
Gandhi: I am really a dreamy practitioner; my dreams are not trivialities in the air. What I want is to turn my dreams in fact. To the future construct the bridges between the present time that we have and that we wished to have it is part of the responsibility of the leaders, the administrators and the leaders of the world. We live in a present that we know or we create to know well and with which we are in agreement until certain degree but part than we know is what intensely we wished to change and to transform into a new reality it stops to arrive to the future with possibilities of enjoying it and of living in without anguishes nor the eagerness. The great difference between an administrator or a common leader consists of which, in this present of which we spoke, the leaders know that the things must be made correctly and know the mechanics so that they are realised by they themselves or through other people. The leader, the good leader exactly knows the things that there are to do and he also knows like doing them and with those who and like jeopardizing and to motivate the people with who he will have to work.

The leader will behave like so in relation to the reality of his context and the good port to which he wishes to accompany his disciples. In that sense, against the reality, he has the following commitments: 1. To be a good reader of the reality: the reality is there, in front of us and it repeats itself time and time again. She is obstinate like the facts conform that it and, sometimes is not one who knows to see it as she really is. In some countries, for example, they are in blackberry to read its reality, its true realities, in as sensible subjects as the poverty and the conditions of marginality of a good part of its citizens.