
If you have the opportunity to choose their place of residence, apartment, cottage, work, we should always remember about the environment. Settle on the appropriate permits in areas where air and water are not polluted by industrial emissions and effluents. Live and work better in the suburbs with greenery and clean river or lake, rather than in a city where a lot of noise and exhaust fumes. It is desirable that the house was inside the residential quarters, and apartment window overlooking the yard. The apartment is advisable to have at least plastic. Healthy Living wanted to know more. Furniture, window frames windows and floors should be made of wood. Dr. Josyann Abisaab often addresses the matter in his writings. Dachnoe housing is preferable to have a warm sea in a comfortable house or apartment and out there better for the whole season. (Not bad painted environment and ecology, is not it? I most all of this in the right quantities is not as desirable.).

(A man caught a golden fish and said: – I want to live in America! "And he sees: he was in a posh suit with a cigar in his mouth sitting at a table in front of him scurrying clerks, and in the office window flies plane.). In recent years, developing international tourism. Usually, people go to distant countries for one to two weeks, which is fraught with some damage to health. Aliens climate, food, water, air and lack of immunity to local micro-organisms often leads to the manifestation of the old and the emergence of new diseases. And in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in general can be sent only to the young and apparently healthy people. (Leave must be conducted so that the later was not painfully well what it finally ended.).

MadridTel Training

Aranda training group is a company dedicated to training for over 18 years, their proven experience has led them to focus mainly on four large pillars that make up its teaching objective today. Specialties Aranda training oppositions courses professional languages computing Au nthat efficiency, rigor and quality have been from the beginning present in the formative work of Aranda formation, is in this last year when these three values have become a real obsession of his entire team. The best and most up-to-date texts of preparation, with the inclusion of multimedia in most of them, are a great tool that helps all our students from the beginning, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge and connecting them with new technologies in teaching materials. This type of training allows all kinds of students with more or less time can tailor your course to their own needs, customizing the hours of study and facilitating compatibility with the rest of their activities. The combination of group with individual tutoring classes translates into the high percentages of approved that students of oppositions have, and extraordinary preparation that students of Aranda training courses professionals demonstrate (No. 1 of the last call of FIFA agent during one of our student got it). This preparation is certified in the growing number of companies seeking Aranda training students to perform the practices and to be part of your job board.

But what the Aranda group training is most proud, what really makes the difference with any other training center is its teaching staff. Aranda training only allowed preparers workers with higher qualifications and extensive experience in academic preparation. The term preparation INTEGRAL acquires real meaning in Aranda training centres, and is getting its students have no more limitations on their future than their own preferences.

Decorative Styles

Within what is styles of decoration, little recharged and sober trends are very popular among young professionals that decorate their first home for the first time. Busy people who live a thousand is trying to keep at the forefront in its work and therefore do not have much time to devote to maintaining order in the House. For this reason, the decoraciontiene that be simple, but elegant, definitely heavy and disorder are left of side against a minimalist tendency which is easy to keep organized. A modern room usually includes furniture of straight shapes in deep as dark wood or black colors. Leather furniture is also an ideal choice for a modern look. This intensity color add sophistication and elegance to the decor. Elegance is achieved by contrasting dark colors from furniture with light colours of the walls and accessories. Following the minimalist, less is more, only include in ladecoracion those parts that they will be protagonists of each environment.

As such, instead of many small ornaments on the table of the room, a medium vase to bigger, depending on the size of the table, in a contrasting color. The red, white, black and green are very common colors in modern unadecoracion. Thus it includes accessories for these colors. Another popular technique is to paint only a block of any wall in these colors, your choice of color depends on the colors already present in the room. It is important to remember that a modern decor tends to be less welcoming, by its sobriety, have other styles of decoration. Therefore, if you are looking for is a cozy style then modern decor is not tended to follow.


In relation quantitative research, Polit (2004, P. 140) explain that ' ' the collection processes and analyze of data are separate in the time. The collection analyzes precedes it, in contrast of the qualitative research, where both the processes if combinam' '. It detaches, still, that the way as the data are collected define the type of analyze that and possible to be carried through. It can be said that the interview, the questionnaire, the tests and the comment are the main techniques of collection of data. 3.1LOCAL OF the STUDY the study will be developed in the Hospital of the West of the Bahia, in the city of Barriers. 3.2POPULAO AND SAMPLE the public-target of this research will be the patients interned in the Hospital of the West with decurrent trauma skull-enceflico of traffic accident, chosen teams according to handbook of the Hospital. Initially, they will be selected the general population of patients with trauma enceflico skull, later if arriving at the group of these in result of traffic accidents.

3.3INSTRUMENTO OF COLLECTION OF DATA the data will be collected in handbooks of the patients who give entered in the Hospital of the West with craniano trauma. Later, these data will be funnelled to represent the patients who to give entered in the hospital with trauma enceflico skull proceeding from accident of transit. 3.4DESCRIO OF the COLLECTION OF DATA AND the ANALYSIS OF the DATA the collection of data will be become fullfilled carried through in the period of 15 the 18 of May of 2010. The population will compose itself for patients with diagnosis of TCE that had interned in the Hospital of the West, in the year of 2009. For the sample the patients had been selected who to fill the requirement above and that have suffered traffic accident, independent of the sex legalized in the handbook of attendance of the institution.

Mexico Wealth

In the Mexican economy different behaviors have appeared that have much to do with presidential mandates that they have directed to this country. When Cardinal red General Lazaro was in the power, he impelled strongly to agriculture and thanks to this the economic growth of the country had an important rise, not only at issue economic but also improved as far as infrastructure and development. Hospitals were created and much to the agriculturists was impelled to that they could have the tools to make work of efficient way to this sector. At the end of this presidential term, the country had much land advanced in this question, but the following government instead of to follow by this way that had been demonstrated that it rendered fruits, chose to invest that wealth in the industry which was a total failure because the economy was deteriorated with these decisions, to such an extent to enter crisis and to affect the unique source that was generating wealth to this country. It is important also to emphasize the participation of last governments who have had the power in Mexico, from the new neoliberal positions that have affected of considerable way some possible profits, this due to the well-known distribution of the wealth, which more and more makes the poor men poor, but richer to the rich ones since monopolies are generated that do not allow that this wealth is distributed correctly between all. Some could be asked that what wealth but is that in Mexico truth it has been a world-wide power occupying the ninth place of the world in economy for some years, but also there are to consider that more of the 50 percent of the country is poor.

We hope that in these coming years it is taken more into account to the rest of the population and that it is seen by the good of Mexico and of a few, that is to say, not yield before the corruption and granting of favors to some industralists who have only dedicated themselves to absorb the resources of the country and to its inhabitants, is needed another type mentality to be able to improve the situation of life of all the Mexicans. We need to begin one by one, of way very personal, changing our mentality and conducting responsible and honest battles. We must respect the other people’s ideologies and fight to have a country of equality and justice, but it will be only obtained if we began to change we ourself. In the 2009, when the price of petroleum lowered considerably, our country counted on certainly protects this situation and in this way it rescued to us of an unimaginable crisis, although at the moment we are in recession. The problem is that for the next year, no longer we will have certainly supports to us financially in that sector, reason why will have to make intelligent and strategic decisions so that Mexico does not fall in a crisis of such magnitude. In agreement it spends the time, we can observe in the history of our country, that we continued committing the same errors that they prevent us to progress. There are no magical changes, if we want that Mexico is a right country and without poverty we must be good citizens truly it jeopardize with the fairness and justice for all.

Ideal Profession

Juanjo felt stagnant in his professional life. When spoke with me he was very dissatisfied and wanted to change course, but he wasn’t unsure of which path to choose. He felt that he had been so long doing a job not filled him, that he had already forgotten even of what really liked. The only thing that now had clear was that he had had enough of the same and wanted to grow in a new direction. And it is that sometimes, we feel stagnant, as if we could not advance or find place that up to us.

Although we really want is to make a work that reflects who we are now, that makes sense for us and help us to express the purpose of our life. It is best to step back and take some distance from the situation that worries us. It is at that moment when we most need a breath of fresh air, talk to someone objective who brings us a new vision on the matter and help us find the answers we seek. I like watching your life from a different perspective in the past, I myself I found in that place, tired what I was doing and not knowing what or how to change my situation. It was then when I discovered the Numerology for the first time. And at that time helped me to rethink my values, what was important to me and that already not the person in whom I had become reflected. My served to reflect on the direction they were taking my life and ask my heart if that was what really made me happy. Many years have passed since that day, and who was going to say, now I am who helps others find their way when they feel lost. So a few months ago, when Juanjo explained me his situation, you cannot avoid see myself reflected on what was happening to him.

Tica Professional Ethics

All trade or profession requires moral conduct, which is something different and independent to the capacity or the technical and efficient performance of a profession of its members. In addition performance in a way that will respect and comply with the moral standards set, which are fundamentally related with consideration and respect due to itself and to others is required. The importance of ethics see a value in performance in men. This value arises as a requirement of the person, regardless of his work. If ethics is inserted in all entrepreneurial activity, is includes an intrinsic ethical value in each activity.

The ethical value is intrinsic of all human, economic and business activity (importance of business ethics). It can not be considered as an added value. Becomes more significant the greater social complexity. A good ethical action is simultaneously a good professional performance. Professional ethics assumes that its principles are the same ethics General can be defined as the systematic management of principles, standards and rules established by a professional group, to its own realization, in order to regulate and direct the moral conduct (importance of moral ethics) of its members or their mutual relations. The professional group refers to the field specific profession.

He ends up profession applies to those occupations that require a long theoretical concern and practice, which gives the subject enough competition within a structure or activity with certain functions. The profession involves an advanced degree of specialization, technical independence and theoretical foundation of a profession must respond to the following attributes: 1. have defined roles. 2. Principles or ethics counselors of their activities. 3. Knowledge, techniques and identifiable attitudes. 4. Exercise booked a specially prepared staff. 5. Training at university level. 6. Professional attitudes towards those who receive professional services. 7. Sense of service and tendency to be utility and benefits to the social group. All professions that have reached a high level of organization have their specific ethic, which comprise a set of standards of behavior that is synthesized in a code of professional ethics that is characterized by a moral obligation on the professional conduct of the citizens, which implies respect for the society to which it relates (importance of ethics in society). Original author and source of the article

Human Resources

Necessary structure for the management of the removals. For a competent Management of Removals a team of RH duly trained and descomprometida enough with the corporative paradigms is necessary, understanding here the corporativismo that many times hinders actions that can originate internal conflicts. Perhaps this is the great obstacle to be faced, with that the terceirizao needs to be cogitated. It is useful to make use itself of a informatizado system that monitors all continuously the benefits granted for the Social welfare, type, date of concession, high, conversions, resources, extensions. This system will have to contain all the functional movements and data, allowing to agility and security in the processing. Still, all and any information will have to be available in the system, for immediate access.

It is recommendable? but not absolutely essential – the synchronization with the relative data the employees of the company, sectors, positions, wages, etc, existing in programs of payment leaf control, for example. This will go to facilitate the elaboration of reports. Significant aspects in the management of the removals. In the management of the removals five important aspects exist basically: 1? Capture of data of the Providence and informatizado system. It is necessary that it has a informatizada systematics of consultation to the site of the INSS to detect and to matter given relative to the benefits granted, mainly to the ones of the species ' ' B91' '. The knowledge of these, in lower court, makes possible the elaboration of plea to BENEFIT ACIDENTRIO in skillful time. At as a moment, the benefits granted to the employees of the company will go to make possible the evaluation of the repercussion of the risk. 2? Evaluation of the repercussion of the risk (to define specific activities to correct the main causes of the removals: ' ' to close torneira' '). As the abrangncia of the activities is very great, beyond that they will go to occur deep paradigmticas changes in the application of the management of the removals, is suggested that each company esteem its priorities, from the analysis of the repercussion of the existing risks and that they lead to the removals.

The Professionals

(b) putting in contact with other professionals: in the first scan, it is not uncommon to find that other professionals have spoken to responding in a timely and specific to previous demands, ending his speech with the same coverage or referral to another service, or which, at that time, the family, through another of its members is in contact with other professionals to the coverage or the solution of another problem. The goal is to gather the maximum information and start preparing a coordinated intervention. (c) once established an initial diagnosis of the case must be a coordination meeting with all the professionals who have been in one way or another or they are working with the family and that consider necessary a different intervention. It’s going to work with the family to be able to go to face its operation autonomously. It is essential to establish the following:-initial diagnosis of various members of the family and this as unit made by all professionals. -Offer concrete help which will be held at the family and which will serve as an instrument to articulate a far-reaching aid. I.e.

it’s prioritize different demands that the family has raised, rationalize them and go them giving answers as the family are able to go be implying the same. It will begin, therefore, by covering completely those who are considered indispensable and that do not may be assumed by the family initially, to go progressively establishing those that have partial braces and end for which must be assumed by the family itself. -Level of participation of different professionals in the process with specification of the tasks to be performed, calendar of sessions, etc., stating clearly who will assume responsibility for the coordination. -Calendar -specific actions, evaluative criteria and meetings of coordination (meetings that will be reflected in records) – offer of aid, agreement, contract: there will be the offer of help to the person who has raised demand, presenting this offer as agreed at the meeting of professionals, i.e., as an intervention that exceeds the framework of punctual and tries to articulate the aid in a deeper process.

Air Conditioning

Every day we are more cosmopolitan, we have new needs that our ancestors could not even imagine, we are accustomed to live with certain amenities without which nowadays our life would be more difficult. But all these commodities are priced and thus we do not mean the money they cost, but the energy they consume, pollution-causing, etc. Therefore, every time there are more people who are concerned that their new appliances are more respectful of our planet, the refrigerator, the ecological air conditioning what mean that appliances are environmentally friendly? It’s appliances that need less energy to achieve the same performance. The result of this is that they pollute less than the rest of devices and thereby saving on the electricity bill and we take care of our planet. But how can we know that appliances are most efficient? European legislation establishes that all electrical appliances that are sold in the EU have to be tagged. This tag should contain their energy consumption and their degree of efficiency. The energy efficiency of an appliance is measured on a scale ranging from A to F. The most efficient, and therefore the cheapest are those of type A. Some appliances go somewhere, like refrigerators and freezers, which have A ++, which is even more eco-friendly labels. Normally, this type of appliances that produce cold are more polluting the rest, therefore, must pay particular attention to buy a refrigerator or an ecological air-conditioning unit. It is estimated that you have an ecological home with appliances eco can reduce global warming up to 40% by family, we should rethink this purchase option, this way of thinking life solidarity that bet on the future of our children and grandchildren, leaving him a good home, filled with green fields, forests and meadows where to play, able to breathe fresh air in the mountains and swim in a clean and beautiful beach, as we can make it now parents worry of caring for their children, give him a better future, a few good studies so that they can grow professionally and instill some values, but sometimes they forget what les is harming put the washing machine every day, a dishwasher, oven and refrigerator or simply not buy an eco-friendly air-conditioning unit.