(OF Where apud, MATURANA, p 346, 2002). Importance of the perceptions and the structure of the nervous system so that it has a symbiosis and the body if it integrates in it, where by means of this construction of verbal and corporal language is verified it the learning better is apprehended. Such individual learning with interaction also with the other, to search an education, that the alunato can acquire with the corporal movements and understanding its body and its relation with the other, improving its visual, space perceptions, the respect the individualities and the space of the other, in an education and re-education, socializadora and supplier of one better quality of life, for understanding to be the man a being biopsicossocial. It is of primordial importance that the educator has this ampler focus in corporeidade and motivates in its aprendentes becoming a reflection on its prxis educative, improving not only its relations of interactions partners between pupil-pupils and professors? pupils, but that games and tricks have a dimension of bigger amplido, also being able the ensinante to stimulate in aprendente one better performance in excessively you discipline, that is, taking itself he disciplines it for its work of corporeidade and vice he turns. It is evidenced that the movements psicomotores of the children more are accented, when exercise through games and tricks also its learnings, the constructions and cognitions are extended for certain, in the taking of decisions, the productions of arts and in you discipline them to all, for understanding that the psychic movements follow the movements of the body. Educators who use themselves of this motivation of the importance of corporeidade, will get resulted excellent with its alunato, a pedagogical work with this dimension will help in the interdisciplinaridades, factor that awakes the constructions of learnings. He observes yourself that, therefore as in any modality of learning, it is necessary that the ensinante, knows its proper one body, exactly has a vision of corporeidade of itself so that this vision in its can work aprendente.
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The comparison enters the Theories of Learning of Piaget and Vygostky if of the one of the following form: 1. With regard to the paper of the internal and external factors in the development. Piaget believes that only it would start to have human development when it had biological maturity in the being. According to Piaget, the internal factors preponder on the external factors. Vygostky claimed that the human development depends on the social environment where the being coexists. If the environment where the being coexists to vary, its development also will vary 2. How much to the paper of the learning and Piaget development it claims that the same one if subordinates to the development, that is, the learning is function of the development.
The more developed, more the man learns. Vygostky says that learning and development if influence reciprocal. It has a narrow cycle between these two factors. 3. Relation between language and thought.
As Piaget the thought appears before the language. The language would be only one of the expression of the thought. The thought does not depend on the language. ' ' The formation of the thought it depends, basically, of the coordination of the projects sensorimotores and not of linguagem' '. For Vygostky the language and thought are interdependent. They appear together if complementing. 4. The paper of the language in the development. For Piaget the language depends on the mental development. The language occurs with the development of the cognitivo thought, that is, with the development of the mental processes. Vygostky claims that as the language and the thought appears together, the language helps to develop the mental processes. Causing developed thoughts more. The language develops the mental processes. Below comparative table between theory of Piaget and Vygostky: THEORIES OF THE LEARNING COMPARATIVE PICTURE 1. Paper of the internal and external factors in development 2. Paper of learning 3. Relation between language and thought 4. Paper of the language in the Piaget development versus Vygostky 1) Piaget: The development of the human being depends on its biological maturation. Vygostky: The development of the human being depends on the social environment where it lives. 2) Piaget: The learning subordinates it desenvovimento. Vygostky: Learning and development if influence reciprocal. 3) Piaget: The thought appears before the language. Vygostky: The thought and the language are interdependent processes. 4) Piaget: The language alone occurs later that the child reached one definitive level of mental abilities, that is, the evolution of the cognitivo thought causes the language. Vygostky: The language modifies the superior mental functions of the child: it of the definite form to the cognitivo thought, that is, helps intelligence.
(COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.16). Great theoreticians of the cinema? amongst them the name of Sigfried Kracauer? they follow this line, that measures the cinema according to imagtico criterion. ' ' For they (the theoreticians), to speak on the cinematographic language in its pure state would be to deal with imagem' ' (ALTMAN, 1985, p.52). As it was said, this would be in an attempt of dissociar the cinema of the theater, since the first experiences of the said cinema were very related when making teatral. The disdain of many to the presence of the sound in the cinema was followed from there. But, as it indicates Coast: ' ' He is almost unnecessary to say that a battle against the wrong target was that one. To be fought villain would not have to be the sound in the films, and yes the teatral use of the voice, that due to its onipresena in the first said films North American was taken not as one of the constituent elements of the substance sonorous of the films, but confused with the totality of this matria' ' (COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.16) it is not only the fight against the teatralidade that explains the priority of image on the sound.
As it indicates Coast, Marshall McLuhan already said on the superiority of the vision in the comunicacionais processes of the society occidental person, in its relation dialectic with another one of the directions, the hearing. What it says is that, in an initial period of training of the civilization, the hearing was the main one of the directions therefore for it was made possible the communication between the people. With the sprouting of the phonetic alphabet, the priority of the verbal communication if saw wounded, favoring the symbol visual. McLuhan says that with the advent of the written alphabet, ' occurs inevitable; ' reduction of the paper of the directions of the sound, the tato, the palate in any culture letrada' ' (in COAST, the insertion of the sound in the cinema, p.4).
In a production average diapers we will have 252,32kg/Hr. Verifying this number, it was possible to indentificar possible goals that would bring of certain form spirit it team and also to satisfy the necessities of invoicing of the organization. 49,261 had been produced, 97 kg of materials smooth diaper in 183:22 hours, for programmed 216horas. Having an exploitation of 84,78% of the available time for use of the machine. With new the proposal of 280 kg/hr of material, in the same period we will have 53,107, 7Kg. In the same available time for carried through production previously. With this productive evolution the production will have an efficiency of 3.845, 73 kg of smooth material, and 7,24% in relation to the carried through previous productions. Remembering that we are carrying through one it analyzes in 9 days, chosen of random form.
With a general average of products diapers of 252,32kg/hr of the carried through productions already. For the Production of material printed matter, 47,281, 60kg of materials, 203:02 hours, 93.39% of the line in its available time for the production had been produced. With new the proposal for the line printed diaper, of 250kg/hr, we will have a production of 50.750, 00kg of material printed matter in the same period. With the productive evolution the production will have the efficiency of 3.468, 40kg of material printed matter, and 6.83% in relation the previous goal. For the goal of smooth film diaper, with the reach of the goal 290kg/hr, will be possible to produce 150,800, kg material month considering, 20 produced daily hours, using 26 days useful during the month. In the same line considering films of diapers printed matter, with the reach of the goal of 250Kg/hr, using the same criterion above the volume will arrive the 130,000, 00kg of material month. The general goal for new the proposal of the Ghiold line and 270kg/hr.