Human Resources

Necessary structure for the management of the removals. For a competent Management of Removals a team of RH duly trained and descomprometida enough with the corporative paradigms is necessary, understanding here the corporativismo that many times hinders actions that can originate internal conflicts. Perhaps this is the great obstacle to be faced, with that the terceirizao needs to be cogitated. It is useful to make use itself of a informatizado system that monitors all continuously the benefits granted for the Social welfare, type, date of concession, high, conversions, resources, extensions. This system will have to contain all the functional movements and data, allowing to agility and security in the processing. Still, all and any information will have to be available in the system, for immediate access.

It is recommendable? but not absolutely essential – the synchronization with the relative data the employees of the company, sectors, positions, wages, etc, existing in programs of payment leaf control, for example. This will go to facilitate the elaboration of reports. Significant aspects in the management of the removals. In the management of the removals five important aspects exist basically: 1? Capture of data of the Providence and informatizado system. It is necessary that it has a informatizada systematics of consultation to the site of the INSS to detect and to matter given relative to the benefits granted, mainly to the ones of the species ' ' B91' '. The knowledge of these, in lower court, makes possible the elaboration of plea to BENEFIT ACIDENTRIO in skillful time. At as a moment, the benefits granted to the employees of the company will go to make possible the evaluation of the repercussion of the risk. 2? Evaluation of the repercussion of the risk (to define specific activities to correct the main causes of the removals: ' ' to close torneira' '). As the abrangncia of the activities is very great, beyond that they will go to occur deep paradigmticas changes in the application of the management of the removals, is suggested that each company esteem its priorities, from the analysis of the repercussion of the existing risks and that they lead to the removals.