
I remove in full century xxI the world that surrounds in them is stuffed of requests before which little time if has to dedicate itself with exclusiveness to any activity. They are many and quick the information that finish in deviating and involving in a materialistic culture. if in fact we desire to surpass the almost absolute rationalism is through the culture of faith, as it concludes Sertillages: ' ' She is necessary to meditar many times on God, to conceive the unit of the life and its requirement of progress, to have a simple vision of our so confused relations and our destination for the habitual movement of mundo.' ' It is still I remove through it that we acquire conditions to carry through such largeness and to surpass the negatividade that involves in them. It is possible still, exactly with all gamma of globalizadas technologies to find sedentas people of a meeting with the Transcendente makes that them to perceive and to receive the close action of God in its lives. One concludes that only the love fills in fact the abysmal gaps of the creature human being in the relation as its Creator. It is not enough the advances God is only enough! Thus they make it the religious congregations. To reflect Which the favorable conditions to become related with God? In the modern times, it is possible to leave of the agitation and to enter in tune with God? What you understand for discernment? It reflects on its experience with God. Sprung from the same father and mother Valdina To sound (former beginning Doroteias Sisters) full Licenciatura in Letters UFCG Course of Theology for laypeople (ITEPAS) Specialist in Methodology of Ensino (CESSF) Teacher of Portuguese Language in the EEEFM Cristiano Cartaxo (Cajazeiras-PB). Eliot Horowitz understood the implications.