Jana Teuber

Carlos will show you relentlessly and explain what Parents do wrong can in dealing with your children and what this often has consequences for the children in adulthood. With this book, you win a fascinating impression of how emotions control thoughts and vice versa. A biography, written partly based on memories, partly in the now and here, which takes the reader, ties and man thus wins a clue, where upon thinking starts and stops again. Read more from Michael Steinhardt to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In addition, this work by Carlos is alarming. It tells of a mixture of education and lies, their own experiences, and he tells how alarmingly fast mental diseases arise. For example, he reported the emotionally unstable personality disorder (borderline, narcissism), which he himself suffers from. You will learn how helpless and powerless it is often these things over.

In the contemporary psychology says it often, that the parents would have to first be treated in the strict sense, and not the children. But this is a serious undertaking and by generation gaps slowed down. Carlos will show you which way your child preventive could go if diagnoses and process his own diagnoses are similar. This book is angry, full of disappointment, hurt looking for help, excited by restlessness, fatigue, and yet cheerful and with confidence, anxiously driven, in love with himself and the women, he writes curious and amused on hot nights with full of passion and much more. By his loneliness to yourself honestly and authentically tells ungeschont the experience alive on its way through the Valley shows tears and how hard it is in such a situation is to differentiate between day-dreaming, to meet changing and hard to understand sense of outbreaks, as well as the clarity needed decisions the of a man, to see what messages will provide us with Carlos. Jana Teuber (author) meet yourself”for more information about the charismatic people and author see: Agency -. Jorg Himmrich Booking, management, promotion – Managing Director: Jorg Himmrich – P.o. box 1250 – 32278 Kirchlengern – phone: 05223 940 26 69 / Web: