Bristol Production Machine

To determine the level of oxidation in your yacht and how to deal with them: Gel coat is a porous, very sober applies to ships. It is better to keep the original surface as much as possible just like cars, trucks, etc. You will come across boats that have been wrongly sand, washed, buffed, boats that have been neglected for years, and ships require intensive reconditioning because of these defects. No doubt for most boats to look good requires the touch of a professional. To make them look great it is undoubtedly necessary. First, you must diagnose the level of, if any, oxidation. Do not be intimidated if there is absolutely no brightness, and a chalky residue appears on your hand if you touch the surface.

Even this can be redone. Gel layer is more difficult than painting the car and 15 to 20 times thicker. More often, you will be able to machine buff out most oxidation and other stains. These clouds surfaces can remedy and repair. The oxidation levels Level 1 or light oxidation: You will see uneven cloudiness in the final.

The rest is good to very good. You can use a special product called, Aussie Gold DurGleem to remove oxidation and swirl marks without abrasive action. Or you can do it the hard way, the old fashioned way. In this case you will need to use Meguiar's # 44, Bristol Production # 9, Aqua Blue Monster or an appropriate light compound. Buff machine with a non-abrasive wool or foam pad and apply the sealant by hand or orbital polisher.