In the Mexican economy different behaviors have appeared that have much to do with presidential mandates that they have directed to this country. When Cardinal red General Lazaro was in the power, he impelled strongly to agriculture and thanks to this the economic growth of the country had an important rise, not only at issue economic but also improved as far as infrastructure and development. Hospitals were created and much to the agriculturists was impelled to that they could have the tools to make work of efficient way to this sector. At the end of this presidential term, the country had much land advanced in this question, but the following government instead of to follow by this way that had been demonstrated that it rendered fruits, chose to invest that wealth in the industry which was a total failure because the economy was deteriorated with these decisions, to such an extent to enter crisis and to affect the unique source that was generating wealth to this country. It is important also to emphasize the participation of last governments who have had the power in Mexico, from the new neoliberal positions that have affected of considerable way some possible profits, this due to the well-known distribution of the wealth, which more and more makes the poor men poor, but richer to the rich ones since monopolies are generated that do not allow that this wealth is distributed correctly between all. Some could be asked that what wealth but is that in Mexico truth it has been a world-wide power occupying the ninth place of the world in economy for some years, but also there are to consider that more of the 50 percent of the country is poor.
We hope that in these coming years it is taken more into account to the rest of the population and that it is seen by the good of Mexico and of a few, that is to say, not yield before the corruption and granting of favors to some industralists who have only dedicated themselves to absorb the resources of the country and to its inhabitants, is needed another type mentality to be able to improve the situation of life of all the Mexicans. We need to begin one by one, of way very personal, changing our mentality and conducting responsible and honest battles. We must respect the other people’s ideologies and fight to have a country of equality and justice, but it will be only obtained if we began to change we ourself. In the 2009, when the price of petroleum lowered considerably, our country counted on certainly protects this situation and in this way it rescued to us of an unimaginable crisis, although at the moment we are in recession. The problem is that for the next year, no longer we will have certainly supports to us financially in that sector, reason why will have to make intelligent and strategic decisions so that Mexico does not fall in a crisis of such magnitude. In agreement it spends the time, we can observe in the history of our country, that we continued committing the same errors that they prevent us to progress. There are no magical changes, if we want that Mexico is a right country and without poverty we must be good citizens truly it jeopardize with the fairness and justice for all.