David Hume

In turn, influenced for Plotino, Augustin, the Nos coincides with the God of the Christianity, and the content of the thought the holy ghost is the ksmos noets, and mundus intelligibilis. For it, is about a rational vision, and recognizes a superior level of the vision of God, that is, in the religious experience, we enter in immediate contact and of mstico way with God, what if of the one of emotional form. From Augustin, a mstica idea appears of God in the medieval mstica, that comes with the opposite of scholastic of intelectualista orientation. The scholastic one only recognizes knowledge of the type rational-discursivo, and the mstica, the right of the intuition, mainly the religious intuition. Already in the Modern Age, with Discardings, the intuition alone involves an immediate intuition of itself, therefore the acts of the life are lived deeply by the proper citizen of real form, that is, it is about a material intuition that if it relates to a Metaphysical situation. In Paschal, the knowledge of the heart is rank to the side of the intellectual, and the emotional knowledge, to the side of the rational, as well as for Malebranche. In Leibniz and Espinosa, the intuition does not exert paper in the theory of the knowledge, as well as for Kant, who in turn does not recognize the experiences in the direction of an immediate apprehension of the object, therefore for Kant, only exists knowledge rational-discursivo.

For David Hume, the human agreement does not possess capacity to know if the things exist and nor as they are, therefore everything that exceeds the capacity of ours conscience runs away from the rational knowledge. Hume is called skeptic, what it is only applied to the theoretical and practical knowledge, rational and irrational. The practical agency and irrational are called ' ' crena' ' , that one meets in the psychic instinct, and that by means of this, if it reaches the certainty of the reality of the world.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The fact remains – there was no sex. Lou persuades his mother to send her studies at the university only then, who took women. She met with Malvide Meyzenburg background, which in turn introduces Paul Rae, philosopher and friend of Friedrich Nietzsche. Paul irrevocably falls in love with Lois. Nietzsche admired this woman. They both wrote her love letters, with Paul hides the letter Nietzsche to Lou did not get them.

Of course, Nietzsche's response to them does not receive, and then he, at heart, wrote to his friends that she was "dirty, smelly monkey with false breasts." When cooled his ardor, he writes all the same friends that a great woman than Lou, he has never met, and certainly never meet. Both he and Paul offered to marry Lou. She refuses, and the first and second. There is a famous photograph, Nietzsche, and Rae, in drawn carriage, and Lou – with a whip. One time, at the suggestion of Mrs. von Salome, they lived three of us – the community.

They were discussing philosophy, talks a lot. Both philosophers recognize exceptional mental capacity of the women. Of course, no sexual intercourse was not, Lou was still a virgin. After Lou throws Paul, he ends up a suicide, but this has not been confirmed, it is believed that his death – accident case. But Nietzsche never fall in love and not marry her. And our Lou continues his life. On its way there is a certain Andreas, he, like others, invites her to marry him, but she always refuses. Andreas had a hot blood, and then at her, after the refusal, plunges his dagger into his chest. Lou was seriously scared. She agrees to marry him, on one condition – they will never be physically close. Andreas agrees, believing it is only the whim of a woman who will soon give way. Pathetic fool, he did not receive it until the end of his days, given that they will be married for life.


The esticos philosophers did not fear deuses nor the death, therefore he had a belief atomist (Nunes, 1986). The main philosopher of this school was Zeno de Ctio (336-263 C), that estoicismo lived according to, searching? ataraxia? defending that the virtues would be the supreme end of all the things. 4,2 EPICURISMO School established from the ideas of Epicuro (342-271 C), was moral and individualistic, as the estoicismo, but it affirmed that the only end of the existence is the pleasure. Not it Christian pleasure, equivalent the sin and lewdness, but the concept of perfect has adjusted to the laws of the nature (Nunes, 1986). By this reason, the epicurista philosophy is called as the good art to live. Different of the esticos, the epicuristas admitted that pleasures spirituals could be positive, such as the art, the thought and the friendship.

The last purpose of ethics elaborated for the epicuristas are serenity, the apathy. 4,3 SKEPTICISM Had a position always to take as doubtful what it is affirmed by the man. They arrived to doubt the knowledge capacity (Nunes, 1986). Thus? nobody knows swims, nobody never knew you are welcome, nor never will know? it seems an adequate sentence to the adepts of this school. The representative greater of this school was Pirrn de Elis (360-270 C), that it affirmed that our judgments on the reality are conventional and are based on sensations. It observed that the directions are deceptive, then the knowledge always cannot be accurate and true. In accordance with the pirronismo, the man must be contented with the appearances of the things, and know that it does not possess the absolute truth (Cabral, 2006). 4,4 ECLETICISM the school of the ecleticism, seemed with the skepticism, associates the criterion of truth with the one of probability (Cabral, 2006). That is, the philosophers of this school had presented themselves acrticos, therefore the accepted ecleticism some possibilities of a truth.

Professional Orientation

The adolescence is a phase marked for difficulties, conflicts but also learning, where the individual discovers its identity, defines its personality and searchs autonomy. It is the moment also to define the choice of the profession what it can still more be conflituoso for the young knowing of the implications that this decision can cause for its future. Being based on the technique of group dynamics and using a half-structuralized questionnaire the present research objectified to present the paper of the Professional Orientation, as well as offering to the pupils a reflection space on the world of the work and the conditions in which if they carry through its professional choices, beyond promoting in the adolescent the awareness of a more critical and conscientious decision how much its professional future. They had participated to 26 (twenty and six) pupils of 3 Series of Average Ensino and the data had pointed that although many doubts in relation to the way that professional that they will follow, the pupils have great expectations on its future professions and choices, and the Professional Orientation guided and offered information that many still were unaware of..

Professor Erdogan

Joost Lagendijk, former MEP and Professor at Sabanci University in Istanbul, said he always considered the theory of the secret agenda Islamist AKP as a fallacy, as it has now been demonstrated and that the great capital of this match has been great and undisputed economic prosperity in Turkey which has benefited a wide sector of the population under Erdogan. The j of the Electoral Institute Konda, Tarhan Erdem, also dismissed the Islamist hypothesis as a real danger. Erdem matches Langendijk in which the best for a healthy development of democracy in Turkey is that Erdogan fails to an overwhelming majority of 367 or more than 550 seats in the Parliament to avoid actually converting his presidential dream French thanks to a new Constitution, which would not need to convene a rrendum. But it also seems that in that case they can sleep quiet who, moreover, see with concern the growing authoritarian traits, or even totalitarian, Erdogan, with such concentration of power in his hands, since surveys those granted in the best of cases 345 seats, insufficient to all lights to become a neootomano Napoleon. Also he accuses the j of the Turkish Government of having increased his nationalist rhetoric, an indication more of its authoritarian potential that dragging to the new legislature, but it is, according to Erdem, more than anything a mere and fleeting electoral strategy. This stratagem, of dubious electoral performance, may have cost Erdogan not only sympathy, but also the votes of many Kurds who in 2007 gave it his support and promised that in recent times more rights and the search for a solution to the bloody conflict that has claimed more than 45,000 dead in a war undeclared since 1984..


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Italian Country

Probably each of us home is a place where we rest from their labors and gaining strength. The interior of our house, its atmosphere should help in achieving this goal. What holiday could be better than a soft striped chair in where you can get with a book, and warm shades of orange on a rainy day when you do not want to leave the house? If you close the philosophy behind your comfortable home, then go in search of wicker furniture, wooden cabinets and drawers with a touch of antiquity, beds with carved headboards, concise tables and chairs. It all together – the style of country music. Country in translation from English – the village, the countryside. The furniture in country style – woven or wooden, with unpolished surfaces. It is spread traditional for this style way – very relaxed. "Roughness" of furniture can be mitigated pretty trinkets and interior accessories, saturated colors.

Country style is perfect for a country house design, but its main features can be reproduced well in a modern apartment. These days, country said goodbye to the naive simplicity of the village and became more sophisticated and elegant, while retaining the main advantages – the lack of pretentiousness, softness, romance, closeness to nature. A special place in this style is textiles. For a country characterized by natural materials, often used linen, cotton. Colors – Cage, bar, and, of course, a bright summer flower ornament variety of colors.

Better use of close to nature paint: green, terra cotta, ocher, the color aqua, blue clear sky, the color of natural wood and soft-pink sunset. The main condition – the color should be pleasing to the eye and do not be gloomy. This is sort of the motto of country-style colors. If you want to design its interior in the style of the country, the first thing to note – the walls and floor. Walls can be painted in a plain natural color. If you are using wallpaper, then they must choose a striped, with understated geometric or floral pattern. Parquet flooring, solid wood, fruit and exotic trees will help create a lively and sophisticated atmosphere in your home. The next step in creating our interior design – furniture. Fine, if you remained prababushkiny wardrobes and chests of drawers. They can restore a little remake and they will last many years, decorating the house and giving it personality. If the "antiques" does not get you to inherit – does not matter. Interior design showrooms will offer country-style furniture, construction of modern factories – the French, British, Italian, German. Last and very important touch – textiles. Hang at the windows bright cheerful curtains that create a sense of summer in the room and your mood. Place a table on a snow-white lace tablecloth. Lay on the couch colorful pillows. In the rural interior looks great live green. Put on the windowsills and floor ceramic pots with green plants and vases with fresh flowers. Country style does not like the geometric definition, easy to "mess" with an abundance of sun flowers, vases, paintings, greenery, pillows and simple furniture will not irritate the eyes, rather the opposite – calm. The quest for coziness, peace and tranquility – the red thread in the canvas of country style. And how can a comfort to go out of fashion?

Sir Walter Scott

The Gothic style became fashionable in Europe in the second quarter of the 19 th century with the light hand of the famous novelist Sir Walter Scott. In the Neo-gothic russia (1829-1843) In the thirties, 19 th century in St. Petersburg begins, literally, the craze for romantic medievalism. In the fashion is all gothic. The decor of furniture is most often used by various elements Gothic architecture: three-lobed arches, slender columns, krestotsvety sometimes folds, ribbons, floral elements, leaves, roses and curls.

Material is usually served as a nut, pear tree, sometimes oak and mahogany. Especially, in the spirit of the Middle Ages got off classrooms and libraries. Gothic atmosphere of mystery and secrecy, is the best was conducive to reflection. So, thanks to the beautiful prose of Walter Scott, to taste Gothic quickly spread everywhere and has penetrated all. "Cabinets, screens, chairs – everything turned into a gothic" – wrote in 1833, Nikolai Gogol.

But it was only an external imitation of the Gothic style, without deep penetration into its foundations. But in This is the essence of romantic historicism: the desire to create a situation in a particular style, but not to the Middle Ages come to be in the wild. country Country – country style. Using only natural, natural materials. Realm of comfort and convenience. Predominance in the interior of simple natural materials. Wooden furniture is most often not exposed to a complex surface treatment and has a natural, natural color, not concealing wood texture. Or vice versa – simulates aged tree.

Italian Linens

Italy does not tolerate tediousness. Here, life is in full swing over the edge of Roman fountains. Here beauties escort shameless eyes and clatter of swarthy Spaniards. Here linens dried on the street without fear of theft or conviction. These are – good-natured Italians – loud, outspoken, love to eat, worshipful high fashion. Italian linens in many ways similar to their compatriots: bold, radiant, like a beach orange sun. Add to this a drop of Italian mischievous merriment, an olive branch to self-righteousness, a breath of fresh inspiration, and you get a set of bed linen with Italian character. “What is their feature? “- you ask. The secret is simple: the Italian designer bed linen, obeying the rebellious spirit of the great Italian artists, let your imagination flow freely on the vaguely unreal Channels Venice, wander through the bright streets of Florence or the rush to open the season at La Scala Opera House. And even if they “steal” ideas from flawless beauty of female legs in coastal orange groves and flower girls, offering passers-fragrant bouquets of fresh flowers. They are forgivable. By the way, a new collection of bed linen Caleffi like a flower, drum up customers, and simple gawkers unique floral range. On sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers decorate miniature red roses, wisteria fluffy, “windy” anemones, touching tulips, orchids and other noble, Italian divine flowers and inflorescences. Say happy only one who has visited Italy from loved favorite at least once. But let’s start with small things – at least one night with my boyfriend in Italian linens. We assume this is the first step to a large and comprehensive Fortunately, whose name is Felicita.

Shoes In Italy – History

Italian shoes – the most prestigious in the world. Not for nothing, even the country itself, Italy looks like a boot – the irony of geography. The ancient Romans originally used two kinds of shoes: – shoes that cover your entire foot and tied in front with a ribbon or string – calceus – sandals, which covered only the sole of the foot and fastened to the foot with special straps – solea. The Romans believed that the educated man should not appear in polite society open shoes – it was a mauvais ton. Roman woman's shoe in a shoe in white, while the men enjoyed the popularity of black.

For special occasions the Romans used the purple and red shoes that decorated with embroidery and pearls. Characteristically, the patricians – the noble citizens – crepe shoes with four straps and plebeians – one. Senators wore shoes in black that extends to the ankles. At the same time on the patella portrayed month of silver or gold, which was the hallmark of the patricians, and was called 'luna patricia'. During the Empire the Romans liked to decorate shoes with precious metals and stones. Residents of poor Roman society were forced to wear wooden shoes. The same shoes worn by criminals, convicted of killing his father.

Subsequently, the Romans developed about 23 kinds of shoes, and then the Italians have already impressed the neighbors on the mainland creative approach to the creation of footwear. Now Italy is considered a world leader in shoe manufacturing middle and high class. After China and Brazil, the Italian footwear industry is in third place in the world. When Moreover, the Italian production remains roughly the same as a few centuries ago: the share of large enterprises account for only one thousand factories, the remaining seven thousand – it poluartelnye production.