Complutense University

This amount should be added between 10 billion and 15 billion euros that it would provide the International Monetary Fund (IMF).Expected Greece to activate the plan, along with the austerity measures which this requires. The talks to define the terms of the plan of aid, fixed for Monday, have been postponed as a result of the closure of airspace in most of Europe following the eruption of a volcano in Iceland. In opinion of Rafael Pampillon, Professor of economic environment at IE Business School, the agreement relieves the problem but does not solve it. The Greek public debt will continue to grow as a snowball until the Greek Government recognizes its inability to meet its payment obligations. The only way out is the suspension of payments, a competition of creditors that would obviously hurt holders of Greek bonds. Pampillon he assures that he begins to see parallels between the financial crisis and the current situation of the European country which faced Argentina nine years ago. According to Pampillon, is the only alternative for Greece, the hand of the IMF, go to the Paris Club and the London to introduce a suspension of payments in a negotiated manner. Believes that in this way would avoid moral hazard or perverse behavior that makes that the creditors (in the case of Greece) for breach of the debtor (Greece) continue their funds that boast that always there will be a lender of last resort (eurozone countries) that will solve the problem.

And says: there should be no rescue for Greece because the message that no matter is sent to investors that Spain, Portugal or Italy have excesses in government spending or unsustainable fiscal deficit because ultimately someone will pay.Mendez Ibisate believes that you to prevent Greece from entering situation of inability to pay and have to get out of the euro is for what it has granted the loan from the EU over what contribution the IMF. This professor at the Complutense University believes that its position within a single economic and monetary area is recent and that, therefore, countries want to hold and avoid shattering the confidence on it is a point of difference from the Greek case with what happened and how it evolved the case in Argentina. In spite of this, doubts of the European initiative. Is not clear that what Europe has done, the EU will be better for Greece, or the euro area nor for countries that in the future move in that currency, it should not be forgotten as says Douzinas, Greeks are a proud people. They have been massively subjected to bombardment of the media, Government and academics adocenadamente Submissives, in order to make them believe blame for the failures of a system that no one has voted. In Britain we are already very accustomed to the rhetoric of the TINA “No-there-alternative”, by its acronym in English; T.; but we also know that there is always one alternative. The situation that traverse the Greeks places them in first line of an attack full-fledged European democracy, social justice and solidarity principles, principles which, although they never stopped being a bit rhetorical today are broken wherever. Ideally, that the Greek Government should do is forget the false orthodoxy that converts to Greece in a nation so little sovereign as Iraq and calling a national front of resistance against the barbaric attack. Source: attac.