As conceived by the legislator, corporate control and self-regulation in the construction industry should be carried out in accordance with rules established by the SRO in the construction documents. Accordingly, the acquisition of the latest status is only possible if the development and approval at a general meeting of members of the following documents: 1) the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction activities that affect the security capital construction projects, – the document setting out the terms of the SRO in the building to its members certificates of admission to the works, and 2) control rules in the field of self-regulation – a document establishes rules for monitoring compliance with members of the SRO in the construction of the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction work, the standard requirements of these companies and the rules of self-regulation, and 3) document establishing a system of disciplinary measures for non-members of the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction work, control rules in the field of self-regulation, technical conditions regulations and standards in the construction of SRO rules and self-regulation. These documents should be submitted to the authority which maintains the state register of CPO in the building, together with a statement inclusion in it. In addition to binding, in the construction of SROs shall have the right to develop the following optional documents: 1) standards for SRO – a document setting out in accordance with the law on technical regulation Rules of works that have an impact on security of capital construction, performance requirements of these works, the system of control over their performance, and 2) self-rule – a document establishes requirements for the business members of the SRO in the building, except those defined by Russian law on technical regulation. Documents SROs should not set unequal conditions for its members, as well as conflict with the requirements of Russian legislation and the main purpose for which the named companies are building complex, namely the prevention of harm to life or health of individuals, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life or health of plants and animals, cultural heritage due to disadvantages of which have an impact on security of capital construction. Documents SRO in the building, both mandatory and optional, must be published within three days on its website Internet and sent to the supervisor for the SRO on the electronic and hard copy (paragraph 14 of Art. 55.5 Urban Development Code).