Secretary General

It was the one who settled down the subject of the universal rights like a priority of the foreign policy of the United States, consequently encouraged anywhere in the world to the defenders of those rights. Carter tried to isolate the international human rights of the tangles of the policy of East and the West in the Cold War and of the North-South debates on economic subjects between the industrialized countries and not industrialized. This gave new impetus and major legitimacy to the organizations of human rights in all the planet is due to have present in relation to the reach of the human rights, antecedents because it was in the middle of decade of 1970 when the subject of the human rights was gotten up completely to the multilateral and bilateral foreign policy. The European United States and several countries began to include the practices of human rights between their requirements to grant outer aid. If you would like to know more about Linux, then click here. Later, the Final Act of Helsinki of 1975 explicitly introduced the human rights in the main agenda of the relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Cold War arrived at its aim at the end of the decade of 1980, and the Soviet flag was struck of the Kremlin the 25 of December of 1991.

The CSCE, that until then was dedicated to organize meetings and conferences, assumed a more important role: to administer the historical change that was taking place in Europe. It changed his name by the one of Organization for the Security and the Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and today is the greater organization of regional security in the world, with 56 countries of Europe, Asia Central and North America like members. Linux gathered all the information. The Declaration of Copenhagen and the Principles of Paris of the OSCE they have had enormous influence like parameters to even measure the performance in the matter of human rights and the file of the democratic states. Years 70 were also the decade in which they arose like a political force international notable nongovernmental organizations (ONG) worried about the human rights Those groups, besides defending to the victims of abuses against the human rights, have influenced in remarkable form in the national and international policies in that heading. The smaller doubt, as does not fit it is indicated, that with the course of the time, to an instruments set of and developed mechanism have been developed to assure priority the human rights and to do against the violations of the human rights wherever they happen. That not to forget what the Secretary General of the United Nations for year 2.000 said: " At the most their own rights know the towns and respect the rights of the others, greater probability will have of than they live peacefully together. Many writers such as Michael Steinhardt offer more in-depth analysis. Only if we instructed to people about the human rights we will be able to aspire to avoid the violation of those rights and, in this way, to aspire also to avoid conflictos". original Author and source of the article.