The Professional

When revising literature we observe that the opinion of the professionals of – not only in relation to the assistance given, but also in relation all the process of work of childbirth, medical assistance and intercorrncias during the childbirth, as well as the benefits related to the binomial mother-son and feeling of security for the woman in labor, as is observed in Hoga and Pinto (200_, p.1): … ' ' The evolution of the normal childbirth and the bonds that if they form are better with the presence of acompanhante' ' … The companion supplies necessities that the professional not it obtains to supply … Amongst the ways to assist the woman during the childbirth, we detach mainly, the emotional, referring support to the calm of the woman in labor, as well as the aid related to the physical comfort and reduction of the level of pain of the women. To be present in all the childbirth process provides to the accompanying specific knowledge on such nature, beyond being for the parturient source of security, comfort, a time that makes possible fast perception of intercorrncias and minute attendance, guaranteeing one better assistance not only to the woman, as well as the just-been born o. One also gives credit that with the presence of the companion in the hospital context it makes with that the relation of the professionals in relation to the woman if becomes more affectionate. (HOGA and YOUNG CHICKEN) In study carried through for Sosa et al (1980 apud BRGGEMANN, 2005) in a hospital of Guatemala, can be observed that the one presence doula during the period of internment of a woman made with that reduced the frequency of complications decurrent of the childbirth work, childbirth and for the just-born one, as well as lesser duration of the childbirth work Later, in new study with the same described characteristics above, can be observed fall in the number of Caesarean, reduction of the use of ocitcitos and reduction of just-been born admissions of in units of neonatal intensive therapy.