Like the famous writer undergrown, that explained that after throwing to the wastebasket innumerable folios, and to place another one in the typewriter (they were other times), the leaf in target, watched to me (Bukowski dixit). I came the world above to us, we wished to describe what inner it is clear to us, but did not hit upon in the form, in how. Nevertheless, although we do not find the way, the fact to propose it to us is what it gives value us. The best form to define it is with the phrase to pose a question, is to begin to respond it.
The attitude search is the one will take that us to the solution. Without her, not even there would be question. The same happens in our life. We are raking, wanting to find sense, lightening, answers. Sometimes we create to glimpse a guide. Or we entered ourselves in knowledge that we create will help us. And more of the times we have to return on our steps, discouraged, without to have found the yearned for result. It does not matter.
While we look for, while we have that spirit, we will be in the good way. And possibly nor we realize of which we are in him. Often we became absorbed in thought ourselves obcecadamente in the committed failure, in the erroneous decision. Not in which we have had the value of taking it. The day to day makes us lose perspective. By repetitive, it causes that we concentrate ourselves in the fact in himself, in the mistaken door. Not in which there are more doors. And mainly, in which we are free and able abrir many more. If we have failed, is because we have ourselves bold. To be mistaken is of mistaken wise people, like us. And we can continue doing it. For that reason, still more significant that the solution in himself, that will arrive, or no, when must, is the knowledge that acting in this way, constantly we will be able to find the way to leave our uncertainties. Learning of our errors and returning it to try. That is the life. Time and time again. Nobody is born taught. As we are growing, we are become rich. We never stopped acquiring knowledge, experience. to live. One never finishes, always has place for more. In order to know of we ourself, of the others, of which we do in this world. Who creates to know it everything, to be in possession of truth, already has died before dying. If we left, if we let ourselves win, if we stopped asking itself, we lose what of humans we have. Our essence, which of life has in us. If we maintain the instinct to look for, the others will come in addition, when it is his moment. He is not the main thing. The main thing is to follow ahead. It is our way, and nobody is going to cross it by us. To follow in the way with the been on awares good, is the greater gift than we pruned to dream. We have and it. It pulls ahead, already is well for today.