Environmental Health

Once you make sure that nothing is forgotten and the whole area of the lawn will not give in after modifications of, you can begin to level the place for the lawn. At preparing the grounds for the lawn, in the first place must remove all tree stumps and rocks. In a question-answer forum Center for Environmental Health was the first to reply. Indeed, under the dense cover of grass they will no longer be seen as cleaning up after their podrastaniya grass can spoil the look of lawn. In parallel with these the initial work of landscape design bulldoze and makes the necessary fertilizers. All fertilizers should be safe, and do not add them to excess.

They will not help the grass grow, but only make it look more healthy and bright. To fertilize more often use lime and produce a mold with the cultivator. If your site seems too low, then perhaps it makes sense to add a layer of soil, but do not forget to consider the height of the future lawn. University of Plymouth can provide more clarity in the matter. This is also a common practice in landscape design. Otherwise – you can remove a small layer of soil. After ustilki new ground and it is important to align the press that he was not too doughy and not strongly pressed.

After that, once again compare the results obtained, with a sketch. The next important step – determination of the kind of lawn grass and seed. Buying grass lawn just seems a simple task, but our neglect related to the “grass that grows everywhere,” may also affect the quality of the lawn.

National Gallery

Basically, the company is working with the orders of urban governance in Moscow and other public or private customers. The company has 50 years of experience in building construction, renovation and restoration of various buildings. Working as a designer and the accompanying construction numerous prominent buildings in 1962, employees Mosprekta-2 proved its competence in the process of restoration and reconstruction of the palace complex Tsarina. In just 3 years it took to complete the recovery This impressive complex. The following are highlights of Mosproject 2. From 1960 to 1970 the company was engaged primarily its own projects commissioned by the administration of Moscow: National Gallery, the building of various research institutes and computer centers, the new building of the Moscow Art Theatre, the State Central Puppet Theatre, the building complex and TASS central building terminal on the Leningrad prospectus, etc. In the second half of the 70s architects of the company has developed a number of projects for the Olympic Games in Moscow.

Sport complex “Olympic” with an indoor stadium for 45,000 spectators, Olympic swimming pool with seats for 12,000 spectators and a hotel complex “Izmailovo” of 10,000 seats have been built under the supervision of Mosproject-2. In the 80 years the company has carried out large construction Yakimanka, central the object of which was the building of “President-hotel”. While the building was constructed, which now held the meeting of the Federation Council, and the hotel “Krasnopresnenskaya”. ” 90s were marked by ambitious renovations such as the Cultural Center of the Moscow Government in the street Stankevich and residence of the Patriarch of Moscow in the walls of the Danilov Monastery. Mosproekt-2 is currently working on projects of the “Golden Ring of Moscow” (zone rest) and “Arbat avenue.”.

The Lock

Common main condition, which must be respected regardless of the means is the selection of a suitable color. Otherwise, all efforts to remove external defects may be in vain. Junk CASTLE If you have happened any malfunction with the door locked, it is first necessary to ascertain the reasons. First try to open and close a few times when the open state locking steel door. If in such a position lock function normally, the cause is likely in a hole under the crossbar. The fact is that over time, the door may be slightly prosest and, accordingly, the level of bolts and holes are no longer the same. In this case, you can either fix skewed door, or a little "pomudrit" with holes for the course of crossbars. As a working tool, you can use the file.

But before you mindlessly file down the surface of the holes for the bolts, it should be noted place to study. To do this, your regular toothpaste or other alternative means, which would have a contrasting color, and could then easily slip away. Paste deposited on the end of the coming out of the lock bolts, and they will be partially closed, rests against the side profile frame and leave her mark. If the lock pink even when the steel door open state, then the fault is probably in the core, so it is recommended simply replace it with a new one. One of the contraindications for damage to the lock can be assumed that under no circumstances should one try to crank the power key as it threatens dire consequences – a key failure in the core.

A This in turn complicates the repair of the castle, and his efforts can not cope. DONKEY DOOR If at closing the door leaf with difficulty comes in the door frame, or in some way distorted, then it is necessary First of all, check out the loop: more tightly wrap the bolts. DOOR BELL DOES NOT WORK Not all holders entrance steel doors possess sufficient information about the fittings, which she completed, so some of the problems may arise simply because of ignorance. The most common problems that happens with the fittings, is that after awhile doorbell stops working. And before you throw out the old and acquire new, should be more closely examine its structure. Doorbell, which is equipped with a steel door is wired. In other words, a button which is located on the surface of the door, and the body of the bell, which is located in the interior of the door frame, connecting wires. Power supply are two penlight batteries, which are located inside the housing. The conclusion is clear: first of all, try changing batteries. To do this you only need to be removed from the doorframe casing bell and open the lid, under which both are old batteries. For more information, go to the site