
The writer and poet Vaz Luis of Cames nothing more made that to transcribe the thematic directors who constitua with priority code of a social group (the Portuguese). was in this group that if dislocated the myth constituent, therefore so that the workmanship is considered literary, in the direction of being cultured or great symbolic reach, this needs to be recognized as such for the social group that if appropriated of the consagradora definition. Rank this, conclue that each society chooses its rites and together with them its myths. As much, that I not only eat in the Lusadas the mitificao of contents, sorts, workmanships and authors practical are consecrated in elapsing of the history, therefore we have historical examples of texts that, changedding itself into representative workmanships of its time, is cultuados until the present, for its literary qualities. However, leaving of the estimated one that for Cames, in the same way that the myth became more than a coletnea on deuses, starting to consolidate of a form to think and conscience, the study of subjects, it can be abided less by contents and more to the literary processes.

Rank that, if the idea persists, if also transmuda it to each new text produced for its gide. Over all, the text produces universes mythical, nominating and becoming real the imaginary cambiante of the societies, making to operate it recombinations in the original contents for it used modifying the way to think the existing one. Thus being, if it forgets it myth as synonymous nonsense and fantasiosas and improbable lies or narratives attributed deuses, starting to enxergar it as importance key in the conception of what he is infinite.

Wedding Congratulations

I guess every girl wants to marry. The white dress, veil, the groom, like a prince, relatives, uttering greetings in verse! All this is reminiscent of a fairy tale with a happy ending! I want to sing and dance, and all tell us about their comprehensive luck! And in this wonderful day when the flowers and poems for the wedding flow like water, young, not thinking about what they will have a full cup to drink together to the bottom. Someone there will be wine as sweet as honey and someone bitter and astringent, as a field wormwood. Various roads will have to go for young couples to realize how important marriage in the personality of each of them. Only a very few brides and grooms are serious instructions mature in experience aunts and uncles, who are trying to teach them mutual respect in the congratulations for a wedding in verse.

Of course, relatives, wishing us good and only good, but people are so arranged that the mistakes of others they do not learn. But perhaps the best. It makes no sense to live someone else's life, guided by the inscriptions in the postcards with the poems for the wedding. Much better to live and feel and suffer and cry over the lesions and enjoy a small but incredibly important conquests! In the end, it is life. Our life.

Good or bad, udavshayasya, or not … All of this – an invaluable experience, which may differ from presented to congratulations for a wedding in verse. It will affect our character, intruding into relationships with others, to manage actions in complex situations. All this, of course, will be. That's why all the young want the wedding day wish a positive life experience which would be as bright and kind, like greetings in verse, presented at their wedding! Let all of life will be full of love, respect and affection for each other, like presented in wedding poems. And after many years of brides and grooms today again with happy together reread congratulations for a wedding in verse!

Professional Formation

It is directed to students of Professional Formation. It will take place from the 3 to the 10 of September in Calafell (Tarragona). The students will be able to learn the bases of the creation of companies and will have the opportunity to see fomented their enterprising spirit. The Ministry of Education has started up the Campings of Summer for Enterprising Young people, with the aim of fomenting the enterprising character between the Spanish students of Professional Formation, within the framework of the program Deepens created by the department of Gabilondo Angel. Thus, these courses will take place from the 3 to the 10 of September in Calafell (Tarragona) and will go to students, as much of basic education as postobligatory, that they emphasize by his capacity, interest and motivation to learn, offering to them alternative that allows to develop their capacities totally them and favors their personal, interpersonal, social and professional development. Creation of companies In this way, the best students will have the possibility of attending from any point of Spain and to learn the bases of the creation of companies, as well as the opportunity to see fomented its creative capacity and its enterprising spirit. One of the requirements fundamental to choose to a place and to participate in the project is that the young people have to have good qualifications, besides a great implication in the studies. In this sense, the coordinator of the camping, Oscar Sanchez, indicates to the importance that the students " they have desire to learn, as well as the motivation and desire to improve and to evolve personalmente". Source of the news: Education sends a summer camping to foment the enterprising character

Professional Choice

The professional choice, or decision for one determined career, goes very beyond a simple financial accomplishment. Therefore demand a series of reflections regarding the intention (profession/career). A deep personal analysis and of market is necessary. She is necessary to establish relation between the abilities that if it possesss with that they are demanded and that it composes the profile of the desired profession, so that there if can carry through a more conscientious choice, aiming at accomplishment and growth, personal how much in such a way professional. Perhaps one of biggest the difficulty is atrelada to the consuming caused for the necessity of a fast decision and without much information for such. this, justifies as many cases of abandonment of university courses, or same, of diplomas that are forgotten in the innumerable drawers spread for there, what it elapses of the innumerable ones graduated that they opt total to other people’s occupations to that its graduation confers to it. So that if it can modify this picture, becoming the most significant process of the choice possible, a search is necessary, on the part of the pupil-candidates the university courses, the biggest number of possible information in relation to the profession/desired course. If it cannot choose a career as who chooses a part of clothes, either even so much more complex, is a choice that demand seriousness and comprometimento, since it all places in game a future, staff and professional.

We do not have to forget that, a frustrate professional can mean an inadequate professional to the craft, offering to the inefficient and incoherent society, services with the necessity of the same one. One another question that must be elucidated is of that, the financial accomplishment must be consequncia of a successful career, as well as of the personal accomplishment. Thus, a successful person, as much in the personal area how much in the professional, she will also have success in the financial area. Another factor that must be seen with much caution, in the hour of the choice of a career, is the question of the modismo, since what market has in the presented one, is a variety of transformations suffered in innumerable professional areas, occurring transformations several, as well as, the sprouting of new occupations, what if it must the constant changes caused for the scene of the globalization of world-wide market. It stops assisting in them in this so crucial process and complex, we count on innumerable instruments and tools, between them, are ' ' tests vocacionais' ' , ' ' entrevistas' ' with psychologists and ' ' orientaes' ' with pedagogos. What it will become the desgastante process less torturador and.


The Syndrome of Burnout in professionals of the health area The Burnout Syndrome on health professionals Camila Oll of the Light Szklar Physiotherapist, Graduated for the Federal University of the Paran SUMMARY The Burnout syndrome is characterized for emotional exhaustion, lack of interest in the played activities, acomete individuals that, during its work hours are under stress continuous. The present work has as purpose to carry through literature revision on the syndrome, its origin and the affected population. Word-key: professional hard work, syndrome of burnout, health of the worker. ABSTRACT The Burnout emotional Syndrome is characterized by exhaustion, lack of interest on perfomed activities, it afflicts individuals that, during to their working period, ploughs submitted you continuous stress. The present essay intends you provide literature overview about this syndrome, its origins and afflicted population. Keywords: proffesional depletion, burnout syndrome, laborer' s health INTRODUCTION Through the work the man developed many of its abilities and knowledge throughout the time. During millenia he knew and he explored the world and he evolved through its functional activity.

In each stage of its evolution he learned to dominate a property of the nature. Each transformation that the man carried through in the nature also had a consequncia, transforming it and of some forms. But the work throughout the times also caused to a series of diseases to the man reflecting the disequilibrium caused to each great transformation caused for this. We live in the present time, with the development of the technology and our economic system, a new organization of the work, where it has the setorializao and the motor and cognitiva repetition during all the occupational day. Moreover, they had been added the life of the worker stated periods, schedules, goals and rules what it collaborates in very for the sprouting of the modern psicossociais patologias.

Professional Texts

This article is dedicated to users of Word 2007 who need to use accents in words. Unfortunately, the usual way to insert accented letters for the word in Word 2007 is not working, unlike previous versions a text editor. But you can use the following macro, which is perfectly cope with this problem in the new version of the editor. This macro allows you to set as accent marks above the selected letter, and remove the sign. In MS Word there are several types of characters accents. In the described macro I use the symbol with the code 769 of the symbol table Unicode. Macro code: Sub setAndDeleteAccent () 'Add or Remove accent marks' @ A.

Kokin – Professional Text Dim rAcc As Range Dim rTmp As Range Set rTmp = Selection.Range If Selection.Type = wdSelectionIP Then MsgBox prompt: = 'Do not select the letter' ElseIf Len (rTmp.Characters (1)) = 1 Then rTmp.Collapse direction : = wdCollapseEnd rTmp.InsertSymbol CharacterNumber: = 769, Unicode: = True Selection.Collapse direction: = wdCollapseEnd Else For Each rAcc In rTmp.Characters If AscW (Right (rAcc, 1)) = 769 Then rAcc = Left (rAcc, a ) End If Next rAcc End If End Sub To insert an accent over the letter, select the drive letter and run the macro. To remove the accent, again select the letter which is under stress. If nothing in the text is selected, the message will be displayed in the dialog box. In order to have quick access to this macro, assign it a keyboard shortcut or create a button on the toolbar (or in the Quick Access Toolbar for Word 2007). If you do not know how to connect to a document and use these macros, read the following notes: Creating a macro from the finished code is automatically recording a macro

Professional Beauty

To be in form like life style Some ideas to have one more a life balanced and full of well-being and beauty! There is nothing like the routines really to have a plan of action for cuidarte, so to finish with the month, I am going to tell to you what would be a plan of weekly action, to carry out little by little and to be radiating of beauty always and without effort. We will divide the routines in two parts: Taken care of of the body Taken care of of the face Taken care of of the body If you take care of the skin of your body every day, will see that when arrives the summer and the moment for shining skin, you will feel very comfortable with same you. These are the weekly routines of beauty: Exfoliation once or twice per week. With exfoliation a smooth one. corporal, daily Hydration. After the shower.

Hydration of hands and feet, daily, better morning and night. daily specific Treatments with reafirmante or anticelultica cream, according to the case. Manicure and pedicura in house once to the week. Professional treatment whenever it is possible: Exfoliation and hydration twice to the year. tratante Massage (lymphatic, reafirmante, anti celultico): if it is necessary, once a month or a pair of months before the spring. Taken care of of the face Nor that to say it has, if you take care of the face now, you will better have a skin now and in the future. If you are of that you lie down without removing makeup or you never find time for aplicarte a mask, proponte to begin to change your routines. These are the weekly routines of beauty: Cleaning tomorrow and night.

Hydration and protection mornings. Hydration nights. special Hydration in contour of eyes tomorrow and night. Exfoliation once to the smooth exfoliation week with a specific one for your skin. Mask of treatment (hidratante, of luminosity, regenerator ) following your needs. Professional treatment whenever it is possible: face Cleaning every three months or following your type of skin. Visita the dermatologist annually and whenever to your it indicates it doctor.

Professional Key Duplication

Our company was founded in 2004, specializing in major keys, locks, safes, doors, and their service. Through hard work and perseverance, we are constantly improving their skills and expand the scope of activities for the benefit of our customers. Over the years we have managed to gain experience and become the leading experts in our field, we thank all our clients who believed in us, and helped achieve good success in today's day. The company "MosKlyuchServis" is a certified service center in the provision of comprehensive services related to the restriction of access and maintenance of various locking systems for any purpose .. Staff of our service center, highly skilled professionals with years of experience.

While working on the latest high-precision professional equipment to the technology for cutting and conforming to all state standards of the Russian Federation, we have a status of 'KEY SERVICE' and are a service center MUL-T-LOCK . Why our key service? Modern locks and keys – these are devices that combine sophisticated mechanics and electronics. Repair, construction and maintenance requires specialized knowledge and skills. Our company is open to cooperation and ready to provide professional assistance to its customers. Question about making a new key, as a rule, rises unexpectedly, the loss of the old one, an urgent need for an extra set of keys, the sudden failure of the old key force in the shortest time to produce one or several keys. All of this catches you by surprise, and often makes pretty nervous. Small key from the apartment, car, office, has become an inherent part of modern man, with his heavy wear or loss, is able to create big problems that you have not thought of. Our KlyuchServis helps solve these problems and with timely treatment to avoid them altogether.

Using the services of our studio you will receive personal attention to you and your problems. We are – professionals. Professional high European equipment – ensures the quality and accuracy of key-making. High precision manufacturing and reliability – through the use of accurate electronic copying, schitovatelya. Ability to make keys of various types and complexity – non-standard keys. Huge range of quality branded blank. Qualified staff with years of experience. Privacy Statement – you get a guarantee that your apartment does not become the object of attention of criminals. All work is carried out in the presence of the client, which again still gives an advantage in the absence of the possibility of producing a double set of keys.

Luxus Professional

Dishwashing detergents are designed ad hoc, and use anything else is strictly prohibited. To view the dishwasher requires three components: a special detergent (Form release: powder or tablets), rinse and salt. Modern dishwashers to wash one spends about 30 grams of regeneration salt and 25 g of detergent. A kilo of powder detergent will cost 180-450 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Approximately one dishwashing powder in the car has to spend 5 to 12 rubles. Another form of release, the tablets are more convenient to use.

Tablets are layered with an adjustable rate of dissolution of layers, which allows the active components ensure optimum efficiency washing. Package of 25 pieces costs about 200 rubles, 60 pieces – more than 400 rubles. Thus, the cost per wash using the pill is 6.8 rubles. If you purchased the cleanser in the form of pills, keep in mind that during the short program, some pills do not have time to dissolve. For this reason, manufacturers recommend washing machines when using detergent tablets to choose normal length of the program with pre-washing the dishes. The dosage depends on the dishwasher (see specifications). Average consumption of detergent tablets – one tablet per 20 liters volume, in the case of very hard water, the initial dosage should be increased to one tablet. The range of tools for use in dishwashers, as opposed to tools for hand washing, in Russian stores less diverse. Here marks can be counted on one hand, we note that given in the main products manufactured in Europe: Calgonit, Kristall-fix (Luxus Professional), Somat, Frosch, dalli, WKultra (Belgium), Fairy (pills, France) and others.


The profession still needs to be regulated, that is, it is about plus a being faced challenge. Psychology can play one practical professor, involving the preparation of professionals of the education, or act inside of the proper school. It also fits to the professional to detect possible disturbances in the learning process; to participate of the dynamics of the relations of the educative community in order to favor the process of integration and exchange; to promote orientaes in accordance with metodolgicas the characteristics of the individuals and groups; to carry through process of educational, vocational and occupational orientation, as much in the individual form how much in group.

In accordance with Gonalves (2002, p.42) ‘ ‘ the relations with the knowledge, the entailing with the learning, the significaes contained in the act to learn, are studied for the Psicopedagogia so that it can contribute for the practical analysis and reformularization of educative and for the ressignificao of attitudes subjetivas.’ ‘ The psicopedaggico study it reaches its objectives when, extending the understanding on the characteristics and necessities of learning of determined pupil, it opens space so that the school makes possible resources to take care of to the learning necessities. For this, it must analyze the Politician-Pedagogical Project, over all which its proposals of education and what it is valued as learning. Valley ressalatr of that making psicopedaggico if transforms being able to become a powerful tool in the learning aid. ‘ ‘ It fits to psicopedagogo to perceive eventual disturbances in the process learning, to participate of the dynamics of the educative community, favoring the integration, promoting metodolgicas orientaes in accordance with the characteristics and particularitities of the individuals of the group, carrying through orientation processes.