Professional Logistics

Coexisting in a corporative world of brusque and unexpected changes and others as much also duly planned and organized, and to each day with the increase of the competitiveness and the technology of the knowledge. We perceive that the organizations come searching a logistic professional of each situated time in this world with the changeable constants that if has presented. Thus we will look for to analyze which abilities that the organizations potencializam in the formation of a manager of logistic, guided for an ethical behavior and transparent to the light of it analyzes of writings of some authors without, however to want to deplete such subject, therefore the decurrent structural changes of this continue transformation, did not allow in them to carry through such task.

The area of logistic left mere of being managemental and started to have much involved technique (FOLLMANN-2011), leaving of this begins each time more the companies has invested in area of logistic that it has been a sector that has despertado the necessity of professionals who have innovative characteristics and a bold profile for the performance of the function. Companies have created manage and direction specifies to take care of of the area of logistic that it left of being an internal function if expanding for the suppliment management. One of studious the characteristics more defended by of the area and the capacity of leadership that the manager of logistic needs to develop, how much to this (NICHOLSON, 2001) he declares ‘ ‘ a great difference exists between what the scholars say regarding leadership and what the people see happening its volta’ ‘ for that is necessary to the leader ethical and extremely respectful a behavior, with that they are its return, with the organization which it belongs and mainly with the inherent responsibilities its position.