Once you make sure that nothing is forgotten and the whole area of the lawn will not give in after modifications of, you can begin to level the place for the lawn. At preparing the grounds for the lawn, in the first place must remove all tree stumps and rocks. In a question-answer forum Center for Environmental Health was the first to reply. Indeed, under the dense cover of grass they will no longer be seen as cleaning up after their podrastaniya grass can spoil the look of lawn. In parallel with these the initial work of landscape design bulldoze and makes the necessary fertilizers. All fertilizers should be safe, and do not add them to excess.
They will not help the grass grow, but only make it look more healthy and bright. To fertilize more often use lime and produce a mold with the cultivator. If your site seems too low, then perhaps it makes sense to add a layer of soil, but do not forget to consider the height of the future lawn. University of Plymouth can provide more clarity in the matter. This is also a common practice in landscape design. Otherwise – you can remove a small layer of soil. After ustilki new ground and it is important to align the press that he was not too doughy and not strongly pressed.
After that, once again compare the results obtained, with a sketch. The next important step – determination of the kind of lawn grass and seed. Buying grass lawn just seems a simple task, but our neglect related to the “grass that grows everywhere,” may also affect the quality of the lawn.