STATE UNIVERSITY VALLEY OF THE ACARAU CENTER OF LETTERS AND ARTS COORDINATION OF THE COURSE OF LETTERS RESUME AND TO KNOW OF TEACHING ACTION PROF. MS. MARIA LYDIAN AZEVEDO CCERA ELISEUDA RESUME: TO KNOW AND TEACHING PROFISSIONALIDADE SOBRAL? 2011 RESUME TERORIA and PRXIS Introduction To rethink the resume would be the first step that the schools would have of, therefore works with a different resume of the reality of the pupil, if it speaks very in adequacy, but this is only in the theory of the speech, therefore in the practical one what it sees yourself to happen it is another thing. It is not easy for a pertaining to school manager, to break this paradigm is very difficult to change the thought of who is of the side of it are of the reality, therefore this change must happen in that it withholds the power. Appraising Resume the PACHECO text starts defining what it is resume in some instances, but even so has some significaes, summary as a set of information of a trajectory is it of personal or educative experience. resume if compared with a game with rules, becomes, for its proper nature and dimension, sufficiently problematic and conflitual whenever it looks definiz it. Each definition is not neutral, seno that defines in them and points out in relation to this field.
To insist on an including definition of resume will be able to be become extemporneo and given negative that, although the recent emergency of the resume as field of studies and as specialized knowledge, not yet exists a generalized agreement on what truily it means. (PACHECO, 2001, p 16) Pacheco makes comparisons between the implications of the resume as of a game, full of complex rules, that generates problematic conflicts and. Easy to perceive these implications in day-by-day of the school, when the professor has that to follow a script that many times is it are of the reality of the pupil.