Disposable Nummer.de: Not Everyone Must Know Your Own Phone Number!

Who publishes its telephone numbers in classifieds or Web forms, must reckon with phone spam (SPIT). Spam is not only on the Internet. Who published his own phone number lightly in small and personal ads or enters them in Web Forms whatsoever, must expect to be harassed by telephone. Many companies are now be calibrated to “harvest” phone numbers then sell them to companies for the Kaltacquise light. The solution to the problem: Disposable Nummer.de.

This online service generates a new disposable phone number for use in a matter of seconds. This number serves two purposes: you automatically forwards calls to the own fixed-line number, so no longer entered into the possession of the caller. And it goes out after a given even time itself, once she has served her purpose. This can be for one hour, but also after several days, weeks, months or a year. Disposable Nummer.de: from the mouse after specified time Bjorn Radebe, Managing Director of Portunity GmbH: “the throwaway number can be published in a small display and turns off by itself after a few days, once assumed, that no one should call. And already can no stranger a jingle more, which this is not.

Has never been so easy to protect the privacy of your own.” In the online form the user sets the life span for the new phone number, sets the target for the redirect to a landline number and generated then even the new sequence of digits, beginning with 01805 and 14 cents per minute (incl. VAT) will cost the caller. These costs must be then in classified ads to be displayed. Firefox extension: Disposable numbers even more comfortable now available also the Firefox extension of throwaway number to download in version 0.9 (www.wegwerf-nummer.de/ article34594 9360.html). This addon for the Firefox Web browser allows to generate new disposable numbers directly from the form of a website, without having to leave this page extra. Disposable Nummer.de: Earn with the newly established partner program that is a good idea with the throwaway number? If this opinion is, uses the new partner program and abducted the free service on your own homepage. So about classified ad services can offer its customers, just create the throwaway number when placing a new ad. The just again extended API interface for partners is very flexible and can adapt to their own use many variables. So about the expiration date of the number can be defined freely within a period of up to one year. Expand not only its own offering in this way, but it also earn money even as they participate in the revenue number 01805. Website: information about the responsible companies: the Portunity GmbH is an Internet service provider. The services include Internet access, Web space, server hosting, domain services, CMS solutions, development of Web-based software, as well as other services geared to business customers as well as for Spring 2005 also the telephony over the Internet (VoIP). Portunity GmbH Werner soul Binder str. 23 42477 Radevormwald contact person: Bjorn Rucker, Bernd Schnell Tel.: 0202 69555-0 fax: 0202 69555 190 E-Mail: Internet: