
The military government had clearly the interest to keep under oseu control any form to make possible the communication between Brazilians eexterior, also making with that the national private sector participated dessesetor only in the concession form. The government of the dictatorship still created oConselho National of Telecommunications (Contel) and the Ministry of the Communications (Minicom), that they still more strengthened the control of this system on the part doregime to militate effective to the time. To the end of the military regimen and the beginning of the debates in lathe daaprovao of the Constitution, in the year of 1988, some defending parliamentarians dapoltica neoliberal had started to raise it the debate around the entrance of the capitalestrangeiro in the Brazilian telecommunications. Debate this taken to the ComissoTemtica de Comunicaes and the Subcommission of Science and Technology, where essasidias they had been disapproved by these legislative instances. Exactly in the defesado state monopoly to the system of telecommunications and approval of this sistemana Constitution, it confided breach so that in the stated period subsequent to five anosessa and other state areas, as oil and health, could be reviewed, fact that did not happen in the governments of Fernando Collor (1989-1992) nor in Frank deItamar (1992-1995). .