Compensatory Pension

There are no rules math when it comes to consider whether the situation of a couple after their break deserves the concession for one of its members of a compensatory pension. And it is this emerges as a concept that requires a specific and individualized analysis of this situation. In fact, the prosecution of the particular circumstances is which will determine its necessity or not, in favour of one or another spouse (male may also receive this at the hands of his wife). What is essential is to verify if following the rupture, consists this a separation or a divorce, is generated for one of the two a situation of clear imbalance with respect to the standard of living that the marriage had been enjoying constant. That will be the determining aspect to check. Other elements that could be used to determine its origin and its amount are age, vocational training and the possibilities of obtaining income or possible dedication to the household chores and the care of children that could be credited to any of the two former spouses. In any case, granted once could perfectly its review with the passage of time, if changes in the circumstances which motivated its granting or fixing the amount, modifications that go beyond its mere annual update by the increase in the cost of living.

Thus, for example if who must provide it in favour of his former spouse warned that this has experienced an increase in their economic resources, for example by any rise in their work, you may request a review of the same in order to lower it. On the other hand, certain circumstances such as the death of one of the two former spouses, or new nuptials incurred by the beneficiary, would mean the automatic end of this provision. The different types of this pension can basically talk about compensatory pension annuities, temporary or permanent and pension rehabilitative:-of a permanent nature are granted when it is estimated that the husband who gives will not be able to find a job in the future. -Those of a temporary nature are granted on the basis that the husband that is delivered simply need help in maintaining a certain quality of life during the divorce process. -Those of a rehabilitative nature, considered as a support in the short term, from several months to a few years; It would have the purpose of helping the husband who receives it to rehabilitate, that is, to acquire appropriate training so that you can re-engage to the labour market, obtaining a well-paid job. It is a common benefit when that husband were temporarily unemployed and hoping that I could go to get an occupation in the near future. Begona basin Alcaine original author and source of the article