Still, we cannot leave to cite the urgencial necessity of instruments of evaluation for these services, a time that implanted had not yet had evaluations of the assistance given to the carrying citizens of psychic suffering and the clinic executed for the professionals of the mental health that composes the multiprofessional teams of such equipment of health. The beginning of the implantation of the Centers of Ateno Psicossocial (CAPS) In the original project of implantation (So Paulo. SES, 1986:02) of these equipment substitutes to the services of mental health with manicomial modeling, the CAPS presented as objective according to Amarante (1998, p.82): To create plus a filter of attendance between hospital and the community with sights to the construction of a net of preferential communitarian rendering of services; (.) if it intends to guarantee treatment of maximum intensity in what it says respect to the time reserved to the shelter of people with serious difficulties of relationship and social insertion, through programs of psicoterpicas, socioterpicas activities of arts and occupational therapy, in regimen of functioning of eight daily hours, in five days of the week, subject to expanses, case if show necessary. For better contextualizao of these services substitutes of mental health, we will approach some facts important that they had happened in Brazil.
An episode of significant prominence occurred in day 03 of May of 1989, in the city of Saint, from the intervention of the Secretariat of Health of the cited city, more specifically in the Nursing home Anchieta. Deplorable situations had been evidenced including deaths, what it unchained the closing of this psychiatric hospital. At this moment, the process of psychiatric reform gains repercussion national. Conditions for the implantation of the services are created substitutes to the manicomial model: the Nuclei of Psicossocial Attention (NAPS), associations, cooperatives, institutions of residential housing, etc. In these services, then substitutes to the traditional psychiatric model, had been made possible redefinitions of the spaces of the old lunatic asylums in innumerable works and partnerships with the city..