular interests for few racism preconceptions injustices who goes to pay this account? tags: Porto Velho RO mettal text-fiction plant binho basinho canto_esquerdo information canto_direitoFicha Technique general direction: teobaldodiretor dlcio of photograph: toni nogueiraproduo and argument: Zola Xaviermsica: Antonio serpa of the amaral and rubens vaz cavalcantecoordenao of cast: ngela cavalcante