Sir Walter Scott

The Gothic style became fashionable in Europe in the second quarter of the 19 th century with the light hand of the famous novelist Sir Walter Scott. In the Neo-gothic russia (1829-1843) In the thirties, 19 th century in St. Petersburg begins, literally, the craze for romantic medievalism. In the fashion is all gothic. The decor of furniture is most often used by various elements Gothic architecture: three-lobed arches, slender columns, krestotsvety sometimes folds, ribbons, floral elements, leaves, roses and curls.

Material is usually served as a nut, pear tree, sometimes oak and mahogany. Especially, in the spirit of the Middle Ages got off classrooms and libraries. Gothic atmosphere of mystery and secrecy, is the best was conducive to reflection. So, thanks to the beautiful prose of Walter Scott, to taste Gothic quickly spread everywhere and has penetrated all. "Cabinets, screens, chairs – everything turned into a gothic" – wrote in 1833, Nikolai Gogol.

But it was only an external imitation of the Gothic style, without deep penetration into its foundations. But in This is the essence of romantic historicism: the desire to create a situation in a particular style, but not to the Middle Ages come to be in the wild. country Country – country style. Using only natural, natural materials. Realm of comfort and convenience. Predominance in the interior of simple natural materials. Wooden furniture is most often not exposed to a complex surface treatment and has a natural, natural color, not concealing wood texture. Or vice versa – simulates aged tree.