
The father of Isabel unlimbers one trabuco in its direction, that if esquiva, and the shot pulls out the head of the statue of crucificado Jesus Christ, who was well behind the altar, son of the mother this our friend, disappeared without to leave tracks. In them we were a group, I you Djair and Pedrosa, this then, I go to count to you in details what it happened. It was morning of friday, and as of custom it wakes up me to Pedrosa, with a leaf written in hands, and peculiar curiosity of a poet namely, what I mere reader and admirer of its workmanships, would find more than of that fascinating reasoning where it kept in its writings. This if intitled THREE PEACHES! Three peaches. Executioner man, who of steps if carries through Steps illuminated for three peaches, Because these are peaches and not men.

Peaches are blind fruits If were seen fruits would be Vssegos. if blind men When eating Vssegos saw These would not be men. To see has blind people that they read, To see has blind people that they love, To see has blind people that they are not little men therefore, To see has blind people that they accept the blindness, To see has blind people that they see more than men. then what you found? Our Pedrosa friend asks to me sinicamente and I am without words, also because expensive Zaca, I do not want to influence to it with my interpretations! Pedrosa is a scholar of our time, says this for you, still can recite minutely, that poem of it, you did not like very why the main personage felt itself. Its heading was, PRESIDENT, and it started more or less thus: President It oscillates between the worlds Changes the lock of this door, Goes to rain needles in its lombo the president is guilty always For proper guilt, Where is the outcome? They silence the mouth carrapatos parasites Has an accident did not perceive here? The accident was in my room! Ok! It is burglarized, Better gentlemen enter Leave the carrapatos to make politics, Take off the country of the cabinet Or you he is not remembered, the lock was changed Therefore he was burglarized, He stops in its place of its place moment Stops to oscillate between the worlds.

Homemade Incubator

the manufacture of its own reptile egg incubator can be a good way to avoid the high costs of the purchase incubators and still of obtaining a good rate of appearance, if you know what you are doing what is. Here I am going to be giving some instructions step by step on how creating a breeding ground of reptiles in house, from the purchase of the equipment to put eggs. List of Purchases the majority of people thinks that they are going to save much money doing his own incubator, nevertheless, if you do not have already much of this equipment in house, the costs can begin to increase. It tries to evaluate the amount that you are going to need to happen beforehand, since it can be better to buy a incubator in some cases. That it is going to need: A polystyrene refrigerator with a cover that more or less closes or a heat mat the size of the base of the refrigerator (which they need two for great projects the more) a thermostat a thermometer (that can prefer the more for projects of greater spread) a humidity indicator a controller of pencil or a screw a plastic glass or one tray Some heavy pieces to interlock (optional) Where to find the equipment If you buy food congealed for his most probable reptile it is than sent to you in a polystyrene refrigerator that can be used like the shell of its incubator. Also it can visit the local stores of mascots or centers of gardening with the aquarium departments and ask if they have some coolers of spare part that would be prepared to give him (that they receive the fish in these and generally to only throw them). stores of reptiles will have the heat mat, thermostat, thermometer and measurer of humidity, if it does not have some of spare part, but to occur a return by the best supplies, since they can be expensive.

President Gordon Hinckley

International analyst To the 97 years of age died the Prophet of mormones. No contemporary leader of a creed or nation has had such longevity. Hinckley was mentor of Romney, one of both suction leading to North American bureaucracy. Bush, who it decorated to him with the greater civil medal from the USA to the year that Hinckley endorsed its invasion to Iraq, homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his wisdom and friendship to him. Hinckley dedicated or constructed of the 125 temples mormones of the world. With him mormones is today more outside the USA than in that country. Also they are the fourth greater religious organization of this power and one of which it supports and more it influences the Divided governor Republican. It tended bridges towards the evangelical ones and today hers is the native church of the USA that grows more in the world (Time considered that for century aims they could have 280 million of mormones).

When swearing that the first Americans and Polynesians were lost tribes of Israel they have pierced in sectors of those populations who therefore approach the most preservative wings of Washington. Gordon Hinckley (23/06/1910 27/01/2008) death of prophet mormn and his legacy Sunday 27, mormones, while still they savored the fact that Mitt Romney became the first coreligionist his in being heading the interns of one of the great North American parties, found out that his President Gordon Hinckley had passed away. George W. Bush homenaje saying to him that it will surprise by his friendship and wisdom to him. Hinckley was one of those who it transformed to the mormonismo in one of the religions that more influence to Washington and which grows proportionally more in the world. Its legacy deserves to be studied. Hinckley, that died gracious to the 97 years of age, was the oldest leader of any creed or country.


This spring 2011 trends, gives a very important place in fashion on the slopes. The protagonist main the buttoned in front and those of dark blue colour, a colour being serious but that adapts very well to all the looks. The basic model that can not miss on any of our wardrobes is a cute skirt for flight in a plain color, which can be combined with various t-shirts in different colors and patterns. And if they add these skirts a fitted jacket, will manage a sophisticated look, perfect to go to work to the last step of the fashion. If you prefer risking and combine styles, company fantastic bet by a skirt of Navy Blue and white stripes, own navy, combined with an original t-shirt style where a big bow takes part of prominence in the look. If you instead want to show off a more child style, Dolores Promesassugiere skirts buttoned with a pink blouse, and a few dancers comfortable. Designs minis and straight, in eye-catching shades, proposed addition to play with the multitude of proposals in colorful and printed t-shirts offered by 2011 trends. In handle for your part you will find a line that goes from the classic denim skirts to brighter red, to give protagonism the more informal looks.

For the most chic, a blouse of chiffon and skirts with buttoned with delicate Pearl buttons, flyers will be the option you were looking for. Denim skirts never go out of fashion, but yea adapt to new trends and therefore are renewed. There are for this new season in different lengths, with plus and minus buttons, flight, straight and with different graduations on the worn Primark which proposes this time in skirts is suitable only for the highest. A model above the knee, practically straight. Original author and source of the article.

Difasa Design

At Difasa we offer original and avant-garde designs for skinning wardrobes and dressing rooms, because we think that the design must be present both on the outside and inside. Besides a wide chromatic range of most noble hardwoods we have current Interior proposals with stylish vertical stripes or bubbles in black and white, you desenfadas a touch of color and fantasy that will give your wardrobe a surprising freshness and personality. Because at Difasa we offer all the more fascinating decorative possibilities in cupboards and closets, always complying with the highest demands of our customers. We’ll make your wardrobe a unique space in design and functionality. continued-innovation-300470991.html’>Peter Thiel. From our experience of style and quality, proven for years, we are committed to innovation and creativity in Difasa reinterpreted the requirements of the order everyday calculating even the smallest detail to make your wardrobe in a single space. We offer the latest in design as they are sliding sheets without lower anchor. The self-supporting system gives doors of the closet or dressing room a smooth slide, a perfect seal and a better accessibility. In addition, avoid damage because soil that does not require the installation of bottom rail. Because at Difasa we offer the finest endings to convert our proposals in the most elegant. Difasa, much more than an armario.para you.

Pocket Calendars And Advertising

Pocket calendars are the cheapest means of advertising. But it's not only their dignity. If the pocket calendar is well made, useful in everyday life and in work, its owner will refer to it periodically Throughout the year, each time stopping his views on advertising. Effectiveness of pocket calendars as an advertising tool depends on many factors: the attractiveness of illustrations, competent design text content, method of distribution, etc. In addition, each unaccounted factors may influence the effectiveness of the most negative way.

What should be a pocket calendar so as not to put in the "back burner"? What is needed that he "settled down" on the desktop, has become "her" in her purse and wallet? How to make a pocket calendar so as a means of promoting goods and services, which is written in textbooks on advertising? Answers to these and other issues. "Picture" The primary means of attracting attention in pocket calendars is the image – an illustration. Therefore, how it is successful, and depends on the duration of their lives. This means that the development of ideas pocket calendar should be approached with great responsibility. Usually illustrations for pocket calendars selected depending on whom they are addressed. For example, pictures of kittens, puppies and other cute little animals are very like teenage girls.

Beautiful photos of cosmetics and perfume like the young women. Attract the attention of tourists image of a place where you can go and have a good rest. This approach is certainly entitled to existence.


The military government had clearly the interest to keep under oseu control any form to make possible the communication between Brazilians eexterior, also making with that the national private sector participated dessesetor only in the concession form. The government of the dictatorship still created oConselho National of Telecommunications (Contel) and the Ministry of the Communications (Minicom), that they still more strengthened the control of this system on the part doregime to militate effective to the time. To the end of the military regimen and the beginning of the debates in lathe daaprovao of the Constitution, in the year of 1988, some defending parliamentarians dapoltica neoliberal had started to raise it the debate around the entrance of the capitalestrangeiro in the Brazilian telecommunications. Debate this taken to the ComissoTemtica de Comunicaes and the Subcommission of Science and Technology, where essasidias they had been disapproved by these legislative instances. Exactly in the defesado state monopoly to the system of telecommunications and approval of this sistemana Constitution, it confided breach so that in the stated period subsequent to five anosessa and other state areas, as oil and health, could be reviewed, fact that did not happen in the governments of Fernando Collor (1989-1992) nor in Frank deItamar (1992-1995). .

The Onrica

41). In the human axle, the espiritualidade of the poetical one arises the way of the overcoming between the opposites paradise and hell, giving to the man the condition to reach its espiritualidade, which satisfies it the state of rise when reaching the present height biggest in artistic when if ' ' it polarizes the sensible of height to easily receive, moral the valuations and prometicas&#039 social; ' (P. 42). In the source of ' ' The water and sonhos' ' it is possible to understand the movement of the bark in air as the onrico flight of the man in air. This authorizes the agreement of that ' ' man is packed to the happiness, also submitted to a happiness without limite' ' (P. 43).

With this, the imagtico process tracing for the bark and air alleges to the man who the sublimidade of the artistic one is present in its dream, in its flight. Therefore, ' ' poetical images created by the poet must add a movement to them to understand it for them action potica' ' (P. 46). In this sequncia, the sonhador is capable to live a great experience for the slightness of air and the agility of the wing, being allowed that this sees ' ' the great illuminations of the nocturnal life and if raise until full luz' ' (P. 49). For result of this illumination, the reader of the artistic one sees that the fullness of the light leads to the espiritualidade with that God shows the overcoming of the suffering of the darknesses for the largeness of the light spiritual. In these notes brief, the subliming of the flight dream is reached by the dinamicidade of its imagination, therefore ' ' if it will understand that, in the imagination human being, the flight is a transcendncia of grandeza' ' (P. 64). The artistic one in the poetical one of the Imbricado wings in the flight dream, the poetizao for the wings exceeds the onrica source and accents the devaneio for the expansion of the artistic visualization.

Disposable Not Everyone Must Know Your Own Phone Number!

Who publishes its telephone numbers in classifieds or Web forms, must reckon with phone spam (SPIT). Spam is not only on the Internet. Who published his own phone number lightly in small and personal ads or enters them in Web Forms whatsoever, must expect to be harassed by telephone. Many companies are now be calibrated to “harvest” phone numbers then sell them to companies for the Kaltacquise light. The solution to the problem: Disposable

This online service generates a new disposable phone number for use in a matter of seconds. This number serves two purposes: you automatically forwards calls to the own fixed-line number, so no longer entered into the possession of the caller. And it goes out after a given even time itself, once she has served her purpose. This can be for one hour, but also after several days, weeks, months or a year. Disposable from the mouse after specified time Bjorn Radebe, Managing Director of Portunity GmbH: “the throwaway number can be published in a small display and turns off by itself after a few days, once assumed, that no one should call. And already can no stranger a jingle more, which this is not.

Has never been so easy to protect the privacy of your own.” In the online form the user sets the life span for the new phone number, sets the target for the redirect to a landline number and generated then even the new sequence of digits, beginning with 01805 and 14 cents per minute (incl. VAT) will cost the caller. These costs must be then in classified ads to be displayed. Firefox extension: Disposable numbers even more comfortable now available also the Firefox extension of throwaway number to download in version 0.9 ( article34594 9360.html). This addon for the Firefox Web browser allows to generate new disposable numbers directly from the form of a website, without having to leave this page extra. Disposable Earn with the newly established partner program that is a good idea with the throwaway number? If this opinion is, uses the new partner program and abducted the free service on your own homepage. So about classified ad services can offer its customers, just create the throwaway number when placing a new ad. The just again extended API interface for partners is very flexible and can adapt to their own use many variables. So about the expiration date of the number can be defined freely within a period of up to one year. Expand not only its own offering in this way, but it also earn money even as they participate in the revenue number 01805. Website: information about the responsible companies: the Portunity GmbH is an Internet service provider. The services include Internet access, Web space, server hosting, domain services, CMS solutions, development of Web-based software, as well as other services geared to business customers as well as for Spring 2005 also the telephony over the Internet (VoIP). Portunity GmbH Werner soul Binder str. 23 42477 Radevormwald contact person: Bjorn Rucker, Bernd Schnell Tel.: 0202 69555-0 fax: 0202 69555 190 E-Mail: Internet:


But if necessary, they should be ironed slightly heated iron. This fiber is very Acetate soft, pleasant to the touch and not wrinkled. However, things are no different from acetate resistance and quickly wear out. In addition, the process of washing, they are often stretched. Therefore, during the washing process can not twist, but only lightly pressing. Acetate to rinse things must necessarily using static, since they are very strongly electrified. Stroking a hot little iron. Acrylic On labels it is sometimes still refer to PAN.

Acrylic things on mind similar to wool, they can be just as soft and fluffy, though, compared to wool, they are not as warm. Acrylic in no case be exposed to hot temperatures, or else he will lose elasticity, stretch and will wrinkle. Acrylic things have to be washed in water at room temperature, without twisting, slightly depressing. They should rinse with the addition of static, then roll up a towel, gently squeeze out, well stretch and dry in a horizontal position. Acrylic iron things can only weakly heated iron. Nylon, Spandex, polyurethane, lycra, lycra These fibers are particularly strength and elasticity (they look like rubber thread). But they do not leak air, do not absorb moisture and strong static electricity. Buying any thing, be careful that the content of these fibers was no more than 5%, otherwise you will feel very uncomfortable in it. A higher content of such materials is permissible only in pantyhose, swimsuits, etc. The clothes containing these fibers are, in no case be exposed to hot temperatures, so she 'cringe' and is irrevocably tainted.