Strike In Municipal Day-care Should Not Be To The Steady State

CDU faction appeals to negotiation of collective bargaining the strikes initiated by Verdi in the municipal day-care may not be worn out on the backs of parents and children in Wuppertal. The CDU Bundestag Group appeals to the two unions as quickly as possible to return to the negotiating table and negotiate a compromise that all sides can live with. We call in particular on the Wuppertal Verdi Chairman Dietmar Bell, who enters the SPD well as OB candidate to preserve sound judgment and to keep the public welfare in mind”, so the comment of Wuppertal CDU Group Chairman Bernhard Simon to the ongoing strikes in the childcare facilities. We can need to well understand the anger and the anger of the parents, again and again their plans about the pile of throw the now and look from one day to the next, how and where they can place their children. These replacement solutions, which must inevitably use it, parents cost extra money. That the teachers and Educators in the day-care centres perform a valuable service to the community and be paid for it properly and must enjoy adequate health protection, is out of the question for us.

That the services trade union Verdi and the education Trade Union GEW on week-long strikes be, may be Yes. The concerned parents with children are not anyway,”Simon says. Even if the policy would of course not actively intervene in the dispute, so Simon, it was important to express its solidarity with the affected families. We must preach the reconciliation of family and working life not only in speeches. I hope that the social discussion may develop such pressure, that both sides follow the path of reason.”