Stress Seminar

Practical seminar on the 12.11.2013, TRIWO Technopark Bruchsal, Bruchsal, 08.10.13 – in Germany amounting to EUR 6.3 billion in the year, rising costs the economy by psychological stress at work currently. According to the current study of company health insurance funds is around 3.3 billion euros costs of loss of production are included. Depending on the position of the employee, an individual case can cause an effort between 50,000 and 100,000 euros. But not only the high cost, but the loss of valuable service providers, which are predominantly affected by the Burnout Syndrome, weigh heavily for a company. At the 19th practice seminar of the PCC. On the 12th November 2013 workers and managers learn how effectively meet daily stress factors and how do they recognise signs and causes of Burnout staff competence center.

The personnel manager and trainer Jennifer Feddersen explains executives in this seminar, which promote the risk of Burnout patterns of thought and behavior and which methods Burnout for themselves and their employees can prevent. On the basis of many practical examples and exercises, participants hone their awareness of personal sources of energy and energy guzzlers and learn how to permanently avoid burnout. “For more information and conditions to the current practice seminar escaping the Burnout trap” and the program, see. The PCC Staff competence center is a forum for information and experience exchange, especially specialists and executives from the Northern Baden region take advantage of continuing education. In the context of the series of events can inform themselves about the latest developments in human resources management and the temporary HR managers and HR professionals and Exchange. Experts from various industries and fields refer to and discuss with the participants about successful practice methods. The seminar participants gain insights into best practices of various sectors, thereby can of impulses and ideas from ancillary”benefit areas such as sports, science or psychology.