Internal Front

It arrives at the margins of the Coco river with several dozens of companions, but their contradictions with Noel Guerrero Santiago (that just a short time later deserts and abondona for always the revolutionary fight) and the necessity to fortify the Internal Front avoid their participation in the guerrilla rural and it travels in December to Matagalpa. One comments, that in 1963 leaves again towards Honduras in January and in February it returns to Nicaragua. Against its will and in spite of the efforts that make stay presents/displays during 1963 within the guerilla forces, because of their differences and criticisms to the methods of work imposed by Noel Guerrero, it must remain outside the combative zone doing works organizational and directing the formation of the Internal Front, the training schools, the armed operations, that in that time (of February to August) the Urban Resistance executed. Between November and December it studies the Nicaraguan guerrilla movement and the revolutionary fights of other towns. Very interesting it is the antecedent, that in 1964, that after entering the country to fortify the structures of the Internal Front, in May moves to Managua. The 20 of June Lopez is caught in the district San Luis with Thrown Victor. The 8 of June eseribe the pamphlet From the jail I accuse Ia dictatorship. On the following day it declares in the court they condemn and it to six months of prison.

The 21 of September writes " This is verdad" , test in which refutes an official notice of the government. In the jail it visits a from Leon girl, Maria Haydee Tern, whom for the first time knows. The 6 of enerode 1966 are deportee to Guatemala in a small plane. " Of that way – day wrote later is expelled to me by third time of Nicaragua, the dear Mother country. If, expelled three times in my young life from my Nicaragua.