When revising literature we observe that the opinion of the professionals of – not only in relation to the assistance given, but also in relation all the process of work of childbirth, medical assistance and intercorrncias during the childbirth, as well as the benefits related to the binomial mother-son and feeling of security for the woman in labor, as is observed in Hoga and Pinto (200_, p.1): … ' ' The evolution of the normal childbirth and the bonds that if they form are better with the presence of acompanhante' ' … The companion supplies necessities that the professional not it obtains to supply … Amongst the ways to assist the woman during the childbirth, we detach mainly, the emotional, referring support to the calm of the woman in labor, as well as the aid related to the physical comfort and reduction of the level of pain of the women. To be present in all the childbirth process provides to the accompanying specific knowledge on such nature, beyond being for the parturient source of security, comfort, a time that makes possible fast perception of intercorrncias and minute attendance, guaranteeing one better assistance not only to the woman, as well as the just-been born o. One also gives credit that with the presence of the companion in the hospital context it makes with that the relation of the professionals in relation to the woman if becomes more affectionate. (HOGA and YOUNG CHICKEN) In study carried through for Sosa et al (1980 apud BRGGEMANN, 2005) in a hospital of Guatemala, can be observed that the one presence doula during the period of internment of a woman made with that reduced the frequency of complications decurrent of the childbirth work, childbirth and for the just-born one, as well as lesser duration of the childbirth work Later, in new study with the same described characteristics above, can be observed fall in the number of Caesarean, reduction of the use of ocitcitos and reduction of just-been born admissions of in units of neonatal intensive therapy.
Tag Archives: health and beauty
Nuclei City
Still, we cannot leave to cite the urgencial necessity of instruments of evaluation for these services, a time that implanted had not yet had evaluations of the assistance given to the carrying citizens of psychic suffering and the clinic executed for the professionals of the mental health that composes the multiprofessional teams of such equipment of health. The beginning of the implantation of the Centers of Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS) In the original project of implantation (So Paulo. SES, 1986:02) of these equipment substitutes to the services of mental health with manicomial modeling, the CAPS presented as objective according to Amarante (1998, p.82): To create plus a filter of attendance between hospital and the community with sights to the construction of a net of preferential communitarian rendering of services; (.) if it intends to guarantee treatment of maximum intensity in what it says respect to the time reserved to the shelter of people with serious difficulties of relationship and social insertion, through programs of psicoterpicas, socioterpicas activities of arts and occupational therapy, in regimen of functioning of eight daily hours, in five days of the week, subject to expanses, case if show necessary. For better contextualizao of these services substitutes of mental health, we will approach some facts important that they had happened in Brazil.
An episode of significant prominence occurred in day 03 of May of 1989, in the city of Saint, from the intervention of the Secretariat of Health of the cited city, more specifically in the Nursing home Anchieta. Deplorable situations had been evidenced including deaths, what it unchained the closing of this psychiatric hospital. At this moment, the process of psychiatric reform gains repercussion national. Conditions for the implantation of the services are created substitutes to the manicomial model: the Nuclei of Psicossocial Attention (NAPS), associations, cooperatives, institutions of residential housing, etc. In these services, then substitutes to the traditional psychiatric model, had been made possible redefinitions of the spaces of the old lunatic asylums in innumerable works and partnerships with the city..
The Syndrome of Burnout in professionals of the health area The Burnout Syndrome on health professionals Camila Oll of the Light Szklar Physiotherapist, Graduated for the Federal University of the Paran SUMMARY The Burnout syndrome is characterized for emotional exhaustion, lack of interest in the played activities, acomete individuals that, during its work hours are under stress continuous. The present work has as purpose to carry through literature revision on the syndrome, its origin and the affected population. Word-key: professional hard work, syndrome of burnout, health of the worker. ABSTRACT The Burnout emotional Syndrome is characterized by exhaustion, lack of interest on perfomed activities, it afflicts individuals that, during to their working period, ploughs submitted you continuous stress. The present essay intends you provide literature overview about this syndrome, its origins and afflicted population. Keywords: proffesional depletion, burnout syndrome, laborer' s health INTRODUCTION Through the work the man developed many of its abilities and knowledge throughout the time. During millenia he knew and he explored the world and he evolved through its functional activity.
In each stage of its evolution he learned to dominate a property of the nature. Each transformation that the man carried through in the nature also had a consequncia, transforming it and of some forms. But the work throughout the times also caused to a series of diseases to the man reflecting the disequilibrium caused to each great transformation caused for this. We live in the present time, with the development of the technology and our economic system, a new organization of the work, where it has the setorializao and the motor and cognitiva repetition during all the occupational day. Moreover, they had been added the life of the worker stated periods, schedules, goals and rules what it collaborates in very for the sprouting of the modern psicossociais patologias.
In relation quantitative research, Polit (2004, P. 140) explain that ' ' the collection processes and analyze of data are separate in the time. The collection analyzes precedes it, in contrast of the qualitative research, where both the processes if combinam' '. It detaches, still, that the way as the data are collected define the type of analyze that and possible to be carried through. It can be said that the interview, the questionnaire, the tests and the comment are the main techniques of collection of data. 3.1LOCAL OF the STUDY the study will be developed in the Hospital of the West of the Bahia, in the city of Barriers. 3.2POPULAO AND SAMPLE the public-target of this research will be the patients interned in the Hospital of the West with decurrent trauma skull-enceflico of traffic accident, chosen teams according to handbook of the Hospital. Initially, they will be selected the general population of patients with trauma enceflico skull, later if arriving at the group of these in result of traffic accidents.
3.3INSTRUMENTO OF COLLECTION OF DATA the data will be collected in handbooks of the patients who give entered in the Hospital of the West with craniano trauma. Later, these data will be funnelled to represent the patients who to give entered in the hospital with trauma enceflico skull proceeding from accident of transit. 3.4DESCRIO OF the COLLECTION OF DATA AND the ANALYSIS OF the DATA the collection of data will be become fullfilled carried through in the period of 15 the 18 of May of 2010. The population will compose itself for patients with diagnosis of TCE that had interned in the Hospital of the West, in the year of 2009. For the sample the patients had been selected who to fill the requirement above and that have suffered traffic accident, independent of the sex legalized in the handbook of attendance of the institution.