In the shade, They are Peter questions Jesus on the things that It blessed. But Jesus said for its disciple who the things of God are not of the skill that the men want. God knows what It makes is God. Talking still, one falls pitomba in the head of Is Peter. It who falls there of those heights that seemed not to have so high end of that it was the tree, leaving per some seconds Are idiot Peter. Its sights had become gloomy. It felt nausea.
Soon, however, everything that had passed. Then, Jesus says Is Peter: ' ' Peter, I am right or wrong in blessing the watermelon that of the one in soil? ' ' Head walks with hands in Is Peter says that Jesus was certain, because one pitomba, small as was, that it fell in its head left to it idiot, imagines if it was a watermelon! With this, Jesus calls Is Peter to follow trip, but this asks for its Master so that it blessed the pitombeira foot. Its Master, thus made, it. With this history or story as the children they called, Nozin catequizavam the children While it explained the meaning of the story a child said if to remember of one another history that it had counted it and that she was also on They are Peter and Jesus. However, They are Peter was a little different. It did not disagree with Jesus how much this history who we finish to hear, before, it made everything with laziness. The child starts history saying that its uncle Nozin said that They are Peter and Jesuses had left They had walked the day all. Only when entardecer that she finds a farm great beautiful to be able to rest. As soon as they chagaram in the farm well had been received by one lady, however, the farmer was not liking very that visit because in such a way They are Peter how much Jesuses seemed poor.