Sigmund Freud

For our anguish and final destruction of the idea to be the species chosen for the perfection, Sigmund Freud discovers in its studies, that we are not gentlemen nor of we ourselves, who we are conducted by our feelings and more primitive thoughts, and that we do not have no control on these feelings and thoughts, remaining to learn us to coexist the same ones. We consider evolved beings, capable to live in society, constructors of civilizations, but we need external norms we ourselves so that she is possible the convivncia with our fellow creature. We teach our children to know and to dominate the forces of the nature, but we do not teach them to know and to dominate itself same. The man knows each time more the world where he lives, but not it world that is. The children know each time more the immense space and the small atom, but they do not know the construction of intelligence and the functioning of its proper mind.

This lack of educational internalization makes with that they lose the best chance to develop the functions deepest of intelligence: the capacity to think and to reflect on itself same; the capacity to analyze its behaviors; the capacity to perceive its limits; the autocrtica capacity and to give more mature answers for its frustrations sufferings; the capacity to understand the construction of the relations human beings and to learn if to place in the place of the other. We are the only beings in the planet that take so rich interior lives, that they are not the exterior events that more matter for us. Instead of this, it is the way as we interpret these events that go to determine as we think regarding we ourselves, and as we will act in the future. Chapter 1. A antropolgica vision the man is a natural being that does not have conscience of itself while to be in itself.


Kardec was scientist. You the good one. It will only be the science of the ignorance! If it was science and philosophy would have lessons of espiritismo in the universities! But it does not have, therefore it does not pass of would macumbaria and invocation of demons, beyond ignorance, preconception and pretension. It is the Macumba of the Middle class, that it appeals to the demons in the kardecistas centers but of time in when also it appears in the places of fetichism, all flour of the same bag Exu, Funny Dove, Chico Peruquento, Heifer of Menezes and others and I found answers of all the types. The ones that more I liked, and that make sensible are: 1) They do not adimitem that they are macumbeiros because it they are not; second, not if envoca the deceased, because nobody dies, only dumb immediate; third: espritos in mediunicas sessions are not invoked, the espritos that are communicated there have from there exempt spontaneous will to be without nobody to compel them it nothing, even because rituias symbols, etc do not exert nennhuma influence on them; room: demons because demons are inventions of the church to botar fear in the people and they to be quiet, without questioning its dogmas do not exist; fifth: espirita of truth she does not have no preconception with nobody, therefore in its opinion, the people must study and read of everything and judge what it is good for it; sixth: espiritismo is a philosophical science that studies the relations of the man beyond tomb; sixth: to be science he is not presiso that lessons in the universities are had; in addition, not only the classroom measured frenquenta espritas centers, the high classroom low and also frequentam.' ' Flour of the same saco' – ' you only show its ingnorncia with regard to this question.

Santa Maria

This no longer is one stops that it, thought for my, although my anxiety increased. Six glasses, six, placed and prepared. To anybody it would have mattered to him that they had been less. And the moment arrived, I was incapable to say nothing to him, pronounced its name, its accent inspired confidence, and got passionate. – How you have said? , I thought. Chateau Margaux 99 . It could not believe it. She in front of me, finally.

Something young, still, but convincing by its experience and origin. Already destocada, I incline and I let flow its being, its origin, the reason for its existence. It shared it with each of us. With the host and me it conversed moments, wanted to us to comment more personal subjects. Its refinement, intensity and aromatic complexity made us lose the notion and the sense.

By moments the time that one of August paused behind schedule in Laguardia. The nose surprised by its purity and clasicismo. In the palate its initial simplicity returned to shades of excellent densidad. Incredible persistence and a surprising end of power and elegance. Its memory lasted in our minds, the echo of its words resounded between the wall and the church of Santa Maria of the Kings. For a moment it seemed that the tower made a wink and it was added to the decline of the day, and the meeting. Suddenly, in a while of disagreement, when the acacias moved their arms shaking them to the wind and small white flowers rained on our heads, she disappeared, I noticed in my mouth a goodbye kiss, in the form of last I suck. On the table he forgot, like memories, parts of his dress, and within each he deposited the flame of his essence, and I maintain still it lives, hoping to return to see it, sometimes but in my life. Writing by: The guard of Navarre Original author and source of the article

Mobile Accessories Mobile Phones

A few years ago to have a mobile phone was considered respectable. Now the mobile phone, even with a very large number of functions is practically nothing new. Accordingly, the increasing demand from owners phones began to use accessories for cellular phones nokia. Since it is through them is an opportunity to show their own individuality and uniqueness. Accessory market for mobile phones offers a huge choose different handbags, cheholchikov, chains and laces, chargers, Bluetooth adapters, hands-free, etc. That even the most demanding women find for themselves a suitable accessory. Duayu is to talk with you about how to pick up this a wide variety of models, accessories are what you need and can brighten your personality.

To date, no clear boundaries on fashion accessories for mobile phones do not exist. However, when buying accessories best pay attention to quality and style. Most importantly, choose an accessory that would fit you on the status and well-harmonized in color and texture of your clothes and phone. When choosing gently draw the attention to ensure that accessory suited to fit your cell phone. It is also important to note that case should be selected in accordance with the weather.

That is, winter and fall you should use warm blankets and knitted knitted crochet, denim blankets put on the shelf until the warm season. Now there are a myriad of youth models accessories. For example, leather, fur and suede jackets, and blankets from the jeans and jersey, different colors bags and pouches hewed with beads, sequins, and various applications. The coming winter will be quite fashionable fur and suede jackets, warm textile covers with fun appliques and drawings. For the stylish lady in the business This season will be the actual ordinary covers of suede with fur trim. These cases look very stern and at ease. People who prefer the elegance of the best to choose a pale and at the same time restrained Leather handbags. Most importantly, is guided by the search enhancement: it should not be impersonal and boring. Pressing different color box, this chocolate color, beige or sand, classic black, ivory and etc. It depends on your imagination and mood. For example, to improve case-valve can be with stylish buckle and interesting figure, which is made of beads or rhinestones. Still need to see that bag for mobile phones are not just decorate it. Phone in a case is being protected from direct sunlight, cold, external mechanical forces (scratch-resistant and protection in the fall). Also suede covers are well polished phone screen. The only drawback is that the blankets absorb sound device. So we recommend that you install the largest volume of calls in a mobile phone. There are also public holidays, evening accessories for cellular phones. They are distinguished luxury and excessive refinement, an abundance of decorations, unusual patterns and solid furniture. As a party in a club or at any other festive events your mobile phone should look just fine. Many famous fashion houses are paying attention to accessories for mobile phones. Basically, they offer exclusive models, which are usually decorated with precious stones and gold. Of course such accessories to ordinary mortals can not afford. There are such phones with covers up to 100,000 euros and selling them exclusively in boutiques. And we have only committed to such ideals, and depending on their material resources to buy what would be in the modern fashion. – Buy rechargeable batteries for mobile phones nokia – buy cell phone chargers Nokia

Porto Velho

but yes, the search of the values of identities of a people who does not have proper register, therefore proper history also omitted them and the proper ones if they had omitted preserving its future generations that one day would return to this eldorado will be that finally it had a finishing or it is only the start of more secular Saga that retraces since the times of salomo and its noble wood booty, gold for its palace, gifts for its women this yes is the true martyrdom of the end of the times the war of particular interests for few racism preconceptions injustices who goes to pay this account? tags: Porto Velho RO mettal text-fiction plant binho basinho canto_esquerdo information canto_direitoFicha Technique general direction: teobaldodiretor dlcio of photograph: toni nogueiraproduo and argument: Zola Xaviermsica: Antonio serpa of the amaral and rubens vaz cavalcantecoordenao of cast: ngela cavalcante

The Directions

Not that such instruments are not technologically of truth or do not exist a strategy of being able there. However its great concern with game of strategies of being able had deviated its attention for a point less global than specific. 1.4.2 The BIPOLARITY OF the REPRESENTATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Inside of the Foucaultiano project social sciences appear as strategical centers of being able, where to be able and to know if they dinamizam and they maximize. But will not be this an exhaustion relation? It will be that to know and to be able they did not meet in an exhaustion situation? – ' ' In its specific phase, original, to be able and to know many times with violence had been opposed (as, moreover, the sex and the power). If today they are confused, would not be in the base of a gradual exhaustion of its principle of reality, of its distinctive characters, its proper energy? (…) For backwards of this apparent estase of the power and knowing that it seems to hang and to appear for all part, it would only have in the deep one metstases of the power, cancerous proliferations of a structure since then driven crazy and disorganized e, if the power generalizes and can today be detected in all the levels (the power? molecular), if it becomes a cancer in the direction of that its cells proliferate in all the directions without more obeying good and old ' ' code gentico' ' of the politician, it is that proper it was reached by the cancer and is in full decomposition. Or still, that it was acometido of hiper-reality and that in full crisis of simulation (cancerous proliferation of the only signs of the power) only obtains this generalized propagation and this saturation. Its sonamblica operationalization. Therefore, she is necessary to always make and in all the part the appositive one of the simulation, to take avesso of the signs, that, with certainty, taken of front and good-faith, always lead them to the reality and the evidence of poder.' ' BAUDRILLARD, J., 19,59-60 At a first moment appears the eminent necessity of the definition of ' ' outro' '.

The Other

Steele (1985) says that the fashion has more to see with the way for which a style comes after the other, as a species of progression almost ' ' natural' ' that it comes en vogue to the meeting of the particular ditames of the modesty at the time. each time really has, its values, its principles. Exactly not desiring to deny that much of the indumentria and the fashion has finally to show and to enhance the sexual or social attractiveness, in such a way masculine how much feminine, if it cannot omit that many cultures not-Europeans had loaned little or no value to this type of exhibition. Nor if it can deny that variations exist on what it is had as attractive sexual or social enters the cultures value that it. (BARNARD, 2003, P.

90). In accordance with the cultural variations, some parts of the body are displayed more than the others, in order not to call attention for what it is desired to hide. Logically, in the culture modern occidental person, already we are born learning not? to walk bare? , the girls already excessively are forced not to use very short skirts when children, at last, many values of the adults already go being inlaid in the mentality of formation of the form children that these if become the mni-adults had taught who them. 4 COMMUNICATION AND STATUS the fashion, in accordance with Barnard (2003) communicate. Fashion, indumentria and clothes are considered cultural phenomena, ways by which a social order is tried and communicated. In this way, the unifying function of the fashion and the indumentria serves to communicate the affiliation of a social group, as much for that is its members how much for that not it they are. Also the functions of protection, camouflage, modesty and impudicity are forms of somebody to communicate a position in a cultural order and social, as much for the other members of the order the one that belong, how much for that they are it are of it.


Like the famous writer undergrown, that explained that after throwing to the wastebasket innumerable folios, and to place another one in the typewriter (they were other times), the leaf in target, watched to me (Bukowski dixit). I came the world above to us, we wished to describe what inner it is clear to us, but did not hit upon in the form, in how. Nevertheless, although we do not find the way, the fact to propose it to us is what it gives value us. The best form to define it is with the phrase to pose a question, is to begin to respond it.

The attitude search is the one will take that us to the solution. Without her, not even there would be question. The same happens in our life. We are raking, wanting to find sense, lightening, answers. Sometimes we create to glimpse a guide. Or we entered ourselves in knowledge that we create will help us. And more of the times we have to return on our steps, discouraged, without to have found the yearned for result. It does not matter.

While we look for, while we have that spirit, we will be in the good way. And possibly nor we realize of which we are in him. Often we became absorbed in thought ourselves obcecadamente in the committed failure, in the erroneous decision. Not in which we have had the value of taking it. The day to day makes us lose perspective. By repetitive, it causes that we concentrate ourselves in the fact in himself, in the mistaken door. Not in which there are more doors. And mainly, in which we are free and able abrir many more. If we have failed, is because we have ourselves bold. To be mistaken is of mistaken wise people, like us. And we can continue doing it. For that reason, still more significant that the solution in himself, that will arrive, or no, when must, is the knowledge that acting in this way, constantly we will be able to find the way to leave our uncertainties. Learning of our errors and returning it to try. That is the life. Time and time again. Nobody is born taught. As we are growing, we are become rich. We never stopped acquiring knowledge, experience. to live. One never finishes, always has place for more. In order to know of we ourself, of the others, of which we do in this world. Who creates to know it everything, to be in possession of truth, already has died before dying. If we left, if we let ourselves win, if we stopped asking itself, we lose what of humans we have. Our essence, which of life has in us. If we maintain the instinct to look for, the others will come in addition, when it is his moment. He is not the main thing. The main thing is to follow ahead. It is our way, and nobody is going to cross it by us. To follow in the way with the been on awares good, is the greater gift than we pruned to dream. We have and it. It pulls ahead, already is well for today.

Thirty Years

But he has one lady to its wait in the conference room. – One lady? Without marking? Because she will be that this does not please me nothing? I go to see what it is transferred. Bernardine it was a young of thirty and four years, eye esverdeado, hair equally chestnut, always short chestnut and with a smile capable to fascinate any woman! She was president of the company of its family since whom its father if remodels and had obtained to save it of the bankruptcy. It observed rapariga it waited that it. It must have one eighteen years and, very probably, still it had to walk in the school. – Good day, my name is Bernardine Gracious. They had said me that he was to my wait.

– Good day! Salty Catherine! Its father said me to come to speak obtains. What he seems he has an available place in the department of design. Catherine with a smile in the lips said. Bernardo smiled! That girl alone could be to play? – Yes, I have! But the Catherine does not find that she would have first to finish the studies? – Oh? Yes? Clearly? The reason has all. To come back toward the college with thirty years is the dream of any woman. It said, smiling. – Thirty years? It asked to Bernardo estupefacto. It must be to play with certain me? – It wants that it shows my identification to it? It is not with this face? already I am accustomed. It answered when seeing the face of astonishment of it. – I ask for immense excuse but you seem new really very? thirty years? My God? he must find me ridicule! – As already it said to it, already I am accustomed! Many had been the situations where I had to show my identification.

Importance of Communication

We will approach in this article on the importance of the communication in the initial series, its concepts, development and as if to communicate through the language of the artists, language of the children, language of the body. The communication it is a capacity human being of information transmission and the man carries through this task using different systems and as, but used the language. The studies indicate that the acquisition of language if initiates in the first contacts of the baby with the world, where start if to interact with the social environment and the people to its redor. Therefore, to understand an alteration of it speaks is to know what it is the language; where already it comes the intention of the communication that is present in our daily one. It will be that the communication represents it human being, its capacity to transmit knowledge? It has seen, that nobody is born speaking and one of the forms most used to transmit this information says is it, this strategy is part of the nature human being and if it initiates for the child when it starts to emit the first sounds. To always stimulate the children, when it starts to have its first contact with the school it already makes the use of its language.

It has a natural grammar, system of rules for which constructs its speech. He is one to know intuitivo, the proper one to know linguistic or ability of each falante. Better to understand the development it is to look at to each step that we give of this baby, and we go evolving with many knowledge gotten of this our first contact in the uterus. Of this then, the man if communicates for the language where he has access to the information, express and defends its opinions, allotment or constructs vises of world, at last, produces knowledge.