President Gordon Hinckley

International analyst To the 97 years of age died the Prophet of mormones. No contemporary leader of a creed or nation has had such longevity. Hinckley was mentor of Romney, one of both suction leading to North American bureaucracy. Bush, who it decorated to him with the greater civil medal from the USA to the year that Hinckley endorsed its invasion to Iraq, homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his wisdom and friendship to him. Hinckley dedicated or constructed of the 125 temples mormones of the world. With him mormones is today more outside the USA than in that country. Also they are the fourth greater religious organization of this power and one of which it supports and more it influences the Divided governor Republican. It tended bridges towards the evangelical ones and today hers is the native church of the USA that grows more in the world (Time considered that for century aims they could have 280 million of mormones).

When swearing that the first Americans and Polynesians were lost tribes of Israel they have pierced in sectors of those populations who therefore approach the most preservative wings of Washington. Gordon Hinckley (23/06/1910 27/01/2008) death of prophet mormn and his legacy Sunday 27, mormones, while still they savored the fact that Mitt Romney became the first coreligionist his in being heading the interns of one of the great North American parties, found out that his President Gordon Hinckley had passed away. George W. Bush homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his friendship and wisdom to him. Hinckley was one of those who it transformed to the mormonismo in one of the religions that more influence to Washington and which grows proportionally more in the world. Its legacy deserves to be studied. Hinckley, that died gracious to the 97 years of age, was the oldest leader of any creed or country.