Professional Teachers

STATE UNIVERSITY VALLEY OF THE ACARAU CENTER OF LETTERS AND ARTS COORDINATION OF THE COURSE OF LETTERS RESUME AND TO KNOW OF TEACHING ACTION PROF. MS. MARIA LYDIAN AZEVEDO CCERA ELISEUDA RESUME: TO KNOW AND TEACHING PROFISSIONALIDADE SOBRAL? 2011 RESUME TERORIA and PRXIS Introduction To rethink the resume would be the first step that the schools would have of, therefore works with a different resume of the reality of the pupil, if it speaks very in adequacy, but this is only in the theory of the speech, therefore in the practical one what it sees yourself to happen it is another thing. It is not easy for a pertaining to school manager, to break this paradigm is very difficult to change the thought of who is of the side of it are of the reality, therefore this change must happen in that it withholds the power. Appraising Resume the PACHECO text starts defining what it is resume in some instances, but even so has some significaes, summary as a set of information of a trajectory is it of personal or educative experience. resume if compared with a game with rules, becomes, for its proper nature and dimension, sufficiently problematic and conflitual whenever it looks definiz it. Each definition is not neutral, seno that defines in them and points out in relation to this field.

To insist on an including definition of resume will be able to be become extemporneo and given negative that, although the recent emergency of the resume as field of studies and as specialized knowledge, not yet exists a generalized agreement on what truily it means. (PACHECO, 2001, p 16) Pacheco makes comparisons between the implications of the resume as of a game, full of complex rules, that generates problematic conflicts and. Easy to perceive these implications in day-by-day of the school, when the professor has that to follow a script that many times is it are of the reality of the pupil.

Current Educational System

A current major concern of governments and educational institutions, in close relation to the society itself is related to education and its results translated the performance of students in various educational degrees. The immediate meaning of the disapproval is not to adopt a particular grade level. Rejection occurs in qualifying, then, is a numerical representation in which it appears the actual achievement of the competencies attained by a student. Accreditation does not necessarily mean failing to learn and is not always equal to not learn. In high school grades have different meanings for teachers and students. For teachers it means the possibility of maintaining discipline and control group, although it is also through these that force students to comply with classroom activities or tasks.

For students qualifying represents the possibility of staying in school and apply resources to do that balance their interests and demands of school. However, although disapproval does not report directly on the processes and learning products, warns the possible problems that should be studied more carefully. Regarding this aspect we must consider that the age of secondary school pupils between 12 and 15 years. This time period corresponds to a part that we call adolescence and for this you need to see a little is said about the concept of adolescence and it is imperative to take a position to move forward, first, our position will be to conceive of adolescent as a person who is in a period of change at the physical, emotional, emotional, sexual, requiring support and psychological and social resources to achieve certain goals such as developing their identity and the planning and development of a successful life plan.


The profession still needs to be regulated, that is, it is about plus a being faced challenge. Psychology can play one practical professor, involving the preparation of professionals of the education, or act inside of the proper school. It also fits to the professional to detect possible disturbances in the learning process; to participate of the dynamics of the relations of the educative community in order to favor the process of integration and exchange; to promote orientaes in accordance with metodolgicas the characteristics of the individuals and groups; to carry through process of educational, vocational and occupational orientation, as much in the individual form how much in group.

In accordance with Gonalves (2002, p.42) ‘ ‘ the relations with the knowledge, the entailing with the learning, the significaes contained in the act to learn, are studied for the Psicopedagogia so that it can contribute for the practical analysis and reformularization of educative and for the ressignificao of attitudes subjetivas.’ ‘ The psicopedaggico study it reaches its objectives when, extending the understanding on the characteristics and necessities of learning of determined pupil, it opens space so that the school makes possible resources to take care of to the learning necessities. For this, it must analyze the Politician-Pedagogical Project, over all which its proposals of education and what it is valued as learning. Valley ressalatr of that making psicopedaggico if transforms being able to become a powerful tool in the learning aid. ‘ ‘ It fits to psicopedagogo to perceive eventual disturbances in the process learning, to participate of the dynamics of the educative community, favoring the integration, promoting metodolgicas orientaes in accordance with the characteristics and particularitities of the individuals of the group, carrying through orientation processes.

Professional Orientation

The author still considers to the educators a challenge, in the direction of that let us can assume in the school, an attitude to interdisciplinar. FINAL CONSIDERAES As synthesis of our studies we recognize the contributions of the Educational Orientation in the mediation of the process teach-learning, emphasizing the challenges and possibilities of performance of the OE in a reality each more complex time. The pertaining to school reality presents a series of problems that affect the work of the professor and the specialists of the education. The necessary person who orientates to dare and to elaborate a plan of annual action, breaking of all the pertaining to school characterization, aiming at to take care of the necessities of the school. In this direction, he must always search the formation continued so that he is brought up to date and it has conditions to intervine collectively next to educating, individual or. .

Delors Work

The transforming trend, that is critical, opposes the ilusrio optimism in such a way, how much to imobilizador thought. Therefore, it is considered to understand the education inside of its condicionantes and to act strategically for its transformation. It is considered to unmask and to use themselves of the proper contradictions of the society, to work realistic (critically) for its transformation. It is inside of this context of transformation that the education to the diligent pupils necessary to be directed. Opportune then it is to observe the four pillars of the education for century XXI that according to Delors (1998, P.

101-102), when concluding on this subject, it makes the following recommendations: – To learn to know, combining a general, enough vast culture, with the possibility to work in depth a small number of substances. What also it means: to learn to learn, to benefit of the chances offered for the education throughout all the life; – To learn to make, in order to acquire, not only a professional qualification but, in ampler way, abilities that become the apt person to face numerous situations and to work in team. But also to learn to make, in the scope of the diverse social experiences or of adolescent young work that if offers the e, wants spontaneously, fruit of the local or national context, wants formal, thanks to the development of the education alternated with the work; – To learn to live together developing the understanding of the other and the perception of the interdependences to carry through common projects and to prepare themselves to manage conflicts in the respect for the values of pluralism, the mutual understanding and the peace; To learn to be, better to develop its personality and to be to the height to act with each time bigger capacity of autonomy, discernment and personal responsibility.