Defense North American

Currently, West and central Africa produces 20% of the world’s oil. 2015 Is expected that the increase in production will be put at 25%. The willingness of the United States.USA, China, France, Great Britain, India, and up to several South American in approaching the region countries is due to that important sites, many of which are located in the Gulf of Guinea have been discovered in the past five years. Favors the enormous profitability of investments the corruption of Governments and weak institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, which were founded by societies stricken by hunger, which is the direct heir of the plundering of the past, of the current neocolonial intervention of the powers and of the inequality caused by the local elites. Until today, the United States.UU.

they left the burden of inter-ethnic conflicts and confrontations between neighbouring countries were resolved by African or European Allied governments limiting the sale of military supplies, however the Department of Defense North American publicly acknowledges that it will be necessary in a few years to send troops to Africa. Influential Chinese penetration since the year 2000 and their accentuation in 2006, joins the competition with the large European oil companies, and also India, Japan, Brazil and Venezuela, which hitherto was exclusive terrain of Washington, London and Paris for the exploitation of energy. These new competitors, opened the geopolitical Board, forming antagonistic blocs, in which African countries that possess the hydrocarbons are located. Just as in the Caspian Sea, and despite their differences, the European powers allied with the United States.UU., to counter the arrival of arms from China, Russia and Iran with which strengthen regimes of oil countries contrary to the West and the guerrillas that infringe against the Allied governments of Washington and Europe and Asian investments. That is why, in the coming years, through the extraction of fossil resources in Africa is expected to a increase of the militarisation of the continent and of the internal rivalries, which are exacerbated for the benefit of one or another power to strengthen its investment and hinder the establishment of competitors.